God of Tricksters

Chapter 334 – Moon Rabbit

Chapter 334 – Moon Rabbit

Chapter 334 - Moon Rabbit

"!!!" Theo furrowed his eyebrows and never expected to see a rabbit this smart. However, his instinct told him another reason as he subconsciously took out his device, pointing it at the rabbit.

Name: Moon Rabbit

Level: ???

Description: A Rare monster that has little to no information.

"Huh?" Theo opened his eyes wide as he quickly looked around the area before grabbing the rabbit and bringing it inside.

There was a reason why Theo panicked.

At first, he thought this rabbit was an animal or a summoned creature. If it were an animal, he would have gotten the description for an animal. If it were the latter, the monster detector wouldn't pick up anything.

In other words, the one before him was genuinely a monster from the other side.

"What? How could a monster come to this world? I know that there was an instance where the monsters came to this side and attacked humans, but I haven't seen a single one that can enter this place without any warning." Theo looked at the rabbit, who remained still, staring back at him while tilting its head in confusion.

"Why me? Is this the Griffith Family again?" Theo narrowed his eyes and finally decided to take the envelope from the rabbit's mouth.

Surprisingly, the rabbit handed it to him without hesitation.

Theo carefully took a step back while staring at the rabbit. Normally, the monsters would be very violent because their only instinct was to survive. However, he also had seen the monster with high enough intelligence to talk to humans.

Assuming the rabbit was considered the latter, Theo made some distance first and asked, "Can you understand me?"

"Kyu!" The rabbit nodded a few times.

This was the first time he saw this kind of rabbit. The fur was white like that of snow and its eyes were silver as if gathering the moonlight.

"You will stand there. Don't move…" Theo extended his hand and waved it a few times as if he tried to calm it down.

"Kyu!" The rabbit nodded again and didn't move.

Seeing how the rabbit was rather cooperative, Theo glanced at the envelope before realizing there was a letter inside.

He quickly opened the envelope and found a piece of paper. However, he almost dropped the paper when he saw the writing.

"It's my brother's…" Theo widened his eyes. While keeping his vigilance, he started reading the message from his brother.

'Theo, I know that everything must be a shock to you, but I have one thing to confess. My real name is not Oliver Griffith. It's Oliver Sangaria. Yes, I am not your brother. I am…'

'Unfortunately, I can't tell you much in this piece of paper. If you wish to know more about my identity and your parents, bring Ava with you. As soon as you reach Level 350, Ava will bring you to my place. She is a clever kid, so take care of her for me, okay?' josei

'Even if you do bad things to her, she won't tell you the location. I will answer every question you want to ask me when you reach this place. Also, never mention my name, whether it's my real name or my name as your brother.'

'Two more things you need to know are that the time limit is six months and don't let others capture Ava. That's all I can say in this piece of paper.'

As soon as he finished reading the note, he couldn't help but crush the paper with his hands as his eyes became extremely cold.

"A level 350…" Theo narrowed his eyes and opened his status.

Name: Theodore Griffith

Status: Champion

Level: 196

EXP: 13451/100459

Blessing: God of Mischief

Skill: Swift Energy (D), Clone (C), Cannon Blast (D), Magic Bullet (D), Flowmotion (D), Telekinesis (C), Blink (C), Elemental Shield (D), Illusion Multiplier (D), Illusion Manipulation (C)

Attributes: Strength 295, Endurance 169, Agility 178, Vitality 170, Magic Power 295

Free Attribute Points: 0

"154 levels in 6 months…" Theo's killing intent leaked.

"Kyu!" The rabbit panicked but didn't move from its spot, fulfilling the promise she made to Theo.

Noticing Ava's small cry, Theo closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. After calming down, he looked at the rabbit and asked, "I just want to make sure… Are you Ava?"

The rabbit nodded and raised its right foot. "Kyu!"

"It seems that you can understand my words." Theo sighed. Since he planned to ask everything to know whether to sever his relationship or not, he decided to go to his brother. He came to Ava and extended his palm. "You will become my guide, so I'm counting on you."

Ava hopped onto Theo's palm, which was still bigger than her body. She then looked up and raised her foot again as if saying 'Nice to meet you,' since they were going to be together.


Theo sighed. "Still, this is the first time I am having a monster in my house and a monster without any information on top of that. What do you eat? Don't tell me you can only eat my blood, right?"

"Kyu!" Ava shook her head furiously before opening both front feet wide as if telling him she could eat anything.

"I don't understand what you're saying, but I get the gist of it. So, you can eat everything? Want to order a pizza?"

"Kyu!" The rabbit nodded before hopping up and down a few times as if rejoicing from his choice.

"A rabbit wants to eat pizza? Seriously?" Theo shook his head helplessly. He quickly ordered one and sent it to his address while asking Nart about his promise. He seemed to be able to get the money and his brother's information as long as he visited his shop.

However, now that Theo had gotten enough information about his brother, he wondered whether the information Nart possessed was good enough for him.

Either way, he planned to do a few things today, so he took a shower before eating together with Ava.

To his surprise, Ava ate a few slices to the point what she ate alone exceeded ten times her body size.

After eating, she laid down on the table cutely while rubbing her belly with a satisfied expression.

"Seriously… I am even wondering whether you are a monster or a human." Theo shook his head helplessly.

He took care of the garbage and said, "Anyway, I need to go out today. I want you to stay here and don't come out to make sure no one sees you, understand?"

"Kyu!" The rabbit nodded, staring at Theo, who had reached the door.

"If you don't listen to me and get captured, I am not risking my life to get you back anyway." Theo opened the door.

The rabbit raised her right foot and waved it left and right. Her body also followed that motion. "Kyu Kyu!"

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