God of Tricksters

Chapter 627 – Cooperation

Chapter 627 – Cooperation

Chapter 627 - Cooperation

"Lorenzo, on your right," Theo shouted.

Lorenzo glanced to the side and ducked down, barely avoiding a green lizard's long tongue.

After that, a small ice ball appeared on top of the tongue and exploded, freezing it. Lorenzo spun his body and took this chance to cut the lizard's tongue.

"Grek." The lizard wailed in pain, but Theo already appeared on top of the lizard, crushing its head with his Magic Power Expansion.

He then assessed all directions from the top of the lizard. There were numerous monsters coming toward them as he clicked his tongue, "There is no end. It's either we try to break through or stay here for another five minutes until Lorenzo can use his Teleportation again."

"It's better to stay here. There are many giant corpses around, so we should use them as a wall to direct the monsters around. Theo, your Telekinesis will be useful for this." Lorenzo shouted, offering another idea.

When Theo was about to nod his head, a sound echoed in his ears.

"!!!" The ground was shaking as if something big had hit the ground nearby.

"Theo!" Lorenzo panicked as he wondered whether Theo knew what it was, considering he looked stupefied on top of the corpse.

What Theo saw was none other than a humanoid figure. It looked like a human, but the creature didn't have any eyes, leaving only a grey-colored skin covering its body. With how it stood tall among the trees, he was confident that the monster's height was more than a hundred feet.

The monster had a long arm that could hit the ground without even lowering its body.

"What's that ominous monster?" Theo muttered as he clenched his fists.

"Another monster?" Lorenzo narrowed his eyes while Ana's expression turned grim.

'Everything doesn't seem right this whole time.' Ana frowned and looked at Theo. 'At first, the progress went smoothly, and we could reach the Poison King without any problem.

'However, it changed for the worse when we were about to get the Poison Fruits. A monster roared and messed up our plan. After that, we were chased by hundreds of monsters. If this continues, I'm afraid we will be too exhausted and hide somewhere for today.

'Does someone sabotage our group?' Ana gritted her teeth. 'If that's the case, I am going to kill that bastard. Anyway, our lives will depend on Theo's decision. Lorenzo seems to trust him that much, so he must be hiding his trump card.

Theo, on the contrary, frowned when he saw the monster. The creature slammed its hand a few times as if it was fighting something.

However, the one thing that shocked him the most was none other than a blue-colored beam that hit the monster's head.

"!!!" In that instant, Theo understood what was going on and shouted, "Lorenzo, do you think we can teleport there?"

"Where?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

Since the giant couldn't be seen on the ground level, he pointed at the hill next to the monster. "That hill."

Lorenzo obviously wanted to reject since that hill was where the sound came from. But the words soon stuck in his throat as he realized what Theo wanted. He asked for confirmation. "You sure?"

"As much as I hate it, this is the best way to escape this place." Theo nodded.

Lorenzo looked at Theo with a concerned expression. With only the sound and Theo's suggestion, he knew that sound came from the person they met earlier.

Nella Griffith.

Nella must have brought her group to that area and fought the monster. If they went there and collaborated with her, their group wouldn't have this kind of problem anymore.

After all, Nella alone could be considered three people in terms of fighting power.

Still, Theo hated the Griffith Family to the bone, so it must take a great deal for him to decide to collaborate with them.

He didn't know he had misunderstood Theo this whole time.

Theo simply had something to do with the Griffith Family. Even though killing them here wouldn't be wise as he still needed their help, Theo had another thing he wanted from the Griffith Family.

Hence, he decided to join hands with them.

Unaware of Theo's objective, Lorenzo nodded. "Okay. I will teleport us there."

Ana and the others didn't understand what they were talking about since they didn't know the Griffith Family had sent their younger generations to this place. At the same time, those from the War God Family weren't at Theo and Lorenzo's level and couldn't understand the plan in an instant.

They simply thought Lorenzo and Theo must have come to an agreement, and everything was going to change for the better. josei

It was proven when Theo finally used his Telekinesis to rearrange the corpses, creating a small labyrinth that confused the monsters.

They ended up dealing with fewer monsters and had the time to breathe.

After five minutes, Lorenzo clapped his hand. "Teleportation!"

He sent all of them to the bottom of the hill with fewer monsters to handle. This was confusing at first glance, but they soon understood the reason when they saw a huge figure looking down on the ground.

"Ignore the monsters. We're going to that big guy over there." Theo shouted, informing the others.

"Huh? What? Are you insane?" Ana widened her eyes before she heard a deep voice resounding in the area.

"You humans are always causing chaos here."

"!!!" That statement alerted them as they soon noticed that the big guy was a General Class Monster.

"Theo, you—" Ana wanted to release her anger but stopped when she saw Theo standing still while looking at the sky as if he was entranced.

"Theo!" Lorenzo hit Theo's shoulder, waking him up. He didn't care what was in Theo's mind in this situation since he only wanted to return safely. "Hurry!"

"A-ah." Theo trembled for a second before shaking his head. "That's right. General Class doesn't matter. It doesn't seem to be that powerful. And considering we're already pretty far from the Poison King, the level shouldn't be that high. We will collaborate with them and escape this place."

"Go!" Lorenzo stopped caring and shouted as monsters began to come toward them.

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