God of Tricksters

Chapter 654 – Running Away Part 2

Chapter 654 – Running Away Part 2

Chapter 654 - Running Away Part 2

The bird plunged Theo with its talons, showing the superiority of experience.

Theo knew he couldn't fight against the actual bird because he hadn't flown for so long. Still, he utilized the fact he could use skills better than them.

With the Magic Power Expansion covering his talons, he hit the bird's talons with more power than the bird had poured in his own talons.

The clash ended in an instant as the bird was launched back while Theo flapped his wings a few times to stabilize his form before looking at the other birds.

He summoned his Magic Bullets and shot them down with the Tracking Ability, forcing the birds to do an evasive maneuver.

Theo took that chance to fly straight at the closest bird and struck it down.

The bird managed to dodge him at first but got hit by the Magic Bullets afterward, allowing Theo to deliver another attack that turned into a killing blow.

While he was fighting the bird, Agata kept summoning her spikes one after another to keep the monsters at bay. Some even got injured by her spikes, making the situation even better.

However, the Dryad obviously didn't like the situation as she raised her hands. The grassland suddenly underwent a great change.

The grass grew at a rapid rate and covered their vision soon.

'Hmph. This should be enough to defeat the previous me, but I'm different now.' Agata snorted and released her Awareness to the surroundings.

Theo's Awareness could reach 250 feet from him, but Agata's Awareness surpassed him by at least fifty percent.

Now that she had no vision in the front, she shrunk her Awareness to a hundred feet, but put all her concentration there to make sure no one escaped.

After finding all the monsters, Agata used the tall grass to counter attack. She created a large spear and cut everything down.

The grass was cut in an instant and some monsters were taken by surprise. She received several notifications of her killing the monsters, so she was pretty happy with the result.

At the same time, she used that swing to cut the grass in front too, realizing there was a limit to how far the Dryad could grow the grass with her power.

"Ava, the limit seems to be two hundred feet from her position. Attacking them outside this range will just allow them to fully see what we're doing and dodge it." Agata thought for a moment and added, "Do you have anything that can travel on the ground?"

Ava frowned but still nodded her head. "I have. What do you want me to do?"

"I'm going to use my spikes again. If possible, I want you to provide more firepower. We should be able to kill more."

"Got it. I will match your movement."

"Okay." Agata raised her smoke again as they started turning into spikes. She even utilized the tall grass to hide her pink smoke and pierce them.

Ava then created a small spark that ran through the ground. The lightning was so powerful that it cracked the ground around it and burned the grass.

It was so noticeable to the point the monsters would have avoided it before it could attack them.

But Agata saw this as an opportunity and spread her pink smokes to left and right before raising them to act like a wall.

The Dryad was confused and tried to break the wall, but it turned out Agata never reinforced them with her Awareness.

The monsters that were expecting some resistance from the wall ended up slipping and falling to the ground, while those who were in the middle had no time to leave the wall.

They wanted to dodge the lightning, but Agata's illusion smoke stopped them.

Ultimately, Ava's lightning arrived and sparked in all directions. Those who were hit had a burn mark if not a hole in their bodies.

Her lightning was simply too powerful as she sacrificed the speed to increase the power.

"Kh." The Dryad obviously didn't like the current development as they were about to enter the forest.

She tried to force the birds to ignore Theo and attacked them regardless of the risk, only to find none of them were moving.

She raised her head and saw Theo was the only one flying in the sky. Forty Magic Bullets then appeared next to him as Theo rained them down with the bullets.



He decreased the number of Magic Bullets, so he could concentrate some air into his Magic Power, enveloping them to create the Customized Magic Bullets.

The moment they were hit by the Magic Bullets, the beasts started going down.

"What?!" The Dryad gritted her teeth and summoned her vines to block all the bullets. In the end, she was the one who suffered the most as her vines had burn marks covering the vines.

"Humans, die!" The Dryad extended the vines that were covering her body and shot it to the sky, trying to hunt Eagle Theo down.

Eagle Theo instantly disappeared as his job had already finished.

The forest was only two hundred feet away, so it was time he gave another direction.

"Sorry for the wait." Theo smiled.

"I thought you could control your clone easily." Agata mentioned his lack of response during the whole ordeal. Normally, Theo's control over his clone was beyond perfection, so it was weird to see him do nothing other than controlling his control.

"Don't be like that. There was another reason why I chose to focus on the eagle." Theo smirked. "Anyway, I managed to study everything when I became an eagle… So, yeah, I have a plan to kill the Dryad."

As if she heard Theo's remark, the Dryad responded aloud. "Kill me? Study everything? Can you study this?"

When he heard her questions, Theo grabbed Agata's shoulder before turning to the forest.

Suddenly, the trees started moving to create a barricade that would stop Theo and Agata. It was at this time Ava felt something touch her even though Theo didn't even look at her.

"Theo!" Agata and Ava felt the barriers from the trees and warned him, but as he said earlier, he already learned everything. josei

Right before they hit the barricade formed by tree branches and roots, he stopped as if he was surprised.

"Die!" This action made the Dryad happy and controlled the beasts to ram them into the barricade.

However, Theo used his Blink to send them behind the barricade at the last moment, letting the monsters destroy the barricades themselves.

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