God of Tricksters

Chapter 642 – Assistant Agata

Chapter 642 – Assistant Agata

Chapter 642 - Assistant Agata

Two months later.

Theo was sitting in the garden with his eyes closed. A snake was hovering on top of his head. The snake had eyes, a tongue, and even scales.

This creature reflected Theo's control that had improved drastically compared to the one he made in Thersland.

Suddenly, Agata walked toward him. "Theo."

Hearing her voice, Theo immediately opened his eyes and put the water back on the pool as he raised his head, looking at her. "Yep?"

"We're ready to go."

"Oh?" Theo nodded. "Let me check the schedule again."

She handed him the Skylink, where they stored the map and missions.

"We discussed this a few days ago, and now, this is the current plan. Since you're level 373 now, we're going to the Semi Hill to kill some level 400-420 monsters.

"I have picked some missions that won't be picked up by other people in three months around this area as well.

"And according to you, we will finish all the individual missions in this trip, so these are the two individual missions."

[Mission: Unusual Monster's Rampage Investigation.]

[Mission: Rioan Mountain Range Exploration.]

"The first one is about a rampage in a certain area. The monsters in that area are around level 400, so I think it's perfect for us to investigate and eliminate the threats.

"As for the second one, we have discovered a new area called Rioan Mountain Range. Even though it's called Mountain Range, the place we're investigating is a cave found from a crevice in a mountain.

"Since the monsters on the surface are around level 450, the monsters inside shouldn't be that different. No poison or such a thing has been discovered, but I will prepare three antidotes from the Poison Fruits just in case."

Theo pondered for a moment and nodded. "Double the antidotes. The rest is good enough. We will finish the rampage mission in the first month and the investigation in the second month. The third month will be focused on our level."

"Understood. I have considered several places for the third month and we can choose one depending on our situation at that time." Agata assured him.

"Good enough for me. You have improved, eh." Theo smiled.

"Haha, this is my job, so I need to improve to keep it." Agata chuckled. "By the way, I have summarized the data of the monsters that we may need to face, including their strength and weakness. It will take you only a few seconds to understand them, so I think this will give us an easier time."

"Really? There should be thousands, no?" Theo frowned.

"You told me your plan three months ago, so I took one to two hours before sleeping to compile the information. So, yeah, I have been working from the start, so it's not that tiring." Agata winked.

"Haha, interesting." Theo nodded. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"By the way, how are the missions from the temples?"

"I have compiled all of them. Actually, I have bought another set of glasses. It has night improvement mode, night vision, cooking, and Skylink's function all at once." Agata smirked.

"Really?" Theo widened his eyes, surprised by Agata's preparation. "Is there something like that?"

"I used my family connection to purchase it. It's the latest product, so my father ended up asking someone to buy it."

"That must be expensive." Theo frowned. "How much was it? Let me transfer the money."

"No, no. You don't need to." Agata shook her head. "To be honest, my father didn't even give me the receipt when I tried to send the money to him. It seemed he was delighted with my progress and didn't mind spending his fortune to buy it.

"He also wants to thank you for this opportunity." Agata assured him with a smile. "So, there's no need to think about it."

"Is that so?" Theo scratched the back of his head. He sighed, "Okay, okay. I will use that."

"Sure. I will just connect the Skylink function to your Skylink to share the data. Is that alright?"

"Yep." Theo asked, "So, what's about the temples' missions?"

"Ah, right. With the glasses, you can see the missions and the monsters to kill or the items to acquire, making it easy for you to decide. As for the missions themselves… I have gotten all the missions that are in our path, so I'm not very sure.

"My first estimate is around 300 million Zils for this trip. I have calculated your ability and future plans, so yeah, I think it's pretty accurate. If we add the other Material or Skill Cards, five hundred million should be easy."

"Hoh?" Theo nodded. "Good enough. We have Ava, so it will be easier."

"I have put her into the calculation too."

"I see." Theo contemplated.

Suddenly, Agata had a request. "Theo, do you mind considering this one thing?"

"Hmm? What is it?"

"I don't need the money and the cards. I don't need any spoils."

Theo frowned. "This doesn't sound right."

"If you still want to give me a portion of the money, please use it to fund our next trip or something. Maybe we can even hire people to do stuff. Please use the money on them."

Theo scratched the back of his head. On the one hand, he felt bad if Agata wasn't rewarded. On the other hand, he couldn't rebuke her after seeing how much she cared for this group.

After a while, Theo said, "In that case, we will split the mission reward into three. We can use the money to fund us, but you still need to get the contribution point, allowing you to increase your privilege level in temples. I won't budge with this." josei

Agata smiled and nodded. "However, since you, your clone, and Ava are one team, shouldn't we split it into four?"

"Do I need to repeat myself?" Theo raised his voice and frowned. Agata would demand her portion to be decreased if they split evenly, so Theo calculated Ava and his clone as one, making it a three-way split.

Hearing this, Agata finally agreed. "I understand. Let's do it this way."

"Alright. Let's proceed with our schedule."

"Yes. We have a spar after this and an examination to upgrade our temple's ID Card. I have arranged all of them."


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