God of Tricksters

Chapter 509 – Shape

Chapter 509 – Shape

Chapter 509 - Shape

"Seriously?" Theo couldn't help but reconsider his choice to fight here. "Fighting against the dinosaurs was far easier than this…"

Before they arrived, Theo summoned his clone again and sent him to the mouse.

With the rat starting to focus on his clone again, Theo released his Magic Bullets and hit the ground.


The dirt kicked up, creating a smokescreen.

The ringo had no choice other than to enter it, but Theo never appeared in his vision.

He knew Theo was inside the smoke, but he couldn't find his exact location. When he thought about leaving this dangerous area with little to no visibility, a punch hit his jaw, launching him into the air.

The punch created enough shock wave to blow the smoke away, revealing Theo's appearance.

It turned out, Theo tried to lower his center of gravity by lowering his height. The only way to do that was to transform to another form, the only animal he had yet to utilize this whole time, the monkey.

The monkey had dark brown fur that could hide his body in this situation. His height was less than half of Theo's original height, but his arms were long enough to match his human hands. This allowed Theo to get past the ringo's defense and hit him.

"I have finally used this monkey form," muttered Theo while raising his vision. He didn't want the ringo to have the chance to recover. Hence, Theo returned to his human form and grabbed the spear he threw into the air earlier.

After that, he used his Telekinesis to launch it to the ringo, piercing through his body.

The rat seemed to be angry as it ran past Clone Theo and tried to scratch him.

Theo smiled and turned into a fish, falling to the ground. With the small body, he avoided the mouse's claws easily.

As soon as he touched the ground, he flapped his tail and launched him back into the air before turning to a tiger, pouncing at the rat.

"!!!" The rat turned around and shone brightly.

Theo clicked his tongue and looked down to avoid blinding his eyes.

Using that chance, the rat waved his claws. Four pairs of crescent-shaped white energy flew to the air and miraculously halted beneath the ringo, turning into his foothold.

"What?!" Theo widened his eyes, not believing what had just happened. "Wasn't that attack an energy wave or something? It was supposed to graze someone…"

Despite saying all those things, Theo saw how the rat turned them into a platform that was safe to be stepped on.

"He could change the form of his own attack? It's different from using In-Motion, Materialization or External Flow." Theo drew a gasp.

Before he could observe them, Theo turned around when he saw the clone looking at two incoming monsters.

They were one-eyed humanoid monsters. They had green skin and one white horn on their head. Holding their wooden club that seemed to be a tree trunk, they ran toward Theo.

Looking at these ten-foot-high monsters made Theo alarmed because he soon realized the longer he took to kill them, the more enemies he needed to face.

Yet, Theo's mind was still occupied with the mouse's technique. This somehow gave enough information to decipher what happened in the past.

"Wait a minute…" Theo sucked a cold breath. In his mind, three scenes were replaying in his mind.

The first one was the talk with Nella. Back then, Nella told him about Materialization. If it were a normal Materialization, he wouldn't continue replaying this scene in his mind.

What Nella showed him turned out to be more sophisticated than he originally thought. Nella released her Magic Power in bulk, allowing her to create an object purely from her Magic Power.

He might not have enough control over his External Flow back then, but he had advanced this much and almost reached Master Level Control. He certainly had the quality to form it.

He had been too focused on his Cannon Blast this whole time to realize this.

"I can concentrate my Magic Power and form something out of that. Magic Power alone may be invisible, but it can certainly become visible if I gather enough Magic Power in a certain area." Theo gritted his teeth.

The second image in his mind was his master fighting against the Ghost Turtle that almost killed him and Alea.

She said she used Materialization to form a small thread that connected the lightning to her spear. This meant he could shape everything from Magic Power as long as he had enough control.

Theo instinctively raised his hand and pulled his hands closer. With only a few inches between the two hands, Theo used his External Flow to gather a high amount of Magic Power, creating a palm-size blue light ball between two hands.

And the last image was about Fenrir. He always thought he needed powerful Control over his Magic Bullets to penetrate the ground. But everything turned out to be simpler than he thought.

Fenrir covered the Magic Bullets with another layer. He shaped the first one to a cone shape, drilling the ground while protecting the Magic Bullets. This allowed him to send the Magic Bullets through the ground.

Theo remembered what he told him about shapes. He recited it in a low voice. "Don't ever get fixated again into one form. Instead of using it like the norm, it's better if I get some understanding of all weapons…"

After reciting it, he gritted his teeth in excitement. "Because every weapon has its own purpose!"

"Sword is used to slash and stab while a mace is used to smash. If that's the case…" Theo took a deep breath as he stared at his concentrated Magic Power. He used his Force Control and Materialization to turn the concentrated Magic Power into a small spear without any detail other than the blade and the handle.

This didn't take too much of his concentration, and Theo managed to rise from the ground, turning to the first one-eyed monster that almost reached him.

He sent the small spear to the one-eyed monster.

The latter smashed the ground with his club and a wall of dirt emerged from the ground, becoming a shield.

However, Theo already knew the result before the concentrated Magic Power even touched the wall. "And a spear is used to pierce!"

The concentrated Magic Power pierced through the wall as well as the eye of the monster behind it.


The one-eyed monster screamed in pain, becoming the symbol of his success.

Suddenly, four notifications appeared at the same time as they all came from four different individuals. josei

[God of Mischief is pleased with your development.]

[Too long to realize this simple trick…]


[Good job.]

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