God of Tricksters

Chapter 630 – Fall

Chapter 630 – Fall

Chapter 630 - Fall

"As expected from the former captain and vice-captain." Ana smirked. "They are in sync."

Theo couldn't care less about her opinion as he simply continued working on his plan to defeat the giant.

"Alea, search for another weak spot since even if we cut all the fingers and make the monster lose blood, it's nowhere near enough to kill it. Lorenzo and I will take care of the fingers."

"I believe all those fingers are weak points too." Alea pointed at the giant's feet. "But I will search for another one other than those."

"Got it. I will leave it to you." Theo nodded and shouted, "Lorenzo, it's your job now."

"Haha, I will do it then." Lorenzo agreed and leaped into the air, preparing to attack the monster's fingers.

"How dare you!" The monster raised both hands and used all finger tentacles to strike Lorenzo and Theo.

At the same time, all ten toes extended and hit both Alea and Ana to stop whatever they were doing.

When the monster was about to hit Nella, he realized Nella was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, he felt someone stepping on his head as her voice echoed in his ears.

"This is a perfect spot."

The monster realized Nella was the one above him. He hurriedly sent a tentacle to push her away, but Nella had already made the first move.

She concentrated the Magic Power on her fist while sucking the air as much as possible. Her expression became serious as she finally released the full power of her Saint Fist Style.

"Saint Fist Style, Induction Fist."


The giant's head was launched to its chest as the tentacle stopped for a second as if they had experienced a tremendous shock.

"Still, not going down?" Nella smirked and placed her hands on the skin. "One more time."

"Great Magic Shock."


A powerful shock wave appeared below the giant's head as if all that power traveled through the giant's head and had nowhere to go until it left the head. And the accumulation shock wave managed to push all the snow beneath the giant.

Theo was impressed by that power. After all, the giant itself was tall and the shock wave needed to travel a fair distance before blowing the snow away. The power that generated this much strength was surely extremely powerful.

His shock didn't stop there because the giant soon dropped to his knees.

"Gah!" The giant roared in pain as his body felt numb.

When the Griffith Family Members witnessed this, they simply turned their heads around as if they didn't care. After all, they knew this strength was the reason why Nella became the golden child of the Griffith Family.

"Has she become stronger than me?" Theo muttered inwardly while looking at Nella. In the end, he shook his head, "No. That power is achieved by sacrificing everything. Meanwhile, my control is complimenting my illusion and attacks, so it's normal if the power is less than her."

Theo knew this was the difference between him and Nella. Even so, he didn't plan on losing.

He put his spear on his back before raising his hand, summoning his artifact.

"Now, now. Let's step up my game." Theo smiled.

This spear immediately reminded Lorenzo of their last battle in that competition. He remembered that Theo managed to overcome his Space Ability with this spear. Now that Theo's power had been boosted by the jewel, he wondered what kind of power he would show him.

Theo levitated himself on the air, staring at the giant. josei

As if noticing his presence, the giant slammed him with his giant hand, but Theo used his Blink to retreat a hundred feet back. "Magic Augmentation."

With the help of Magic Augmentation, two Magic Bullets appeared on Theo's hand as he combined them into one before shooting the hand.

"Go." Theo let out a small voice as he sent that Magic Bullet.

"It's useless. You won't be able to injure me anymore." The giant harrumphed and raised his hand to block the Magic Bullet with his palm.

However, this was when Theo started pulling strings. Before the Magic Bullet hit the palm, it split into four and went separate ways, avoiding the palm and heading straight to the face.

"What?" The giant was confused for a second and realized the Magic Bullets were coming straight to the space between his mouth and nose. In other words, he wanted to send them into his nose or mouth.

With that realization, the giant covered both of them with his hand before the Magic Bullets hit them.

"Your plan won't work anymore." The giant snorted.

"You're a fool. Well, a General Class Monster is said to have the same intelligence as humans. If that's the case, humans have fools and geniuses… So, I am assuming you're the former." Theo smirked, taunting him with a cheap provocation.

And the giant's action proved his words even further. He moved his tentacles to strike down the Magic Bullets, albeit this was the greatest mistake he could make.

"Twin Sword Strikes."

"Sword Light."

Alea and Lorenzo got this perfect chance to attack since there were no tentacles left to defend them.

They cut a total of four toes in that attack.

"Argh!" The giant's brain was jolted by the extreme pain coming from his feet. He retracted the tentacles to push them away, but this action resulted in him missing Theo's Magic Bullets.

"It's useless. My skin is hard." The giant still believed the Magic Bullets wouldn't hurt him, so he prepared to take the full brunt of that attack while using the rest of the tentacles to blow Nella away to make sure she didn't hit him again.

Suddenly, Theo raised his hand and said, "That's why you're a fool. You should look down first."

"Huh?" The giant had no eyes, so he only felt something on his knees. He couldn't help but check what was going on. It was then he found a huge chain binding his feet together. The two knees didn't join together, but it should be enough to restrain him.

"Since when…" The giant realized this was Theo's plan all along. When he raised his head to look at Theo, the Magic Bullets had arrived right in front of his forehead and exploded.


The force generated from the Magic Bullets, Magic Augmentation, and extra boost from the spear created a shock wave slightly less powerful than Nella's previous attack. Even then, it was enough to push the head.

The giant ended up tripping with its feet going sideways, making him realize the chain was none other than an illusion.

"This is why you're a fool. You can't even realize something this simple." Theo snorted… "Fall."

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