God of Tricksters

Chapter 318 – Story?

Chapter 318 – Story?

Chapter 318 - Story?

The next day, Theo opened his eyes and remembered what happened yesterday.

"Ah, I became the MVP and won the bronze. It surely felt surreal." Theo extended his hand up. He could maintain his composure yesterday, but he was just too tired for it since he had been thinking about everything he needed to do to reach this point.

Hence, all that excitement and happiness just came to his heart as soon as he woke up.

He clenched his fist and smiled. "I have won, but there are a few things I still need to do. It's not like I can reject all the proposals coming from those people, so I think it's better for me to choose one?

"No, If I choose one, I can't do anything with my brother. Should I add a condition for them?" Theo thought for a moment and sighed. "I will be hunted if I don't choose… What should I do?"

Suddenly, he remembered he hadn't taken a bath yesterday, so he quickly rose from the bed and headed to the bathroom. "I should take a bath first and deal with Sihan."

Theo took a shower after informing Sihan that they would talk one hour from now.

After getting his agreement, Theo finally came knocking on Sihan's door.

Sihan looked at Theo with a calm expression and tilted his head upward as if telling him to come inside.

Theo entered and Sihan closed the door.

"Sit wherever." Sihan then walked to the bed. "So, what do you want to ask?"

"I need you to tell me everything you know about my brother."

Sihan closed his eyes for a moment as though thinking about something important. After several considerations, Sihan opened his mouth. "I don't know much about your brother, but I can give you some information about him."

"Is it true that you met my brother?"

"It's the truth." Sihan nodded.

"How do you meet him?"

Sihan looked up and recalled their meeting. However, the words from his mouth certainly came unexpectedly. "It was a few years ago. I accompanied my father to the other side to gain some experience. Back then, I met an injured man.

"When he saw us, he collapsed on the spot. We decided to bring him back to heal him and he thanked us by teaching me this String Technique."

Theo furrowed his eyebrows because this story was too good to be true. If Sihan and his brother met that way, there was no reason for Sihan to bully him. So, Theo wondered whether Sihan told the truth or not.

Suddenly, Sihan released his killing intent and glared at him. "But… To think that ungrateful bastard dared to attack us when we met again, ignoring the fact we once saved him on the brink of death."

Theo suddenly rose from the chair and grasped Sihan's neck, pushing and pinning him to the wall. "What did you say? I know my brother won't do something like that!"

"Heh." Sihan chuckled and said, "The version of him in your mind is not my responsibility. However, that was what happened. If not because my father was stronger than him, I would have died! Hmph! Looking at you alone made me want to puke this whole time.

"The ungrateful bastard's brother must also be an ungrateful scum." Sihan smirked. "What? You don't like it? It's the truth."

"You!" Theo put more strength into his grip as his eyes became unbearably cold. "Don't think I don't dare to kill you."

"Your brother could attack us after we saved his life. I don't doubt that you dare to kill me. Unfortunately…" Sihan gripped Theo's wrist and pushed it away. "You can't kill me as long as we are still here or else, everything you have achieved so far will be ruined."

Theo gritted his teeth. On the one hand, he couldn't trust Sihan's story because he knew his brother's character so well. On the other hand, he started doubting whether he knew the truth this whole time.

After all, even his family, the Griffith Family, never came into his life as if they were lying to him this whole time.

He wished his parents were still here, so he could know more about them, but both of them had died in an accident.

Theo also didn't want to come to a conclusion that easily because he wanted to hear his brother's side of the story as well.

This would allow him to understand the situation better. josei

Yet, he still remembered what Sihan had done to him this whole time. That experience was true, but there might also be another story behind that action.

He started doubting what was happening this whole time and questioned himself whether what he knew was the truth or just a pretense.

"…" Theo gritted his teeth and wondered what he needed to do. He wanted to beat Sihan right away for what he had done to him, but he wasn't someone who acted based on his emotion.

"Where is my brother?"

"I don't know. If I knew that bastard's location, I would have chased and killed him." Sihan sneered. "Hmph. You may have become stronger, but there is always a limit to what a single person can do. You want to kill me? It's not that easy to slice my neck."

Theo's expression darkened as his killing intent filled the room. However, Theo also took this chance to close his eyes for a few seconds and considered everything from his point of view. This might be the hardest decision he needed to make right now.

He took a deep breath and muttered inwardly as if he had come to a decision. 'I guess I should search for my brother first to hear his side of the story. If Sihan is lying, I will kill him. If Sihan is telling the truth… I don't know what I may do in the future… Thanking him for saving my brother's life or having my revenge for what he has done to me this whole time.'

Theo turned around and reached the door. Before leaving, he said with a cold tone. "I am going to hear the story from my brother. If I know that you are lying, prepare that neck of yours, for I shall come for revenge."

Little did he know, Sihan had been lying this whole time. Whatever purpose he had, he indeed lied to Theo.

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