God of Tricksters

Chapter 566 – Next Battle

Chapter 566 – Next Battle

Chapter 566 - Next Battle

"A battle royale, huh." Theo scratched the back of his head as the dots appeared again on the maps. He soon realized his position wasn't that far from them, so he thought he needed to position himself a bit better.

However, there was soon a red circle on the map surrounding them.

[Please don't go outside the arena.]

"Well, I don't think I can avoid some fights. For now, I think I should get two guys to pass this round." Theo muttered while looking at the movement of the dots.

However, he was bewildered when three dots were moving toward him.

"Huh? Are they coming here?" Theo frowned and thought for a moment.

Meanwhile, Alice was running through the woods while looking back. She had been sweating this whole time as her body had several grazes.

She was panting while observing the two guys behind her.

The first guy was a red-haired man. His figure looked like Giordo, but he wielded a bow instead. On his right was another guy with a blade in his hand.

"Stop!" The red-haired man shouted. "You don't belong to this place! Give me your tokens!"

"No," Alice shouted, refusing to drop out. She was carrying a four-foot-long sniper rifle, almost rivaling her own height. However, she had no problem in carrying it as she even pointed at them with one hand. "Scatter!"

The white sniper rifle released a bolt of light that soon split into forty smaller lights in all directions.

The man with a sword increased his pace, running in front of the red-haired guy. He raised his sword, pouring his Magic Power that created a green glow around his sword.

The moment the sword moved downwards, the green light burst like a powerful wind, creating a fan-shaped gale that destroyed all the light from the sniper rifle.

The red-haired guy simply stood behind him, running past all those attacks without making any move.

"I am going to make you two regret this." Alice gritted her teeth.

"How? You're just a mere sniper. You can't defeat both of us, especially with this distance." The red-haired guy smiled.

Suddenly, Theo appeared in her vision as she couldn't help but smile. "You're… Theo! Help me!"

"…" Theo remained silent and stared at them in confusion.

"They've been chasing me this whole time and even defeated Riccardo in the last round," Alice shouted. "If you fight them alone, it's going to be disadvantageous for you. That's why let's cooperate with each other and defeat them. After that, we will split the tokens and go separate ways."

Theo looked at her until she passed him while saying in a low voice. "Okay."

Raising his spear, Theo pointed it at the two guys. "You two shall not pass."

The red-haired guy made the first move and released an arrow toward him.

However, a huge shock wave suddenly hit the arrow and blasted it to the ground.


It turned out Alice had turned around and dropped to her knees, firing at him to cover Theo. josei

"I am sorry. This is my curse that brings them here, so I will do my best to help you in this battle. I promise to compensate you later." Alice apologetically said before moving to the side, trying to hide her body from their eyes. This would give her a better chance to launch a sneak attack.

"Yado, don't lose her." The green-haired guy shouted to his friend.

"Okay." Yado nodded and locked on Alice, making sure she didn't get away.

Theo obviously went to help Alice by using his Blink to appear before Yado's eyes, albeit the green-haired guy also moved right after he disappeared.

Before completing his thrust to Yado's heart, the green-haired guy appeared and struck his spear down. "You're not going anywhere on my watch."

Theo clicked his tongue and kicked him from the side, using his Telekinesis and External Flow.

"Vans!" Yado shouted.

"Don't worry about me." Vans shook his head and blocked Theo's kick with his scabbard. After that, he waved his sword downwards.

Theo waved his left hand down, pressuring the ground until a crater appeared, lowering his ground.

'What? Did he use Telekinesis to lower his position to make me miss?' Vans widened his eyes when he tried to slash Theo but couldn't reach him.

Using that chance, Theo spun his body and slammed Vans with his spear as if it was a war hammer.

"Shield." Suddenly, two people's voices echoed at the same time.

"!!!" Theo was amused when he saw two translucent shields that stopped his spear. He destroyed the first one, but all his strength was depleted before crushing the other one.

"Killing Wave." Vans waved his sword, releasing a crescent-shaped blue light.

Theo managed to react to this sword wave and jumped into the air.

Using this chance, Yado released another arrow at him.

The arrow was covered in blue light as it left a small circular trail on the ground as it traveled.

Unfortunately for him, another shock wave hit his arrow, deflecting it to the side.

"Alice…" Yado gritted his teeth.

"Okay, good work. Thanks for the cover." Theo gave a thumbs up and leaped back, regaining his distance.

Vans stepped forward to protect Yado while the latter hurriedly released another arrow to the side.

Surprisingly, the arrow curved to the outside and looped around Theo.

"It's going to hit my arm?" Theo took a glimpse of the arrow before finding Vans charging at him.

"You're not going anywhere!" Vans shouted and swung his sword downwards.

Theo blocked his attack with a spear's handle, but this attack prevented him from moving.

"Alice!" Theo shouted for help.


Alice aimed again, but before she shot, she turned her weapon a little to the right, pointing at Theo's back. She licked her lips and fired at him as if trying to cover him.

"Ah!" Alice opened her mouth wide like she had just made a mistake. "No!"

Unfortunately, Theo looked like he didn't realize this attack before a hole appeared in his body and blood began to flow out.

Theo looked down with a shocked face and turned around, looking at Alice. "You…"

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