God of Tricksters

Chapter 623 – Theo And Alea’s Coordination

Chapter 623 – Theo And Alea’s Coordination

Chapter 623 - Theo And Alea’s Coordination

When Alea felt Theo's killing intent, she sighed, knowing her hard work was not nearly enough to maintain the gap between them.

Theo took a deep breath as his clone made the first move. The clone used Blink to reappear beneath the monster's belly.

He used the Magic Augmentation to strengthen his spear and utilized the Magic Power Expansion to hit the belly. josei


The collision caused a powerful explosion that tried to rip open the ice stomach, albeit it didn't even leave a scratch.

The monster then fell down and crushed Clone Theo before leaping into the air to shift his focus back on Theo, who let out that much killing intent.

He knew Theo was the most dangerous one among them.

Theo resummoned his clone and called upon his Magic Bullets, trying to shoot him down.

The monster didn't even flinch when he took all the Magic Bullets head-on. After all, it managed to take Theo's strongest attack without a problem, there was no reason to make a fuss with mere Magic Bullets.

The moment it landed, the monster jumped forward and slammed Theo with its paw.

Theo barely avoided it to create a chance for Alea.

The latter arrived next to the creature and struck the foot again.

"It's too strong…" Alea frowned when she realized it would be hard for them to take on this monster.

"You're giving up already." Theo smiled and flew to the sky as if trying to escape from the monster.

The monster looked up and opened its mouth to shoot him down.

To counter his attack, Theo raised his hand as a giant ice boulder appeared out of thin air. "Take this one."

The boulder—twice the monster's size—fell down.

The monster didn't hesitate to shoot it down.


The ice boulder was shattered into pieces and filled the battlefield with its pieces.

Alea took that chance to strike the monster again.


Whether the monster was looking down on her or her attack was too weak, it didn't even bother to look at her and let her do whatever she wanted, knowing her attack wouldn't injure him.

On the contrary, Alea was observing Theo's shattered boulder while attacking the monster, thinking, 'That boulder should be just an illusion, but…'

She lowered her vision and saw how the monsters on the ground avoided the rubbles as if they were real and ended up getting killed by Agata.

The situation was pretty much the same as the other two battlefields as they took advantage of Theo's illusion.

'Despite fighting a Supreme Rank Expert, he still has time to help everyone? Seriously?' Ana frowned, realizing why Alea said the result of her efforts couldn't be compared to Theo. "Haha. That's an insane field of vision you got there."

While she was impressed by Theo, the latter continued its attack. With the monster trying to reach him with its paws, Theo used his Magic Bullets to shoot his head.




The explosion caused the cold air to evaporate, creating a fog covering the monster's eyes.

Alea took this chance to deliver another blow. "Twin Sword Strikes!"

She used all her strength and pushed the creature down.

Theo grabbed Alea's shoulder as they should return to the ground, not wanting to let the monster regain its advantage.

However, the monster was more powerful than they thought as it had already stood up and slammed its paw.

Seeing the incoming paw, Theo summoned the shield from the Ring of Honor below the snow and launched them away.

"!!!" Alea muttered inwardly, 'Did he summon the shield to hit our shoes to send us away? This will give more momentum than his Telekinesis…'

"I'm sure you are not done with only this, right?" Theo smiled. "How many chances do you need?"

Alea couldn't help but smile as Theo indeed understood her. She said, "Three more."

"Got it. Do whatever you think is right. I will bring you those chances." Theo nodded.

"Understood." Alea waved her sword and summoned nine heads. "Devouring Hydra."

The hydras soon surrounded the monster and circled around him to crack the ice, but the monster simply released a powerful ice gale, covering the hydra around his body with a thick layer of ice.

It then waved its tail and shattered them into pieces.

However, Theo and his clone already arrived next to the creature and hit him on the face with Magic Power Expansion.


The force knocked the head away, but the monster soon recovered.

Luckily, Alea had delivered another attack on the foot.


Finally, the monster howled like a wolf and stepped to the side as if escaping from Alea.

Theo used this chance to create a giant scythe like Agata's and waved it down to cut the creature.

After Alea's attack, the monster hesitated for a second and chose to open its mouth and bite the scythe, breaking it apart.

Little did he know, the real attack wasn't the scythe. It was two big Magic Bullets that hid behind it.


The Magic Bullets hit the head and knocked it down, stopping the creature from making any sudden movement.

"Twin Sword Strikes."


Alea's second attack somehow made the monster scared and leaped away, but a giant fire net appeared in front of the monster.

Not wanting to be caught, the monster leaped to the side, only to find a giant wall.

Because of Theo and Alea's continuous attacks, the monster couldn't discern which one was an illusion and which one was real.

Due to this development, the monster leaped in the opposite direction like Theo predicted.

Theo was there to stop him.

Angered, the creature covered its paw with a blue-colored aura and swept Theo, only to find the aura turned into particles and dispersed.

Theo smiled as he finally utilized his new skill, Illusion Destruction. After that, he received the raw force from that paw with the Ring of Honor's shield.

The other Theo used his Blink to appear next to the creature with Alea.

The latter felt excited and delivered the promised third attack. "Twin Sword Strikes."



This time, the first sound turned out to be a cracking sound, followed by a shattering sound. The creature's front leg broke apart as the monster lost its balance and fell down.

Theo glanced at Alea and smiled, thinking, 'She has been striking the same spot this whole time… This can only be done because of her eyes… She has truly gotten stronger.'

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