God of Tricksters

Chapter 454 – Eilric Family

Chapter 454 – Eilric Family

Chapter 454 - Eilric Family


"Young Master… May fortune bless you with its presence. Aso can't watch you grow up anymore."

Those words echoed in his ears as if thunder were reverberating in one's ears. Phyrill was about to witness the last moment of one of the closest people he had in the family.

"No, Aso!" Phyrill shouted and used all his strength to leap toward them.

Theo reacted a little bit and decided to use his clone, sending him with his Blink skill.

However, a wolf leaped on top of them, hitting Theo's clone with his claw.


Theo clicked his tongue and swung his spear to this wolf while watching his clone disappear. At the same time, this meant they had no other option to save Aso…

Aso had no regret on his face. It was calm and serene as he had watched Phyrill growing up until he was this strong.

He couldn't help but mutter his last words while closing his eyes, "Master, Aso has fulfilled his job."

"Aso!" Phyrill's heart was shaken as tears streamed out of his eyes, watching how the mummy hit Aso's head in order to crush his skull.

However, one last ray of hope appeared for Phyrill.

A huge curved blade appeared on top of the mummy's head. The blade was attached to a red-colored handle that made it look like a glaive.

And that glaive moved downwards, slicing the mummy into two faster than the mummy hitting Aso's skull.

The blue-bandaged mummy fell to the ground, revealing a blonde-haired beauty holding her glaive. She appeared to be someone in her early thirties, but her face and golden colored eyes reminded others of one person. In fact, she looked like the adult version of that person.

"Alea?" Phyrill widened his eyes as he didn't expect someone to come to their help.

The woman wore a black t-shirt and jeans with a long black robe fluttering behind her.

Her expression remained calm when she heard Alea's name while assessing the situation. They were completely surrounded by mummies and wolves.

She raised her glaive before the wind began to gather around the blade. It spun uncontrollably until the woman rotated the glaive and hit the ground, releasing a powerful gale that blew away all the mummies in a thirty feet radius.

The wolf king and the mummy king suddenly stopped their clash, turning around to find this beautiful blonde glaring at them.

"So, that's where you are…" She smiled but didn't act. Instead, she glanced to the right while saying, "Old man, do you need a wheelchair? Why are you so slow?"

"Have you thought about respecting me, brat?" An old man appeared in front of her while waving his thin sword, cutting all the zombies that almost crashed into the other humans. "How about you clean up your own problem?"

"If I do that, the two over there are going to be lonely," she said while maintaining eye contact with the wolf king and the mummy king.

Suddenly, another blonde appeared with a sword in both hands. Her hands and feet were covered with green light as she moved nimbly and quickly, slicing as many mummies as possible. "You are too fast, Mother."

"It's Mama, okay?"

"!!!" Theo recognized two of them as the old man and the younger woman were none other than Nart Eilric and Alea Eilric. Hearing Alea calling the adult mother, it was apparent who this strong and beautiful woman was. She was the wife of James Eilric, Nadia Eilric.

"Alea!" Ellen couldn't help but shout her name, never expecting that Alea would come here with this timing.

"Ah, Ellen." Alea was surprised to see Ellen among them and soon saw a few familiar faces.

Phyrill cared no more and jumped to Aso, hugging him.

Meanwhile, Theo gave another instruction because they were still in the middle of the battle. "Change of plan. Everyone will shift to the right and hit them with everything you've got."

The Alpha Chimera Wolf aimed at him again, so Theo just gave an order and handled him.

"Hmm…" On the other hand, Nart and Nadia noticed Theo with his mask on. In this chaotic situation, he seemed to be the calmest one and still managed to give a command. Nart obviously knew who he was while Nadia glanced at Nart, "Who is that? You're always watching those newbies, right?"

"Heh, how about you respect me for a day and I will tell you his identity?" Nart harrumphed and teased her.

"So, you know his identity." Nadia rolled her eyes and pointed at the two kings. "Anyway, I'm going there."

"Yeah." Nart nodded and turned to Alea, "Ask the rest to clean this area. There are many of them, but they are quite exhausted. We should be able to turn the situation around… Especially after we kill that injured big wolf over there."

"Understood." Alea agreed without hesitation and watched how her mother and her grandfather disappeared.

Right after they left, people started coming to their location, finding the battlefield.

Alea raised her hand, "My command. Team A will handle the mummies, team B will handle the wolves, team C will save all the people here."

Upon hearing her command, Eilric Family's elites moved in unison according to their task.

Meanwhile, Theo had something more important than killing the Alpha Mutated Wolf that attacked him.

It came from the notification God of Mischief sent him.

Trial: Kill either Underworld Mummy or Metal Wolf King

Reward: Upgraded Skill Eyes

"Are you kidding me?" Theo gritted his teeth while repelling the Alpha Mutated Wolf's attack. "You're asking me to kill a monster one rank higher and at least two hundred levels higher than me? Why don't you just tell me to die?"

[You didn't accept the first deal. The second deal is usually worse than the first deal.]

"No, I will search for another opportunity." Theo shook his head.

However, another notification appeared right after as if convincing Theo to complete the mission.

[Grab the fragment that contains the power of Death, and I shall assist you in taking the mummy down.]

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