God of Tricksters

Chapter 460 – Wake Up

Chapter 460 – Wake Up

Chapter 460 - Wake Up

The next day.

Theo woke up from his rest, finding Ava sleeping next to him.

"Hmm?" He let out a small groan while trying to check his body's condition. He tilted his body a few times but felt nothing was wrong. "I guess my body is good."

Ava was woken up by Theo's sudden movement and instinctively leaped to Theo when she saw he was alright. "Kyu!"

Theo smiled and caught Ava. "Ahaha, sorry. My body was still too sluggish yesterday. I just wanted to rest…"

"Kyu." Ava shook her head as if telling him it was fine.

"That's good." Theo nodded and opened his status.

Name: Theodore Griffith josei

Status: Hero

Level: 314

EXP: 428,998/894,421

Blessing: God of Mischief

Skill: Blink (B), Cannon Blast (C), Clone (B), Flowmotion (C), Illusion Manipulation (B), Illusion Multiplier (D), Magic Bullet (B), Metamorphosis (C), Telekinesis (B), Three Great Defense (C)

Attributes: Strength 430, Endurance 261, Agility 275, Vitality 261, Magic Power 470

Free Attribute Points: 55

"Oh?" Theo opened his eyes wide when he saw 55 Free Attribute Points and remembered that it was given after absorbing the power of Death. "That's pretty good."

Theo had no hesitation in allocating his Free Attribute Points.

Name: Theodore Griffith

Status: Hero

Level: 314

EXP: 428,998/894,421

Blessing: God of Mischief

Skill: Blink (B), Cannon Blast (C), Clone (B), Flowmotion (C), Illusion Manipulation (B), Illusion Multiplier (D), Magic Bullet (B), Metamorphosis (C), Telekinesis (B), Three Great Defense (C)

Attributes: Strength 440, Endurance 266, Agility 281, Vitality 266, Magic Power 500

Free Attribute Points: 0

"Yep. This is good enough." Theo nodded with a serious expression. Since he was still wearing a mask, Alea must have put it back on. He then rose from the ground and stretched his body to see whether he experienced any abnormalities.

After that, he couldn't help but remember the previous feeling. "Underworld Dominion: Death Avatar… It was a Divine Skill since it was literally an S Rank Skill. The sealed version alone was that good, I couldn't imagine what kind of power it would have when it was at its peak.

"That might be the explanation of how the Goddess could rule the Underworld." Theo fell silent. "Still, I won't have any problem after getting the power of Death, right?"

Unfortunately, there was no answer from the Goddess, so Theo could only sigh. "Great. I gotta figure it out alone."

Theo looked at Ava, "Sorry for not accompanying you…"

"Kyu!" Ava smiled as if telling him it was fine. In fact, she was still worried about him as she wondered whether Theo had recovered or not.

"We will continue killing some monsters in order to reach as high as possible. We have around eleven days to level up. The situation must have been resolved after the two kings died. So, I am hoping to reach level 325 before returning home." Theo told Ava his plan.

"Kyu?!" Ava furrowed her eyebrows, not wanting Theo to push himself.

"Or we can stop the hunt here." Seeing Ava's persistence, Theo offered a second option. "We will return, and I will go to the hospital. After that, we can rest for two weeks before going on another expedition. This way, we have two months to reach level 350 and head to that place."

"Kyu!" Ava furiously nodded her head as Theo's health was her priority.

"Haha." Theo chuckled and stroked her head. "Fine, fine. Let's do it your way. Sorry for making you worry, Ava."


"For now, I will go out to ensure that I'm alright. Sorry for hiding you here."

"Kyu!" Ava waved her foot before returning to the top of his bag, planning to hide there after this.

Theo was grateful for Ava's understanding and waved his hand with a smile before leaving the tent.

When everyone saw him coming out, they all flinched as they remembered what Theo did yesterday. It struck deep inside their heart because they had never experienced something like that. Even the Supreme Rank Experts didn't give such feelings.

Theo was stunned for a moment while looking around, trying to find Ellen, Phyrill, or whoever he knew.

"Ah, you are awake now." Alea was the first to be found as she walked to him with a smile on her face. It seemed her heart had settled down with their conversation yesterday.

Theo nodded awkwardly and asked, "Where is Phyrill or Ellen?"

"They are hunting around the area. As you can see, most of the people here…" Alea glanced at them. There were many injured people or even disabled due to the mummies and wolves' attacks. So, not many could scout around the area.

Also, many of them seemed to be a bit hostile to him.

Even Alea could feel it and make a weird smile. "Don't worry about them. No one blames you for hiding your strength."

Theo shrugged. "Well, it wasn't my fault. My side didn't collapse, so yeah. If their side didn't collapse, we wouldn't face this problem."

Alea scratched the back of her head. After learning the situation, she knew Theo was right, so she couldn't rebuke him.

"Anyway, do you need anything? Do you feel any pain?" She asked with a concerned expression.

"I'm good now. I should have no problem, but I'm going to check it either way." Theo shrugged.

"I see. In that case, I should ask my mother to check your body. She is an expert in this area since her job revolves around artifacts." She shrugged.

"Oh?" Theo nodded while wondering if she would answer his questions about artifacts. He was quite curious about it. Of course, Theo didn't forget to ask, "By the way, do you know anything about artifacts?"

Alea looked down, thinking. Unfortunately, she shook her head in the end. "My knowledge came from the school. Even then, there's not much information about it. I think it's better to ask my mother about it. I can ask her to answer your questions.

"In fact, my mother is a bit interested in you, especially when you held the mummy's artifact and destroyed it."

"Ahaha, I'm not going to pay for it, right? No one's property."

"Of course not." She then looked to the right. "Anyway, my mother is going to be back soon. Wait here for now, I will bring you something to drink."

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