God of Tricksters

Chapter 682 – Using A Sword

Chapter 682 – Using A Sword

Chapter 682 - Using A Sword

"Why don't you try your new weapon too?"

"Me?" Theo pointed at himself with an amused expression.

"Yeah. You have those weapons now, so I think you should test them right now. When we're back, you won't have the chance to do it anymore, considering Sir Leonardo will realize it.

"I know that there are some who can make multiple weapons, but I don't think you want to be observed by Sir Leonardo, right? After all, your weapons can change into five different shapes. josei

"And we have promised the dwarves not to involve them in the process, so if Sir Leonardo knows about this, he will realize that the tunnel is the weirdest place…" Agata explained her reasoning.

"I know the reasons, but I don't know whether I should…" Theo scratched the back of his head.

"Or you can't show it even to me?"

"Nah, it's not that." Theo waved his hand before falling into silence. He thought for a moment and nodded. "Fine, I'm going to do it."

"Do you need my help?"

"I am going to test the sharpness of my sword first, so I need you to capture a monster with those vines. After that, we will need a practice target, one monster and one tree to see the impact of my Magic Bullet.

"Last but not least, we need a strong monster to attack my shield to check the durability. Although I don't doubt Dourner's skill, I still need to see the extent of the shield's durability."

Agata contemplated for ten seconds before nodding in agreement. "Sure. Let's do it one step at a time. I will try to catch a monster for you."

"Yeah." Theo then put his spear on his back before taking out the blue artifact.

The moment he poured his Magic Power into the bracelet, it soon changed into a spear. It might be because of Dourner, but he felt the change had become smoother.

In one second, the spear had already appeared on his hand. After that, he poured some Magic Power into the first layer and turned the spear into a sword.

The blade extended out as if there were already a blade hiding underneath the spear's handle this whole time, turning the 15 inches long spear's blade into five times its original length.

Theo looked at the blade with a smile, knowing there wasn't any defect. "Yeah. I'm good. Let's search for monsters."

"Got it."

The two agreed and started venturing around the forest, trying to find a single monster.

Sadly, they found three monsters standing near each other instead.

"Hmm…" Theo squinted his eyes. "I will try to handle them first. I know that I will be moving awkwardly because I'm not used to wielding a sword, but I want to check the extent of my performance."

"Got it. I will join when the timing is right." Agata nodded and turned to Ava. "Should I give you the signal to help, Ava?"

"No need. I won't be helping you fight those three." Ava shook her head, knowing Theo wouldn't have a problem fighting against the monsters even though he was using a sword.

"Okay." Theo gave a thumbs up to both of them as he ran toward the monsters with a sword in his right hand.

These four-legged monsters turned their bodies around when they sensed Theo. Because they looked like rhinoceros, they soon charged toward him, planning to impale Theo with their sharp and long horn.

Theo used his Blink to land on top of the monster while swinging his weapon.

The monster managed to jump a few times as if trying to shake Theo off while the other two immediately rammed their horns to the monster's body.

With that kind of horn, Theo needed to get off the shoulder.

He immediately leaped off the monster.

It was clear that he already had a target in mind when he leaped to the right.

Now that the monster was occupied with him and struck their own comrade, Theo had the chance to slice their neck.

Because he wasn't sure about the sword's power, he used his Magic Power Expansion to hit the monster.

"Ha!" Theo slammed his weapon with all his strength, slicing its neck.

To his surprise, the sword was so sharp that it cut the monster's neck easily and ended up hitting the ground.

"Sh—!" Before he cursed, the ground turned into a crater as he fell for a few feet.

Seeing their friend die in Theo's hand, they didn't hesitate in turning around and running to him.

Theo still had a job to do, so he didn't waste a single second striking their horns.


He failed to cut the horn even with this sharpness and thought, 'Is the monster's neck their weakness? But from the information, they have tough skin and a sharp horn…'

Theo didn't know what to do when the horn stopped his blade.

Knowing the information might be misleading, he immediately struck their horn once again, only to find it useless.

In the end, the monsters managed to hit him back.

Theo managed to block the monsters for a second, but their bodies weighed far more than him, so the charge contained a strong push.

"Kh." Theo gritted his teeth. "Luckily, these guys aren't Supreme Rank Monsters. If yes, then it will be troublesome."

He felt his hand a bit numb, realizing the terror of the charge.

Theo took a few steps back before facing the monsters again. The two monsters also prepared themselves, planning to kill Theo with this charge.

They moved at the same time. Both had their weapons in front of them as they struck each other.

"Kh." Theo closed his right eye, feeling the power from the monsters. He tried his best to push him back, but the monsters managed to keep their balance.

In the end, several vines came out of the ground and grasped a monster's neck, pulling it down… Now that he saw the opening, Theo sliced the monster's neck carefully, killing it.

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