God of Tricksters

Chapter 424 – Information

Chapter 424 – Information

Chapter 424 - Information

"Young Master." A few people began to emerge behind him, catching up with Phyrill.

In that instant, Phyrill came to a realization and changed his act. He smiled and pointed at Theo. "Joker. It's been a while. I never thought you would come here."

Theo wanted to protect his identity, so he thought this would help him. josei

Theo couldn't help but smile at Phyrill's thoughtfulness. "Yes. I happen to be in the area."

The middle-aged man behind him obviously recognized Joker and took a step back. "You…"

Phyrill waved his hand to stop him from talking and came to Theo.

"What is happening here to be honest?" Theo glanced at Ellen.

"There is a dispute between Sinx Forest and Eion Plain." Phyrill shrugged and glanced at his surroundings. "There are so many corpses… Did you kill these monsters?"

Theo nodded. "Yeah."

"Thank you for saving Ellen, though." Phyrill smiled and winked at Ellen as if asking her to play along.

"Ah, right. I am really grateful… Thank you for saving my life." Ellen politely nodded.

"Anyway, I am going to turn these monsters into cards first." Theo glanced at Phyrill and Ellen. "You can just explain the situation here to me and we will be even."

"Certainly." Ellen smiled. She was surprised to find Theo killed all these monsters by himself but soon thought it was normal as Theo was always beyond what was reported. Ellen decided to respect his decision and said, "I will do my best to explain it to you."

Phyrill then raised his hand and glanced at his group. "I want you to make sure nothing bothers us for a while. Also, recall our advance party and bring the rear to the front. The situation has become more dangerous than we expected, so yeah…"

"Understood." The middle-aged man nodded his head and started rallying the group, which consisted of twelve people.

Theo then began to turn the wolves and mummies into cards together with his clone to speed up the process.

Meanwhile, Ellen and Phyrill followed him.

Phyrill looked at Theo while muttering inwardly, 'These wolves and mummies were level 290. If I am not wrong, Theo was only a level 193 Fighter before the competition and there was no opportunity to level up in that place.

'In other words, he has become this strong in just two months? There are around fifty monsters here… Seriously?' Phyrill could only sigh in defeat, seeing Theo's progress. It was no wonder that Theo was among the best even internationally.

'And this is his own effort… If he gets the best support from international influences… He may become far stronger than we can imagine. Well, thinking back about the extraordinary willpower that keeps him going, I guess this is something to be expected. Still, this can only be achieved because Theo has that kind of talent.'

Phyrill couldn't help but smile. He patted his shoulder and said, "Theo. Good luck to you. I'm sure you can keep going."

Theo tilted his head in confusion but still nodded. "Thank you."

"By the way, do you want to come with us?" Ellen asked. "I mean, we have a group and it's easier to get information with these many people."

Theo looked down, contemplating the pros and cons. He ended up shaking his head. "No, I'm going alone. It's more dangerous, but this is the fastest method to reach my goal."

"Is that so?" Ellen gently stroked her cheek and sighed. "Well, I don't think we have a problem in disclosing all the information we have so far, right?"

Phyrill nodded. "Yeah. It's Theo anyway, so I don't think there will be a problem. I will also give you a bit of my plan so we don't clash with each other."

"Thanks. It will be a great help." Theo nodded.

Ellen then started explaining the current situation to the area of dispute.

This gave Theo's a clear representation of how chaotic the situation had become and where to go.

Phyrill even added the expected number of people and their hunting areas, so Theo could avoid them.

"By the way, how strong are you right now? To think you can kill these many monsters… At first, I thought you fought them in one go, but I believe you killed a few at a time, no?" Phyrill said while looking at the corpses, which had been separated into specific numbers.

Theo nodded. "Actually, you can let them fight first before killing one or two in one single strike, revealing your position. The wolves will be the first to react and chase you. The mummies then will chase after them.

"So, your people only need to disappear from that area and let this small group that chase after you fight again. It will be a perfect time to ambush them." Theo shared his approach in dealing with these monsters. Of course, Ava's confirmation allowed him to make this kind of judgment.

Phyrill looked down while Ellen raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"The problem is… We have 60 people in our group, so it's quite large. We can't move according to your strategy… I mean, we don't have the flexibility to do that. Though, I believe we can replicate it to a certain extent if we split our group into five." Phyrill thought for a moment and glanced at Ellen. "Well, showing you how the Hilbert Family operates a bit won't be a problem, I guess."

Ellen chuckled with an apologetic expression. "Sorry for that."

"It's fine." Phyrill shrugged. "By the way, does Alea plan to come here? I had contacted Sihan, but… he didn't reply to me."

Theo didn't have any reaction even though he knew Sihan had died, while Ellen replied, "I have asked Alea, who has been acting weird for the past few days. She told me she wanted to wait for another one or two weeks."

"Hmm? That's weird. Did someone hit her on the head? She would have jumped on this opportunity right away." Phyrill's expression was distorted a bit as he couldn't figure out what happened to her.

"That's rude…" Ellen shook her head helplessly. "Though, I can't deny it."

After knowing all the necessary information and getting all the loot, Theo finally said goodbye to Ellen and Phyrill. "Okay, I will go on my way now."


"Take care." Ellen waved her hand while smiling.

Theo gave them another nod before he left.

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