God of Tricksters

Chapter 293 – Former Captain

Chapter 293 – Former Captain

Chapter 293 - Former Captain

Meanwhile, Clark and the others still prepared themselves as Nella said, "You're our only hope right now. Go have some fun and return here with a smile on your face."

"I still haven't forgiven you for the third battle." Zara harrumphed.

"Then, how about you fight my Cousin and send him to the hospital?" Nella stuck her tongue out and returned to the waiting room, not planning to waste her time.

Clark chuckled and turned to Zara, "By the way, I have something to say to you."

"Hmm?" Zara furrowed her eyebrows.

"I won't mess with the love birds. You can flirt all you want." Scarlet shrugged and walked to the arena first.

When she arrived, she faced Phyrill, Laust, and Alea and waved her hand. "Ya, I hope we can have a fair battle."

"That's something you should say after your teammates arrive." Phyrill shook his head helplessly.

"Come on. Don't be so unfriendly. Our friend is hospitalized too." Scarlet smiled, mentioning Theo's condition indirectly.

"Ho?" Alea narrowed her eyes.

"Oops, I shouldn't say that to his girlfriend. Though, Nella has been mentioning you as a… I shouldn't mention that as well." Scarlet smiled and took a step back.

"I am not his girlfriend. And what did she call me?" Alea's expression turned cold as her fighting intent rose.

"I don't know anything." Scarlet chuckled and glanced back, finding the two coming out.

Zara and Clark had serious expressions on their faces, staring at Alea as if they wanted to destroy her.

"Apologize for taking too long." Zara smiled. "We need a long time to send our friend off, you see…"

"…" Alea's eyebrows twitched as they kept mentioning Theo indirectly.

"You can solve it in the battle," Diego said while raising his hand. "Match starts!"

Laust, Phyrill, Alea, and Scarlet quickly pulled their swords. However, before they even moved out, Clark already appeared in front of them.

Because he didn't need to take out his weapon, he could move faster than anyone else. And he took this chance to grab Phyrill and Laust's heads and throw both of them to the side.

"Laust, Phy—" Alea widened her eyes, never expecting Clark to steal the march. She hadn't even started reading his expression.

When he was about to move to intercept him, two swords attacked her from two sides.

Alea quickly took a step back and stopped the two swords with her own, staring at their faces and understanding their real intention. They truly wanted to stop her here.

"Enchant Blade." Alea used her Enchanting Skill and strengthened the power of her weapon. After that, she stomped the ground as the surge of strength coming from her lower half was transmitted to her hand.

She then pushed both of them back and released another attack. "Flamming Ge-Sword."

Seeing the incoming flame, Zara raised her hand as a small black ball appeared in front of the attack. "Chaos Disruption."

When Alea's Flamming Ge-Sword hit the black ball, it dispersed instantly.

At the same time, Scarlet had positioned herself to the side and stabbed the ground with her sword. "Channeling Sword."

Blue lines spread from the sword, making their way to Alea.

Alea looked down and waved her sword right before the blue line reached her.

Suddenly, the blue lines emerged from the ground, turning into a blade that almost cut her. However, Alea already understood this attack and destroyed it when it only formed half of its original size.

When she was about to charge at Scarlet, Zara had arrived in her position.

'Hmm? She used my motion earlier and positioned herself between Clark and me? As expected, due to his injury, Clark is trying to buy time for them to defeat me.' Alea furrowed her eyebrows as her expression turned grim. "You two can't defeat me."

"Inch Slash."

Alea sent an Inch Slash to Zara.

"…" Zara understood what this Inch Slash meant.

Alea was trying to test their intention. If they avoided this attack, Clark would be hit from his blind spot, so they had no choice other than to protect his back while defeating her.

However, they obviously dared to proceed with this strategy because they had enough confidence in defeating Alea with this handicap.

Zara's eyes turned red as she destroyed the Inch Slash with a single slash as if it wasn't a big deal.

At the same time, Scarlet emerged from the side and struck Alea's sword. Surprisingly, she even pushed her several feet back. josei

"Huh?" Alea took another look at Scarlet and realized her eyes had turned bloodshot. She recalled their battle against the China Team. "The brainwash skill huh…"

Scarlet and Zara raised their swords at the same time, glaring at Alea. "We are going to win. It's a fact, not mere confidence."

The red flame started to cover Alea's sword with fire as the latter smiled. "Then I will prove you wrong."

While the three women were fighting, the three men also had a powerful clash.

"Lycan Claw." Phyrill had transformed to his Lycanthrope Form and released four crescent-shaped lights.

Clark waved his right hand. The ground started to be covered by a layer of ice. It spread to Phyrill's attack and froze them.

At the same time, Clark raised his hand to the side as Laust fell down and struck him from above.

"Raging Bull Strike."

Clark clenched his teeth as the ground beneath him cracked.

"That's it?" Clark made a smug smile as if this attack wasn't enough for a warm-up, despite facing Laust's strongest skill.

Getting provoked by that cheap taunt, Laust used every ounce of his strength and pushed him to the ground until he made a crater.

However, the gravitational delay when they dropped a few inches gave Clark what he needed to solve this attack.

Yes, that cheap provocation was to get the perfect opportunity to grab Laust's blade.

"What?" Laust stared in disbelief, realizing as long as the blade didn't connect, there wouldn't be enough force to pin him down. Even with Phyrill moving to them, there was nothing Laust could do to prevent Clark from grasping his sword.

Yet, when he was about to grab the blade, Clark extended his hand a little bit and grasped his wrist instead.

"That girl is an anomaly, the same as your Theodore. However, I also have my pride as the former captain of this team." Clark raised his eyebrows, revealing his excitement and pride reflected in his eyes. He threw Laust to Phyrill as the two collided and fell to the ground.

Clark made a big, excited smile as he raised his hand, waving it a few times as if challenging them. "Come. I will show you the power of the United Kingdom Team Former Leader."

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