God of Tricksters

Chapter 482 – Fighting Multiple Monsters Alone

Chapter 482 – Fighting Multiple Monsters Alone

Chapter 482 - Fighting Multiple Monsters Alone

The next day.

Theo and Ava were ready to go hunting. He also had sent his address and a message to Maya.

The Skill Card would be hidden behind the house so no one would steal it since he wouldn't be in the house when the skill arrived.

Since he had gotten the confirmation from Maya, Theo returned to Ark City with Ava, heading toward the canyon.

While eliminating the enemies, Theo was thinking about his future skills.

He realized his strength had gotten stronger, especially with the addition of his Magic Augmentation.

Hence, he started thinking about shifting his skills to Illusion Skills. After all, he had enough firepower with his Telekinesis, External Flow, and Materializations alone.

The result became more apparent when he fought against monsters on the way to the Blazing Ant Nest.

Four days after Theo began his journey, he was already two days away from the canyon and one day away from the Blazing Ant Nest.

He planned to hunt around this area until level 350 and decided to test his current strength by fighting against several monsters at once.

The first monster had a humanoid body with a fish head. Its skin was blue, and the monster carried a trident.

The second monster was similar to a cheetah but with white skin. It also had two long tails that seemed to be longer than his own body.

The last one was a three-horned humanoid monster. The monster was twice as big as Theo and carried a metal club.

He planned to fight these three by himself to see the gap between them. Of course, Clone Theo had checked their identities.

Name: Sahuagin

Level: 340-350

Name: Heimcard

Level: 350-360

Name: Three-Horned Troll

Level: 350-360

He asked Ava to watch his fight and refused to use his Clone during the fight.

The first to move was the Heimcard. It leaped toward Theo and pounced him.

Theo struck its paws with his spear. Both the spear and the paws were covered in a green light, neutralizing each other.

Theo narrowed his eyes and noticed the fish's movement.

Theo ducked down, avoiding the fish's trident that almost plunged him. However, the troll already arrived next to him and smashed Theo from above.


The two metals collided, producing a loud friction noise. Surprisingly, Theo took the metal completely despite the troll's muscular body.

After receiving their attacks, Theo used his Blink to appear behind the fastest one among them, the Heimcard.

The moment he appeared, the Heimcard reacted by spinning its body.

With its back on the ground, the paws reached Theo's spear, trying to knock it away.

However, Theo hit him again with his Telekinesis and leaped backward to regain his distance before his Magic Power started revolving inside his body.

"Magic Augmentation."

The Sahuagin charged at him and thrust his trident.

Theo took a deep breath and covered his spear with his Cannon Blast, hitting the ground.

The Cannon Blast dispersed and shattered the ground.

All of them lost their balance, and Theo used his Telekinesis to take advantage of the situation. He flew toward the sahuagin and struck his body.

The latter managed to avoid him, but Theo let go of his spear and controlled it with his Telekinesis, launching the spear to the sahuagin's arm and slicing it.

The three-horned troll raised its club and slammed it down.

Theo changed to his tiger form and leaped to the side, making a loop around the crater and hitting the troll from behind.

The troll was shocked by Theo's attack and took a few steps. When he tried to regain his balance, he saw the spear flying straight at his face.

The troll quickly raised his club to block it but lost its balance in the process. It tripped and fell on his back.

When the troll raised his vision, it saw Theo holding his spear and piercing his throat.

[Killed a Three-Horned Troll.]


"One down." Theo smiled and looked at the other two.

The Heimcard had stood up while the Sahuagin glared at him. After that, they charged at him from two different directions, trying to confuse Theo.

A smile appeared on Theo's face because this just made his situation easier. He leaped toward the sahuagin.

The latter smacked Theo's head with the trident, but Theo soon disappeared. It was just an illusion. The real Theo delayed his movement for one second, allowing him to slip past the sahuagin's defense and sliced his throat. josei


[Killed a Sahuagin.]

[EXP+ 20,500]

"Nice." Theo smiled. He didn't know why but fighting Maya gave a refreshing feeling. It might be because he never fought someone using a gun, but it certainly gave him new information about fighting.

He could see their movement easier as if he were observing Maya's finger on the trigger.

After killing the sahuagin, the Heimcard leaped on top of him, trying to pounce him. However, Theo used his Blink to appear on top of the Heimcard and struck him.

The Heimcard managed to spin its body again, but Theo didn't mean to attack him with the spear this time. He kicked him instead, blowing the body to the ground. After that, Theo stepped on the Heimcard's tail and stabbed his body when it was wailing in pain.

The Heimcard touched the ground to break it, but Theo had pushed down their body with Telekinesis.

[Killed a Heimcard.]


"Nice." Theo smiled, feeling satisfied.

Name: Theodore Griffith

Status: Hero

Level: 320

EXP: 126,500/992,848

Blessing: God of Mischief

Skill: Blink (B), Cannon Blast (C), Clone (B), Flowmotion (C), Illusion Manipulation (B), Magic Augmentation (B), Magic Bullet (B), Metamorphosis (C), Telekinesis (B), Three Great Defense (C)

Attributes: Strength 450, Endurance 266, Agility 281, Vitality 266, Magic Power 520

Free Attribute Points: 0

Satisfied, Theo placed his hand on their bodies, turning them into cards. After that, Theo returned to Ava, who watched the fight with his clone. The latter stayed there to get another view from Ava's perspective, allowing him to review the fight together.

Still, fighting multiple higher-level monsters without his clone helping him made him happy.

"Yeah. It's done." Theo laughed and said, "I should be fine for now, Ava. Did you see that?"

"Kyu!" Ava clapped as if she enjoyed the fight.

"Okay. Let's go to the Blazing Ant Nest."


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