God of Tricksters

Chapter 500 – Killing The Queen

Chapter 500 – Killing The Queen

Chapter 500 - Killing The Queen

"I need to end this fast," Theo muttered while looking at the general and the queen.

His clone turned into a tiger and chased after the rest of the ants. Every time he swept his claws, the ants had no way to block it because they were too focused on helping the queen.

"Magic Bullets." Theo summoned his Magic Bullets which should be useless against the ants. However, he chose to hit the ceiling to create a smokescreen, allowing him to disappear.

The ant queen and the general moved together so as to avoid Theo's ambush, but they were simply not his match.

Theo had located them with his Awareness and emerged in front of the Ant General, waving his spear from the side.

"Cannon Blast."

The energy covering his spear began to turn into another form. Instead of smashing the general head-on, Theo changed the energy into a thin extended blade like the one he used to cut the Ground Dragon's neck.

The Ant General stopped the attack with his head, but Theo's Cannon Blast was simply too powerful. It cut through his head and his body.

"…" Theo took a deep breath and smiled.

[Killed a Blazing Ant General.]


"Luckily, the general was protecting the queen, or he would have avoided it." Theo felt relieved because he knew this attack couldn't be done quickly.

The only time he used this attack was when the enemy couldn't avoid it because the moment he moved too fast, the Cannon Blast would disperse, not giving the effect he wanted.

"This one is good." Theo smiled and spun his spear, staring at the running Ant Queen.

Many ants began to come out of their shells and moved around as if looking around the area.

Some of them had even moved toward their queen to protect her.

Seeing these ants, Theo used his Blink to appear before the queen's eyes while waving his spear.

As expected, the queen managed to raise her hand to block it, but Theo's spear was far too strong for her and ended up cutting the remaining hand.

Without anything to protect her, Theo killed the queen by thrusting his spear into her head.

[Killed a Blazing Ant Queen.]


"Well, giving more EXP than the general even though the general posed more trouble." Theo made a weird smile, not knowing whether he should be happy or not.

After killing the queen, Theo checked around the cave, trying to search for the eggs.

He had no intention of killing these baby ants because they would soon die sooner or later. It wasn't like they provided him so much EXP, so he avoided the unnecessary massacre.

"Well, it's not like they are a threat to me," Theo muttered. "Baby is still a baby. It's not like I'm going to kill a puppy or a kitten just because they're monsters."

Theo let out a long sigh and took a few pictures of the nest situation along with the queen's body as proof he had destroyed the nest.

After getting the confirmation, Theo exited the cave without killing the baby ants.

He stood before the hill and couldn't find any more ants lingering around the entrances, so he thought his job had finished.

"Yeah. I have done my job, and there is one more job I can do before reaching Level 350. It's to kill a T-Rex and acquire its fangs. Still, the mission requires a level 400 person to do it, so I don't know whether I can do it or not."

However, he was interested in going to the T-Rex simply because the monsters in that area had similar levels.

He should be able to kill them one by one while increasing his strength.

Before leaving for the other mission, Theo decided to take a break while thinking about his experience for the past two weeks.

He sat on top of a falling log and looked at the sky.

"To think I would be hunting alone." Theo sighed. "It was a rough twelve days. Although I have no problem sleeping now, hunting alone indeed takes more toll. After all, the monsters around here are extremely dangerous."

Theo opened his status.

Name: Theodore Griffith

Status: Hero

Level: 330

EXP: 476,568/1,202,282

Blessing: God of Mischief

Skill: Blink (B), Cannon Blast (C), Clone (B), Flowmotion (C), Illusion Manipulation (B), Magic Augmentation (D), Magic Bullet (B), Metamorphosis (C), Telekinesis (B), Three Great Defense (C)

Attributes: Strength 450, Endurance 276, Agility 291, Vitality 276, Magic Power 540 josei

Free Attribute Points: 0

"Hmm." Theo thought for a moment. "Should I upgrade something? I think I have more than enough Skill Cards to upgrade one skill… Only those C Rank skills though.

"Cannon Blast… I have a skill in mind to replace it. Flowmotion is also scheduled to be changed to Illusion Construct after this, so no. As for my Metamorphosis, it may be a good skill, but it won't do much to me right now. I need to go back to practice again.

"As for the Three Great Defense, it's quite good, but I don't think I will do it, considering the enemy will become far more powerful and faster in the future. The only way to keep up with them is the shield from the Ring of Honor.

"So, do I really need to upgrade my skill?" Theo couldn't decide. The Metamorphosis was the most useful to him, but upgrading it now or later wouldn't be that big of a deal, making him hesitate.

After several considerations, Theo muttered, "I will do it later. Although the transformation takes slightly more Magic Power than my clone right now, it will be different when it reaches the B Rank. I will upgrade it after I go back.

"I should focus on my Cannon Blast first for the time being…" Theo rested for a bit longer before making his way to the Dinosaur Mountain Range.

It was only six hours away from his place, so he managed to arrive before dark and set up the tent in a small plain next to the mountain range.

Despite being far away, he could still hear roars echoing through the night, showing how active they were.

"This is the last stretch… Level 350… Here I come."

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