God of Tricksters

Chapter 644 – Sparring Part 2

Chapter 644 – Sparring Part 2

Chapter 644 - Sparring Part 2

"Haha, you should say I taught you everything you know, not everything I know." Leonardo laughed.

Theo glanced at him and shrugged. "I didn't teach her everything she knew."

Before they could continue their conversation, Agata had already made her next move. She stomped the ground as the soil seemed to rise before turning into a golem.

The golem ran forward and slammed Theo with its giant hand.

Theo used his Magic Power Expansion and struck the golem's hand before he felt an explosion that knocked his spear away.

After that, he used his Telekinesis to push the golem away, resulting in Agata losing control over the smoke.

The golem then crumbled and returned to its original form, the pink smoke.

Since no one was stopping him anymore, he spread his hands as forty Magic Bullets appeared out of thin air.

'Half of them are Theo's Magic Bullets while the others are Customized Magic Bullets.' Agata frowned as she knew she couldn't speculate which was normal and which wasn't.

Agata snapped her finger as multiple walls emerged from the ground. She then covered her presence with her Awareness, trying to hide so Theo couldn't locate her.

At the same time, Theo wouldn't attack her recklessly because he might get hit by Ava.

Knowing Ava was going to ambush him, Theo shot all the walls without hesitation.




The explosions occurred in succession and the walls disappeared completely.

As soon as he located Ava and Agata, Theo sent another wave of Magic Bullets through the ground.

"!!!" Both of them noticed the attack at the same time.

Ava hurriedly leaped toward Theo to make him the target too if the Magic Bullets indeed chased after her.

On the other hand, Agata used her illusion smoke to reinforce the ground.



The Magic Bullets exploded again when they hit Agata's pink smoke, albeit Agata underestimated the power of the explosions.

Due to the explosion, the dirt started to burst out of the ground. This place wasn't filled with rocks that strengthened the foundation underneath her, so her vision was soon covered with dirt.

Meanwhile, Theo struck Ava with his spear.

"Kyu!" Ava kicked the air to avoid it before leaping toward him again. "Kyu."

Ava kicked him, only to be blocked by the spear's handle. She soon retreated when Clone Theo reappeared.

Unfortunately for her, it was just another illusion from Theo.

The real clone used his Blink to arrive next to Agata, who still had her eyes covered.

When he was about to hit her, multiple spikes came out of the ground as if they had been waiting for him.

"Do you think I will leave myself unguarded?" Agata smiled.

"Nah, I trust you." Clone Theo smiled and raised his hand. The air current began to swirl before forming a giant sphere above his head.

Theo then pushed this current with his Telekinesis, trying to create a shock wave that was enough to blow her away.

Agata's pink smoke began to fill up the surroundings, but it was too late as the wind suddenly burst out, blowing away all the pink smoke. After that, it was replaced by normal white smoke, alarming Agata.

'This is… Did Theo just use his Illusion Destruction on his own skill to create a smokescreen?' She raised her eyebrows before lowering her head.

Theo's spear flew past her head with a shadow reflected behind the smoke.

Without hesitation, Agata waved both hands until they crossed.

The pink smoke she had summoned became a sharp blade and cut down the shadow, only to find the shadow was just a fake.

'This is his Illusion Manipulation? He could even create a shadow?' Agata gulped down and used her pink smoke to push the white smoke away, allowing her to regain her vision.

She soon realized Theo was hiding behind the white smoke that had now been replaced by her illusion fog.

"Got you." She smiled. The illusion smoke's original purpose was to trap someone inside an illusion, so she didn't hesitate to use it again.

Suddenly, several Aleas came toward Theo while waving their swords to cut him down. If this was just an illusion, Agata wouldn't be able to win. Hence, she used her Mimicry to turn herself into Alea and attack him.

"…" Clone Theo remained still as he looked at all the approaching figures.

Before they arrived, Theo clenched his fist and struck the ground, releasing all the Telekinesis in all directions.

The Telekinesis blew all the pink smoke away, making Alea's figures disappear and leaving only one Alea at the very end.

Theo knew it was Agata, so he shot her with Magic Bullets.

Agata clicked her tongue and raised both swords as if she planned to strike down the bullets.

However, before the Magic Bullets hit her, Agata turned around and threw the swords at the real Theo.

"!!!" Theo widened his eyes as his Magic Bullets pierced this last "Alea" that turned out to be the pink smoke.

In other words, she just used two forms of illusion. The first one was the Aleas that were made of pure illusion, while the second one was the last Alea which was constructed by the pink smoke like how Agata made her weapons.

This way, even if the pink smoke was blown away, this one still remained, making Theo think this was her real body with Mimicry.

'She must have poured so much power to prevent the last one from blowing away.' Clone Theo thought as he lowered his vision, finding Agata, who was already making her way to Theo. The two swords and Ava were also about to hit him.

Agata just tricked him into creating a one vs three situation.

Looking at all these attacks, Clone Theo used his Blink to arrive on top of Agata, striking her down. "Good trick, but you still can't escape from me." josei

Agata spun her body and blocked Theo's spear, but the force pinned her to the ground.

Meanwhile, Ava attacked him with another kick while waiting for the two swords to arrive.

The real Theo, who had been fighting Agata this whole time, smiled and said, "You two have improved."

He then covered his spear with the Magic Augmentation and Magic Power Expansion and swung his spear like a baseball bat.

When it was on its way, the Magic Power Expansion exploded, resulting in a powerful shock wave that blew Ava and the swords away.


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