God of Tricksters

Chapter 541 – Arrival

Chapter 541 – Arrival

Chapter 541 - Arrival

Theo stopped for a second and turned around, looking at his grandfather and Agata. josei

Leonardo pointed to the front, saying, "Just go straight to the gate and turn left. You will find two people standing there… Well, it's three."

"Is Ignazio there?" Agata asked with an innocent face, recalling how Ignazio had been asking for some information about Theo.

"Obviously. Haha." Leonardo chuckled.

"Hmm?" Theo tilted his head in confusion.

"He has been interested in you after that defeat." Agata tried to explain, but Theo couldn't help but take a step back while hugging his own body as if trying to protect his chastity. Agata hurriedly explained while raising her voice, "It's not like that! He's just interested in your strategy."

"Oh." Theo nodded and dropped the pretense as if nothing had happened.

Agata facepalmed and shook her head helplessly.

"Haha, as expected of my grandson." Leonardo kept chuckling while walking, "Okay, okay. Let's move on. They have been waiting for us."

Theo and Agata nodded, following Leonardo.

While walking, Theo glanced at Leonardo and asked, "If you don't mind, can I ask you a question?"

"Why are you so polite to me?" Leonardo pouted and rolled his eyes. "Fine. Just ask your question."

"How do you find them? Is it your Awareness?"


"Which senses did you use?" Theo asked another question. His heart had been filled with curiosity this whole time, considering Leonardo was one of the strongest people in Italy.

This was also one of the reasons he chose the War God Family over the Star Group. None of the experts from the Star Group was stronger than Leonardo, so he thought he should learn from him.

He believed his choice was right, especially after learning from Hel.

Leonardo thought for a moment and smiled, "So, you have understood some of those…"

"A little."

"I was finding their Magic Power. I don't know if you are aware of it, but every person has a different fluctuation. Well, it comes from their rank, level, and the amount of Magic Power inside their body.

"Unless the other party is good at camouflaging, it's easy to find a strong person around you. The ones who come for us are my son, the current head of the War God Family, and Davi… Well, there's Ignazio too, so yeah.

"What I sensed was the two Mythical Rank Experts, since there are not many people like that in the area. I am not going to tell you about which senses though." Leonardo shrugged.

"No. That's enough." Theo nodded with a serious expression. He looked down as if trying to understand what he had told him.

Seeing his focused face, Agata couldn't help but take a sneak peek.

The group continued to walk without another discussion and reached their destination, finding a middle-aged man with a white t-shirt and jeans coming toward them.

"Father." The middle-aged man greeted Leonardo politely.

"Marzio." Leonardo nodded.

After greeting him, Marzio glanced to the side, looking at Theo. The latter looked back and seized the man up.

He had long brown hair tied on his back. His eyes had no motivation or sharpness like other experts and the beard had started growing as if he forgot to shave for a few days. His clothes were not something like one should expect from the War God Family's head.

"Is he Theodore Griffith?" Marzio asked, confirming his identity.

"Who else?" Leonardo shrugged and looked away.

After getting his answer, Marzio extended his hand. "Hello, I'm Marzio Guerrero. Nice to meet you… Ehm, how should I call you again? Nephew or Theo?"

"I prefer the latter if you don't mind." Theo shook his hand firmly. "It's my pleasure."

"I see." Marzio nodded lazily.

Little did he know, Marzio didn't know anything about Theo's story before coming here due to Leonardo playing with the information. He asked that one question to determine the relationship between Theo and his family.

In the instant he chose the latter, he got a gist of what happened and knew how to treat Theo from now on.

"Anyway, let's go back to our mansion first to settle everything. Yeah, you're going to stay there for a couple of days so that I can handle all of your stuff. After that, I will let you know about your mansion."

"Understood." Theo nodded before noticing two more people approaching them. The first one was none other than Davi, while the other one was a young man. The young man was wearing a plain orange t-shirt covered with an unbuttoned white shirt.

He walked to Theo while waving his hand, "To think I can meet you again."

"Yeah. It's been a while." Theo nodded and shook his hand. "Ignazio."

"Yep. I want to talk about a lot of things, but I guess it's better to do it later. I am here because I am curious whether you came or not." Ignazio laughed.

"Here I am." Theo shrugged.

"Good, good. It's not easy to be picked up by the world's most beautiful woman and Italy's strongest man." Ignazio smirked, teasing Theo.

Agata simply looked away while Leonardo said, "Ho? Do you want me to pick you up?"

"…" Ignazio took a few steps back, waved his hands, and corrected himself. "How can I have the courage to ask Grandfather? Obviously, I am just praising Theo, nothing else."

"You should ask… I am too lonely now that I have retired." Leonardo harrumphed and said, "Anyway, let's go back first."

"Yes. This way." Marzio extended his hand, asking them to follow him.

The group then headed to the car as Davi drove them to the War God Family's mansion.

The mansion stood in a spacious 500×500 feet land, standing a little bit away from the city's center. From the outside, the house looked stylish. It had a slope white roof and sturdy white wall. Many squared windows were present, indicating the number of rooms inside.

The building had a rectangular shape and was surrounded by a garden.

Theo fell silent, expecting a bigger mansion than this one.

As if knowing Theo's thoughts, Leonardo said, "This place is mostly used as an office area. There are several guest rooms, but they're not used that often. You will get another mansion. It may be smaller than this, but considering you live alone, it should be enough."

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