God of Tricksters

Chapter 581 – Ava’s Intelligence

Chapter 581 – Ava’s Intelligence

Chapter 581 - Ava’s Intelligence

"Of course not." Theo chuckled, seeing five monsters had been neutralized in an instant.

Before they could say something, Ava came to him. "Kyu, Kyu!"

Theo looked down, finding Ava pointing at the corpses.

"Kyu!" Ava then raised her foot to her mouth while complaining.

"Ahaha, you want to eat the monsters…" Theo scratched the back of his head. "Sorry, sorry. I used them to test my new skill."

"Kyu, Kyu!" Ava jumped to them and pushed the corpses. After that, she jumped away and pointed at the blood. "Kyu, Kyu!"

"The blood is special?" Theo tilted his head.

"Kyu!" She nodded and rubbed her belly before raising both of her feet as if a human wanted to show the muscle on their arms.

Theo waved his hand, asking her to stop. "Wait, wait. Let me process it first. The blood is special and can make you stronger? Maybe faster than back when we were in Thersland?"

"Kyu!" She admitted it without hesitation.

"I see. How about the meat?"

She shook her head in disappointment. "Have you found something like this from Sir Leonardo's inventory?"

She shook her head and pointed at the monster, indicating the fresh blood.

"Ah! Fresh blood." Theo finally understood. "So, the fresh blood gives you a better effect than a stored one."

Ava raised her foot, telling him he was right.

"Okay, okay. I will be more careful from now on."

"Kyu!" Ava felt happy and jumped at him.

"I guess you can eat the one that my clone defeated." Theo pointed at the intact corpse.

Ava hesitated for a second and glanced at him.

"Don't worry. We won't have any trouble with money soon, so it's fine to let you eat all the monster corpses." Theo chuckled.

After contemplating her choice, she finally came to eat the monster.

On the other hand, Agata and Enrica were shocked to find how intelligent Ava was.

"You can easily communicate with her?" Enrica asked while furrowing her eyebrows.

"I need to understand what she's saying, so only some basic conversations." Theo nodded with a calm expression. josei

"This is the first time I have witnessed such a thing. I wish to open my eyes to see Ava's figure, but I can't break my own rule." Enrica sighed. "Anyway, I don't need the corpses, so you can let Ava eat them. I don't really mind."

Agata agreed with her and added, "I don't mind as well. Although I have seen Ava previously, this is the first time I realize she is this smart."

"Kyu." Ava pouted and glared at her as if she didn't like her statement.

"She even understood that?" Agata's body trembled as she apologized to Ava.

Enrica, on the other hand, advised Theo. "I think you shouldn't show this to the Holy Knight Order. It's going to be a bit troublesome if many know this. I will be keeping this information a secret, but it will be bad if rumors spread."

"Yeah. I know what to do and what I shouldn't do." Theo nodded. "Hear that, Ava? Don't talk when we're hunting with those guys. Just give me some signals."

Ava nodded without hesitation. She wondered what their reaction would be if they heard her speaking human language. Unfortunately, her mother told her to do what Theo said because it was for her well-being.

She didn't wish to be a reckless kid that felt being held back by Theo's rules and broke them, ending up endangering everyone in the process. So, she didn't show any objection to Theo's decision.

Agata observed Ava, curious about her. She didn't know when Theo picked her up and their story.

Theo didn't trust people that much because of his parents, so it was weird to see him trusting his back to Ava.

While biting the flesh, Ava's ears picked up something. She stopped and turned her head. "Kyu!"

Theo followed her line of sight and didn't find anything. However, Ava already pointed at Theo with a panicked expression.

"Oh." Theo widened his eyes and said, "Alright, ladies. We need to leave right now."

"Eh?" Agata and Enrica didn't understand his choice. However, he didn't convince them or explain the circumstances. He simply left them alone as if telling them to follow him without asking any questions.

Knowing Theo wasn't someone who did something meaningless, they exchanged looks and nodded, chasing after him.

Surprisingly, they soon saw a cloud of dust on the horizon, rising to the sky. With the cloud rising high, they realized there would be at least fifty monsters running together.

If they needed to fight all those monsters, they would be in deep trouble, especially if they didn't have any preparation beforehand.

They realized Ava had saved them this time.

While moving, Enrica muttered inwardly, 'That rabbit… She is even more dangerous than I initially thought. I think I can see why Theo didn't bring her to the competition last month. With her ability alone, she would be able to make Theo the champion.

'And that reconnaissance ability makes her an even more precious resource. Her ears act like a radar. We can bring a radar with us when hunting, but some monsters can pick up the weak signal and bother us.

'And some monsters can even release a magnetic field or EMP to take down our equipment. On the contrary, she can warn us of all this without any side effects.

'In other words, with her intelligence, strength, and ears, she can be a weapon if she's trained well. And she doesn't seem to be interested in another person other than Theo…' She turned to Theo's back and felt a headache.

She sighed and thought, 'At the very least, the fact he's showing this to us means he trusts us to some extent. I guess this is a good start for Agata.'

Agata, Theo, and Ava were oblivious to her thoughts. Even if Agata knew about her thoughts, she knew Enrica wouldn't do something to Ava as those thoughts would remain as her assessment without any further action.

Theo, on the other hand, had prepared some plans if she tried to target Ava. In fact, he showed Ava's characteristics to Enrica to see how she reacted since she was one of the high-ranking people. She had the ability to make the decision on the spot.

So, depending on her reaction, he could plan more for Ava's safety.

In the meantime, they simply continued running toward their destination while observing each other.

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