God of Tricksters

Chapter 345 – Beautiful

Chapter 345 – Beautiful

Chapter 345 - Beautiful

After that first day, Theo had been improving his method and plan, trying to get the best of his effort.

Most of the days, he got three levels, but when he was unlucky, he only got two.

In addition to the level he got from the first day, Theo had surpassed the level he desired in a week.

Name: Theodore Griffith

Status: Champion

Level: 216

EXP: 44350/146826

Blessing: God of Mischief

Skill: Swift Energy (D), Clone (C), Cannon Blast (C), Magic Bullet (C), Flowmotion (C), Telekinesis (B), Blink (C), Elemental Shield (D), Illusion Multiplier (D), Illusion Manipulation (C)

Attributes: Strength 320, Endurance 184, Agility 198, Vitality 185, Magic Power 320

Free Attribute Points: 0

At the same time, he had upgraded his Flowmotion to C Rank with the skills he got from hunting monsters.

He stepped on the green grass as he looked around, finding nothing but short grass. There was no monster or whatsoever and he had yet to kill a monster in this area.

Although he felt a bit suspicious, it wasn't worth going over since there was a big hill separating this place and the Mystic Valley.

He looked up and calculated the hill's height.

"Hmm…Six hundred feet?" Theo narrowed his eyes.

"Kyu?!" Ava glanced at Theo as if asking how they were going to climb it. However, this was something he had expected, so he used his Telekinesis to lift his body up.

"Kyu!" Ava widened her eyes and looked down, seeing Theo was floating in the air.

"I didn't use this skill to travel because I need to adjust myself to their levels and learn their fighting prowess. This is the preparation for the real battle. If there's a need, we can fly to escape from whatever is targeting us. Though, this skill indeed drains my Magic Power, especially now that it has become a B Rank Skill.

"I am not a Hero Rank Expert but use a Supreme Rank Skill… I can understand why Nella didn't use B Rank skills that often in the competition." Theo nodded and took a deep breath. "Anyway, grab something. We're accelerating."

Ava panicked and grabbed his shirt tightly while looking upward.

Suddenly, Theo used the Pushing Force to push his body upward, accelerating. "Let's go."

The air resistance was blowing him in the opposite direction as his face distorted a bit. Still, it was clear that this kind of force was not worth mentioning with his current level.

As much as he wanted to boost his speed, he was afraid of using too much energy.

Ava, on the contrary, stared at their surroundings. She was simply mesmerized.

This was the first time she experienced it like this.

"Kyu, Kyu!" She couldn't help but share the excitement with Theo, but the latter only focused on what was ahead, not letting his guard down even for a second.

It took him thirty seconds to finally surpass the hill and see the scenery beyond the hill.

Multiple green hills filled with trees surrounded a small valley as it continued from the bottom of the hill to the horizon.

He couldn't see what was ahead due to the fog, but it should be a bit clearer later since it was still early in the morning.

The blue sky brightened the whole day and the rising sun illuminated the tip of the right hills.

He could see the same grass field on the bottom of the hill in the valley. At the same time, he found a river from the left hill going down the valley.

"According to the information, the Megalo Fish will go down the mountain in the morning and swim back to the hill during the dark…" Theo suddenly fell silent and looked at the scenery again.

The white cloud and fresh air just elevated this entire scenery to another level.

Even Theo couldn't help but say, "This place is beautiful."

"Kyu!" Ava raised her foot in agreement.

"If this is Earth, I'm sure this is going to be a tourist spot… The resort will continue all the way down to Lambert Lake." Theo chuckled. "I can't imagine there is a Zombie Warrior in this place, but I still need to hunt that zombie down.

"Although I can see multiple trees here and there, I think most of the field is just a grass field. This should be easy for us to cross while maintaining our field of vision." Theo muttered, observing the valley. He then pointed at the horizon and said, "If we continue this way, we will find a turn to the Big Sin Valley. That's the only thing that separates the Big Sin Valley and Mystic Valley."


"I know. We should focus on the zombie first." Theo nodded. "For now, let's go down." josei


Ava agreed without hesitation.

Theo then used his Telekinesis again to fly down carefully as he still couldn't find a single monster in this place.

Because there was no monster in sight, he thought about surveying the area from the air but ended up lowering his altitude to five feet above the ground. With his body's height, he could see the majority of the grass field.

"!!!" Suddenly, Theo felt presence underneath the ground as he instinctively flew upward and floated twenty feet above the ground.

A purple rotten hand suddenly emerged from the ground as the dirt began to crack and burst open. A pair of red eyes flashed between the gap, staring at Theo with bloodlust.

Another hand came out of the ground as both hands touched the dirt next to it and pushed its body out.

Theo found a purple rotten human body coming out. Molds and dirt filled the part where the rotten body couldn't cover, so Theo had yet to see the bone underneath that rotten flesh.

"So, this is the Zombie Warrior." Theo squinted his eyes, observing its movement.

Surprisingly, the zombie used its hand to grab something from underneath the ground where he stayed. He then picked a sword with a curved blade like that of a scimitar.

"Is the reason there's no monster here because the zombie can feel the presence of living beings? It then comes out to slaughter the living beings?" Theo widened his eyes in realization.

The zombie then looked up, locking its killing intent at Theo.


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