God of Tricksters

Chapter 332 – Materialization

Chapter 332 – Materialization

Chapter 332 - Materialization

"Yo, brat! Congratulations on your victory." She smirked. "To think your sense has become sharper since the last time I saw you…"

Theo's eyes became colder. Even though he was happy seeing his master again, he couldn't help but remember his status. josei

"Oi, you are directing this kind of gaze to your master?" The old lady closed her eyes with a smile. "I guess you have found out a bit more about your family."

"And I am assuming you are also one of them." Theo sneered.

"You can say I am a part of them since my family is under their jurisdiction. However, I don't bear "Griffith" in my name. You can say my family is their vassal family," she said while lowering her hand.

"I am not trying to be ungrateful, but… for what reason did you teach me?"

"All Griffith Family Members deserve good teaching. I was picked as your teacher. In fact, I'm sure that many people want to be your master." She shrugged. "In the process to become your master, I needed to beat eight Supreme Rank Experts, you know."

"And do you think I will start saying, 'Thank you for doing it for me, Master?' No, you must have your own reason. For what purpose are you trying to become my master?" Theo glared at her.

The old granny knew that Theo was on a deep emotional rollercoaster, so she understood his reaction and disappeared.

Theo turned around and saw her sitting on the couch of his living room.

"Well, well, well… Where should I begin?" She pointed at the couch next to her. "Anyway, you should take a seat first."

Theo knew that his master was a Supreme Rank Expert, so it was no use if he wanted to fight her. In fact, she could kill him in an instant and nobody would know.

After some consideration, Theo followed her words and sat in front of her.

"So, what do you want to ask? I will allow three questions. I won't answer more than that. Also, don't bother about asking for my name and nationality. I'm not giving away my identity."

Theo furrowed his eyebrows and thought for a moment. His master said that her family was associated with the Griffith Family, but she herself was not a 'Griffith'.

He thought it was enough for her identity. What he needed to focus on was something else.

"What are you planning to do now that you have met me again?"

"Since you have met that lass, Nella, I'm sure you already know a bit about the Griffith Family, considering that girl is so playful and has dug up a lot." She paused for a moment and said, "I am assuming you already know about the Five Aspects, including External Flow and the stage after it…"

"Materialization." Theo squinted his eyes while muttering.

"Exactly. I am here to give you a hint for Materialization." She smiled and touched the table with her forefinger.

"This blue light is Materialization." Surprisingly, her hand started glowing in blue light as she began to draw a glowing blue star on the table. "Concentrating enough energy to a certain part of the body to create a lasting effect."

She then snapped her fingers as the water started flowing out of the faucet. But… Instead of flowing down, the water floats in the air, forming a single line until reaching them. "Or combining it with the External Flow to form a certain shape…"

The water gradually gathered together and formed another shape. It was a small eastern dragon with no wings. The body circled around in the air and its head was facing Theo. However, the most impressive thing about this dragon was the scale. The scales were replicated in detail.

"This is an example." She suddenly recalled something. "That's right. You once saw how I controlled the lightning, right?"

Theo nodded.

"I used my skill to call forth the lightning and my spear acted as a lightning rod. Then, the External Flow slowed down or countered the lightning force, making it stagnant in the air before I used the Materialization to create a small string that connected the lightning and my spear. That's why when I spun my body, the lightning followed my direction. This is the power of Materialization." She raised her and waved it to the side, returning all the water to the sink.

Before Theo uttered a single word, she took out a small notebook and handed it to him. "This is the detailed explanation about Materialization. I only have one tip for you, Telekinesis is a good way to practice your Control. That's all."

Theo looked down, falling into deep thought. He suddenly came to a realization and opened his mouth in amusement. "Water… But Master's affinity should be…"

"Haha. As expected of you, you have realized it already. Actually, that small dragon was my limit. Unlike me, you have no affinity, which is perfect since you can control everything.

"Of course, when there's an advantage, a disadvantage will follow. The disadvantage of having no affinity is that you have no element to rely on. You can't summon lightning or burn anything. However, the advantage you have is enormous. There are abundant natural resources around you. When there is a thunderstorm and lightning struck forth, you can use it to control the lightning.

"When you are on the sea, you can use your Magic Power to control the water. When there is a boulder, you can use it as a huge bullet. Anything!" She suddenly rose and extended her hand to the front as if she wanted to grab her spear. The next second, a small spark appeared on top of her palm before gradually forming a blue spear made of lightning. "You can even form a weapon!"

"!!!" Theo widened his eyes.

"Materialization requires Control because the better your control, the more Magic Power you can concentrate in it. When you reach Perfect Control, a spear like this can rival a Supreme Rank Spear… The one made from a Supreme Rank Material. Everything depends on how good your Control is.

"Of course, it's better to have a normal weapon too because using this power exhausts your Magic Power faster." Her spear disappeared as she sat down again. "And this is Materialization. This is the answer to your first question. I came here because I want to teach you this."

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