God of Tricksters

Chapter 433 – Ava’s Unsealed Power

Chapter 433 – Ava’s Unsealed Power

Chapter 433 - Ava’s Unsealed Power

The leader was still shocked to see Ava's huge change.

"What is going on?" asked the leader while looking around. He completely had no idea why Ava could transform. However, Ava couldn't care less about their reaction.

She waved her hand upward as the seven stars hanging on the small circle behind her rose to the air.

The seven stars shone brightly as lightning began to spark from them.

She lowered her arm and aimed at those nine people, shooting all the seven stars like shooting a railgun.

The white stars flew down while leaving trails with lightning sparking around them.


Some of the fast ones managed to leap to the side, but two of them were not fast enough to jump. They could only summon their shields to stop the incoming attacks, but the stars shattered their barrier upon impact and hit them on the chest, destroying their entire right chest.


The stars hit the ground and cracked the ground.

Seeing the result, Ava turned to Theo for a moment, staring at him with a gentle gaze.

"Ava…" Theo called her name as he struggled to get up.

Ava only put the best smile on her face and tilted her head slightly. That smile couldn't help but put a warm feeling on his heart as if everything was going to be alright.

Without saying anything, Ava turned back to their enemies while stepping on the edge of the cliff. She crushed it a little bit as she jumped straight to them.

"Incoming!" The leader announced. After the death of his three friends, the leader knew Ava wasn't a monster they could defeat. So, he ordered, "Run!"

Ava didn't care about him as she had disappeared from his sight.

"Wh—" The leader opened his eyes wide, only finding the small spark she had left.

Ava already reached the one whose wrist was broken by Theo earlier and grabbed the back of his head before slamming it to the ground.


The sound echoed in their ears, waking them up. However, the next instant they turned around, they saw their friend's head was already missing as if it had popped like that of a balloon.

This was the first time they were scared out of their lives as they quickly turned around and ran for their lives. "Run!"


Ava used their reaction as a chance to reach the other one whose wrist was also broken. Instead of slamming his head to the ground, Ava grabbed his hands with both hands, piercing his skull with her claws.

After that, she ripped him into two as though he was clothes.

"What?! You monster!" One of them chose to turn around and attacked Ava with his sword.

Unfortunately for him, Ava disappeared before his swing reached her.

He somehow followed her movement but regretted his choice to turn around right after.

Ava already appeared next to his friend, sending her fist.

"No!" His friend tried to strike Ava's fist with his own, but the lightning that covered her hand obliterated the hand as if drilling the guy's hand.

It continued until he lost his entire arm.

"Argh!" He dropped to the ground, clutched his arm and screamed in pain.

Ava thought nothing and spun her body, sending a back kick to his head and severing it from the body.

With this, six of them had died.

Even the leader only managed to get away a little bit from her as Ava moved to another one with her full speed using that lightning of her.

"Hiii—" The guy panicked and saw Ava waving her hand up.

In that instant, the seven stars she launched earlier rose from the ground and hit him from different directions, turning it into a bloodbath.

The seven stars returned to the circle on her back as she looked around, finding only three of them left. One was escaping, one was going to hit her, while the other one dropped to the ground, scared for his life.

Ava appeared in front of the scared one.

Her shadow alone made his body shake as he raised his head, seeing the rabbit head with bloodshot eyes.

"Hiii—" He shrilled but ended up getting killed by Ava's lightning right after.

"You monster!" The angry guy already lost all his common sense and just wanted to hit Ava even if he needed to die.

Ava already sensed his presence on her back but didn't even move, letting the angry guy hit the circle on her back.


The clicking sound reverberated in their ears as the angry guy realized everything he did was futile. The current Ava wasn't a Hero Rank Monster… Her strength might be close to the Supreme Rank if not surpassed it.

He fell into despair when he saw nothing could injure her. His comrades fell down one by one as if Ava just slaughtered chickens. She effortlessly killed them.

Seeing the despair on his face, Ava sliced his neck with her claws, killing the ninth person. There was only one guy left, the leader.

Ava located him with her ears.

The leader was running away. His expression was calm but soon became pale when Ava appeared next to him.

"!!!" Ava punched him, which was blocked by his two arms, but the force launched him into the air until he crashed to the cliff's wall. josei

"Argh!" The guy coughed blood as Ava slammed him to the wall.

She controlled her strength as she didn't want him to die first.

The guy gritted his teeth when his neck was gripped by Ava and pinned to the wall. However, he soon screamed again when Ava kicked his right hand, reducing it to nothing.

After that, Ava's other hand formed a small electrical current as she grasped the guy's other hand. The lightning not only electrocuted him but also cut his hand.

"Gah!" The guy struggled to escape, but Ava had enough strength to keep him on the wall.

However, Ava soon stopped and looked up, worrying about Theo. She decided to end it immediately and helped Theo, so Ava delivered the killing blow to his heart, crushing it.

After confirming his death, Ava threw him like trash and jumped back to the top of the cliff to check on Theo.

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