God of Tricksters

Chapter 488 – Fight

Chapter 488 – Fight

Chapter 488 - Fight

Theo waved his spear right at the healer's neck.

However, as one would expect from a party that ventured in a nest that required level 370 to enter, they were better than he thought.

The healer managed to raise his staff in time and blocked Theo's spear. He couldn't help but smile when he thought Theo couldn't do anything against him.

Unfortunately for him, Theo released all his might in this one swing since he didn't need to hold back anymore, launching the healer to the wall like that of a bullet.


The next second they realized, the healer already crashed to the wall and blood started flowing out of his mouth.

Although their level might be lower than the level requirement since they operated in number, Theo knew that hit wouldn't kill the healer.

Hence, forty Magic Bullets flew past him and went straight to the healer.

As someone whose job was to protect, the knight hurriedly made his way between the Magic Bullets and the healer.



The Magic Bullets hit in succession and pushed back the knight.

"What's that power?" The knight was dumbstruck when he felt the force from the Magic Bullets and soon realized he had been pushed back.

Theo didn't stop there. He hurriedly went for the magician who tried to summon her skill.

"You bastard!" The guy who did all the talk earlier ran back, but his distance was still too far.

Theo thrust his spear toward the magician, only to be stopped by the assassin. The two daggers repelled his spear to the side even though he almost tripped in the process. Just like the knight, he felt the full brunt of Theo's strength.

"Hit him!"

A gust of wind formed above him and gradually descended to the ground, trying to blow him away like the healer.

Unfortunately for them, there were forty Magic Bullets at the start, meaning a red-haired man appeared behind the magician using his Blink and hit the magician's back with his Cannon Blast.

Obviously, the last guy tried to help the magician by striking Theo, but Ava sneaked outside his shirt and appeared next to him with all the lightning she had.

She kicked the guy on the cheek, dislocating his jaw.

"Gah!" The last guy stumbled and fell to the ground.

Clone Theo smiled and changed his hand position. Instead of hitting the magician with his palm, he chose to stab her with his fingers, piercing through her skin and eventually her heart.

The magician was dumbfounded and saw the hand coming out of her heart. With her focus gone, the wind above Theo also vanished.

Theo pulled his spear and planned to stab the assassin, but the leader guy had arrived, knocking down Theo's spear.

"You bastard!" The guy shouted in anger.

Theo couldn't understand why this guy got angry, considering the one who started this fight was him. The others also didn't stop him, so they must be in cahoot.

The leader slammed Theo's spear down and kicked him.

The latter easily used his Three Great Defense to stop that kick while the assassin took that chance to loop around him, striking Theo from behind.

Aware of his position, Theo made another shield from his Ring of Honor and blocked the assassin's dagger.

"What?!" The assassin widened his eyes, never expecting to see someone wielding two skills at the same time.

On the other side, Clone Theo and Ava worked together to suppress the remaining three.

The healer seemed to be recovering from his wounds while the knight and the other one held their position.

Sherry noticed the dislocated jaw, wondering how the guy managed to fight like that.

"Why are there three people now? And a summoner on top of that?" The knight gritted his teeth.

Clone Theo charged forward to the knight and slammed his spear down.

The knight raised his shield and received that attack. As he expected, the ground began to crack because of Theo's strength and gradually turned into a crater.

Ava suddenly leaped toward the healer in order to kill him before he could recover. The guy whose jaw dislocated moved between them and received Ava's kick with his palm. josei

Unfortunately for all of them, everything was just a trap Theo devised. He wanted to divide them into two groups this whole time.

Now that the distance between two groups reached fifty feet, the real Theo suddenly disappeared, alarming the other two.

They looked around and found Theo appearing in front of the healer who was busy healing himself.

Without hesitation, Theo slit his throat, killing him.

"Teleportation Ability. Be careful!" The leader guy shouted, warning them. He and the assassin tried to regroup with his team, but Theo already came closer to the knight.

The knight ended up jumping to the side to avoid getting pincered from two sides, leaving his friend alone.

Seeing this, both Theos coordinated with Ava and attacked the guy from three directions.

The guy ducked down and placed his hand on the ground.

"Guardian Wall."

Stone walls emerged from all directions, stopping the two Theos.

Unfortunately for him, Theo never saw these walls as a challenge. He gathered the Cannon Blast and thrust his spear forward. He concentrated it to one single line and pierced through the wall along with the guy's head.

The Cannon Blast continued to the other end, showing Theo's power.

The walls soon crumbled, revealing the guy's condition. There was a hole similar to the ones on the walls on his forehead.

Ava knocked the body to the ground as she and Clone Theo turned around, facing the leader and the assassin. Meanwhile, Theo moved carefully to the knight.

The leader was gnashing his teeth because Theo was supposed to be exhausted after fighting so many monsters alone. However, he could never expect Theo to have someone and a creature to help him.

The assassin, on the other hand, began to think about running away, knowing Theo was stronger than them.

Still, the knight had the biggest reaction among them as he shouted in anger. "You bastard! Why did you kill them?!"

Theo's body shook as he halted his step, looking at the knight dumbfoundedly. He asked, "You… seriously ask that?"

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