God of Tricksters

Chapter 679 – Agata’s Thoughts

Chapter 679 – Agata’s Thoughts

Chapter 679 - Agata’s Thoughts

After three hours, Agata finally returned to the camp. She found Theo staring into space as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing him this way made her regret confessing her love earlier. However, it turned out she misunderstood him as Theo snapped out of his thoughts and waved his hand.

"You haven't slept since yesterday, so you should sleep first" Theo put on a gentle smile.

"Ehm… I will." She ultimately nodded, thinking a night of sleep should be able to fix the mood.

She walked into the tent and immediately laid down. Her mind went blank as she covered her eyes with her arm before muttering inwardly, 'Why did I say all that earlier? That Goddess must be influencing me… Still, I should have known better.

'No. It's no use thinking about this right now. What I need to do is to calm myself down and act normal.

'We have finished both of our missions… If we take into account the return trip, we should have five weeks to level up.

'My level is 400 right now, so 450 is an easy goal if we carefully use our time. Well, I can raise my level this fast because of Theo since we're having four people worth of work for two people…

'Normally, I need to work together with six people and share the EXP with them too, resulting in lower leveling speed. That's why this is an excellent trip.

'No wonder why Theo can reach this point so fast. If I didn't come with him, he would have surpassed me on this trip.

'Still…' Agata stopped for a moment to recall her memories.

It was when she first met Theo.

Back then, when everyone was in a trance, Theo calmly replied. "We don't mean to be rude, but that's how it is."

But not long after that, Theo also said, "I also feel a bit sorry."

At that time, he seemed to understand her problem. She didn't need someone's sympathy, but she still thanked him. It was the first time curiosity filled her heart, wondering why Theo didn't seem to be affected by her beauty.

When they returned to the hotel, she searched for Theo's information. josei

While looking at the screen, she muttered, 'Hmm, he's an orphan whose parents died in his childhood. His brother soon disappeared too, leaving him alone for a decade.

'He was bullied in school and didn't seem to be fighting back. Only after getting the chance to go to this competition did he begin to show his brilliance.

'In the school competition, he didn't show his strength, making him a bit mysterious compared to the others.

'Some even said he used Alea to carry him through the competition. Why does this information feel like a lie?" Agata contemplated for a moment before hearing someone open her door.

"What are you doing?" The one who came was none other than her best friend, Enrica.

"Hmm, I'm just searching for someone's information."

"Is it Theodore Griffith?"

"Yeah. He should have connections with the Griffith Family, but there's no information about it. Even when I checked his parents, I found nothing." Agata nodded with a confused expression.

"Why did you even investigate him?"

"I am just curious."

"Curious, huh." Enrica fell silent for a moment. "Even if he's a bastard child of the Griffith Family, they would still send a Master and a connection for him to use."

"Exactly. That's why I'm confused. Is he some sort of secret weapon? If that's the case, there's no need to put him in Thersland without having any backup. There's also no need to get bullied unnecessarily and come to this competition." Agata explained.

"Indeed. He seems to have endured a quite painful experience."

"Yeah. Even then, all this doesn't make sense."

"What doesn't make sense? Are you deciding this just because he doesn't react to your appearance?" Enrica playfully smiled.

"Hmm…" Agata mumbled, not wanting to admit it. "He's the enemy's brain, so I just need to get some information about him. After all, they're a dark horse with little to no information."

"Yeah, yeah." Enrica agreed with her half-heartedly. "No matter what, even if it's only a glance, he will appreciate your beauty. So, him not caring about you even one bit is weird… as if he has something that surpasses that curiosity or…

"Do you remember back when we were in junior high school? I have heard several bullying took place because they confessed to you. Jealousy rose or something like that. Maybe that's why?"

Agata raised her eyebrows as if she had come to a realization. "His information said he was bullied at school. So, this was why he didn't do anything that would offend other people?"

"Yep. In other words, he was scared of you instead of appreciating you." Enrica chuckled.

"This said there were many people who bullied him…" Agata fell silent. "Somehow, I can relate to that…"


"I guess his words were nothing but a mere courtesy. His brain might have censored my face automatically."

"Haha, I'm not sure that's how the brain works, but it must be something along those lines." Enrica chuckled.

"Still… I'm scary huh…"

Agata finally snapped back into reality as she bit her lips, thinking, 'Is he still afraid of me? But there's no one to bully him anymore…

'Or does he have something important? If we go out… did he fear many enemies will come to him and ruin his own plan?

'Those who are lusting after my beauty will end up becoming his enemies and just by staying near him, I make him unsafe… I know that, but I don't know how deep his fear is and what his plan is…

'I might have been underestimating the entire situation this whole time. In fact, if we go out, others will think I am the chain that binds Theo in Italy. That's what other countries will think, especially after Sir Leonardo claimed that Theo isn't a member of the War God Family.

'There's also the fact he has trust issues. With so many enemies and little to no allies, Theo really needs to think of his plan carefully before committing to a relationship.'

The more she thought, the more awful she felt. She never thought that her own desire actually put Theo on the edge.

Tears couldn't help but stream out of her eyes as she gritted her teeth, 'I am stupid.'

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