God of Tricksters

Chapter 598 – Despair

Chapter 598 – Despair

Chapter 598 - Despair

"Despair!" The moment he said this word, his shadow rose and covered his body like that of a flame. His arms, legs, body, and head were completely hidden with this ominous black shadow. His bloodshot eyes were emanating killing intent and anger.

Even the goblins couldn't help but stop for a second, feeling his aura.

"Since you're here, you will feel what it feels like to be tortured to death." The Goblin King's words carried so much hate. And only Theo could understand him.

The Goblin King was a guinea pig. The experiment must have given him pain on a daily basis. Now that he had freed himself, it was his time to take revenge and let them feel the same pain as he did.

"Go!" Theo's Magic Bullets looped around the goblins and surrounded him from all directions, hitting his skins or even the shadow.


The Holy Knights immediately shouted and started doing their jobs, fending off the goblins while killing some to make a small pathway to break through this encirclement.

"Take your damn blindfold off right now!" Theo shouted while pointing at Enrica.

She took it off without hesitation and opened her eyes to witness the entire situation.

She saw the Goblin King marching toward Loris and trying to slice him, but Filbert came in his way and grabbed his blade with his Saint Hands, stopping it.

The Goblin Shaman didn't take this lightly and summoned another boulder to hit him from the side, so his king could slash both of them.

Enrica raised her hand and formed another shield next to Filbert, blocking the boulder.

However, as one would expect from a Supreme Rank Monster's attack, the shield soon cracked.

When it was about to shatter it into pieces, Theo appeared next to the boulder and hit it with his palm. "Magic Power Expansion."


The boulder flew back to the goblins and crashed some of them.

Not only that, the situation had started to change when they heard a loud commotion coming from the escape route.


Water started spreading in the camp before a bolt of lightning struck it. The lightning dispersed and electrocuted the goblins.

Unfortunately, it wasn't strong enough to kill the goblins, or the group would have escaped. Even then, it was enough for the scouts and assassins to appear around those goblins and kill them in one hit as the goblins were too numb to even move. josei

"We're here!" They shouted while panicking, realizing the situation was worse than their imagination.

"!!!" All of them noticed and turned around, seeing the assassins and scouts securing the escape route.

"Although it's narrow, work together with the assassins, magicians, and scouts to escape!" Theo shouted.

They obviously immediately followed his instruction as it was their only chance to escape.

Observing how Theo's words could influence all these people, the Goblin King realized he might be the commander. Out of all people, Theo was the one that needed to be killed first.

Hence, he pulled his sword and kicked Filbert on the stomach, blowing him away. That giant body ended up hitting Loris, resulting in both of them crashing together.

After that, the Goblin King appeared in front of him.

Noticing that his vision turned dark due to the shadow of the Goblin King's giant body, Theo raised his head and saw the blade coming to him.

He was hit, but there was nothing there because Theo had used his Blink at the last second to appear behind the Goblin King.

"Magic Augmentation." Theo took a deep breath, formed a spear with his Magic Power, and thrust his spear on his back, trying to injure the Goblin King.

As one would expect from a monster that was close to Mythical Rank, Theo's movement was simply too slow and not strong enough.

Before the spear touched the Goblin King's back, his body was already sliced into two from below.

It turned out the Goblin King controlled its shadow to form a blade from the ground to cut him.

Despite dying, Theo still smiled until his body disappeared, revealing a colossal Magic Bullet behind.

Theo didn't use his Magic Augmentation to increase the power of his spear. Instead, he used it on his Magic Bullet and shot the Goblin King.


The big Magic Bullet exploded and engulfed the Goblin King, albeit it didn't even leave a single scratch on its body.

Theo couldn't help but say, "Seriously? I guess this is normal…"

The Goblin King was pissed off and shouted, "Kill them."

As if responding to the Goblin King's order, the shaman raised his hand as a black aura started hovering around his body. It rose like a pillar before dispersing to the surroundings.




A series of screams echoed in everyone's ears. It was filled with pain, despair, and fear.

Theo couldn't help but look around when he noticed that all the hostages they rescued were clutching their heads on the ground as if experiencing tremendous pain.

Tears and saliva kept flowing out as they started banging their heads to the ground and didn't stop when they bled.

Obviously, some of the Holy Knights were trying to calm them down and believed they needed to bring them back.

"Grand Light!" Enrica clapped her hands as a golden light enveloped all these people. However, those people didn't calm down as if the Grand Light had no effect.

At the same time, their bodies began to turn pale and black spots started covering their body.

"Not good!" Enrica seemed to have seen something she shouldn't have and stopped the light. A golden shield appeared in her front as she shouted. "Protect yourself!"

Some of them managed to react to her shout, but some didn't realize what was happening. The ten hostages started decaying before their bodies exploded at the same time, engulfing some Holy Knights and the goblins.

Those who didn't manage to put up their guards died or were severely injured, with at least one part of their body disappearing.

"Argh!" More screams echoed as they felt the excruciating pain due to the explosions.

More and more people fell into despair as they realized their fate might end up like those hostages… raped, tortured, and eventually dead.

Agata was gritting her teeth and looked at Theo, who maintained his calm expression. In fact, Theo was the only one who didn't stop looking for a chance to escape this whole time.

Agata didn't say anything since Theo told her to trust him.

The Goblin King roared once again as he pointed at his blade toward all of them. "I already said… This is what you humans have shown me. And now, I will show you the despair!"

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