God of Tricksters

Chapter 725

Chapter 725: Sparring Part 4

Chapter 725: Sparring Part 4

“What?” Lyovkin widened his eyes, never expecting that Theo’s Control had reached this level.

He gritted his teeth and waved his hands, trying to create another violent gale to destroy all the Magic Bullets.




The Magic Bullets were getting destroyed one by one as he somehow managed to knock all of them off.

However, Theo had already made his next move.

When Lyovkin was about to return his focus to Theo, he saw a boulder the size of his body flying toward him and hit him head-on.

“Gah!” Lyovkin felt the pain from the impact.

Even though he had enveloped his body with wind, the rock still carried a powerful momentum.

But that wasn’t all. Theo had no intention of letting him recover as he was already above his head.

‘His teleportation skill?’ Lyovkin widened his eyes and raised both arms, blocking his spear.

The gale was powerful enough to repel the spear, but Theo’s Telekinesis still pushed him to the ground.


Lyovkin wasn’t out of danger yet. As soon as he was on the ground, he rolled to the side as Theo landed on his previous spot as though he wanted to stomp him.

After that, Lyovkin finally gained some time to reorganize his thoughts.

While watching them, the Wind Emperor asked, “So, what do you think? Do you think you want to fight him with his full strength?”

Levina looked down, feeling embarrassed from what she said earlier. She realized the gap between them was too big.

If Theo truly fought her seriously, she would have lost from the very first move when Theo’s Magic Bullets came out of the ground.

Meanwhile, Lyovkin waved his hands a few times, creating a violent wind that rose into the air.

Due to the constant push from below, Theo couldn’t help but float.

Theo and Lyovkin immediately used their own power to fly in the air.

Lyovkin immediately raised his hand. As he was frustrated, he couldn’t help but shout his skill name. “Wind Dragon!”

Theo smiled and said, “This is what I got from the last fight.”

He raised his spear on top of his head as his Telekinesis began to spin the air current just like when Levina threw her punch.

He didn’t use a simple push anymore since he had gotten something more useful. With this kind of torrential push, the power would become even more concentrated, resulting in a stronger push.

Even so, Lyovkin challenged him with the wind that had turned into a dragon’s head. Inside of that head consisted of wind in multiple directions, so if he got swallowed, he would be torn into pieces.

Though, Theo simply hit the dragon’s head and used the torrential push to disrupt the wind’s direction and ultimately knocked the head down to the ground.

The dragon’s head hit the ground and created a powerful shock wave that shook the garden, but it didn’t affect the two fighters in the air.

They then flew toward each other for another clash.

Seeing this kind of movement, Levina couldn’t help but gasp. “Isn’t that my…”

“Yes. For him, everything is training. No matter if his opponent is weak or strong, as long as he sees something unique, he wants to incorporate it into his own repertoire. That’s why Theodore Griffith can become this strong in a short period. However, that also requires a lot of talent.

“Don’t try to imitate him as you will become injured. But I do recommend that you respect your enemies whether they’re strong or not. After all, they might have something worth learning. Whether you can succeed in doing it or not, that’s a different matter. That’s what I mean by not imitating him.”

“I understand. I won’t be reckless.” Levina nodded furiously, knowing there were so many things she could learn just by watching Theo.

Just like her, Lyovkin was shocked as he never expected that the previous fight would make him stronger.

“Kh.” Lyovkin raised his hand and formed a giant palm above Theo’s head.

Theo raised his head and covered his spear with the Magic Power Expansion, piercing the palm.

But the power from the palm was stronger than expected as it knocked Theo to the ground.


Theo crashed to the ground as the dust rose into the air, covering him.

Lyovkin was planning to attack him relentlessly to pay the previous combo he received, but a spear suddenly flew toward him.

“He threw his spear?!” Lyovkin was shocked and hurriedly avoided it. He never thought Theo would throw his weapon away. But when he made eye contact with the spear when it passed him, he realized the spear contained a powerful Magic Power. In that instant, he realized it was actually his Magic Bullet that had been shaped into a spear with his Control and Illusion. “Sh—!”


The spear exploded and launched him away. Lyovkin noticed that Theo actually faked his fall because he wanted to lower his guard.

And he took this opportunity to use his Blink to appear behind Lyovkin and attack him.

Lyovkin smirked as he used his wind to spin his body and utilized his foot to create a powerful gale that struck his spear.

“Don’t underestimate me!”

Theo widened his eyes in shock as he fought against the powerful wind, albeit Lyovkin released all his power in that attack, knocking his spear away.

‘I got him!’ Lyovkin thought, believing this was the chance to win against Theo.

However, Theo simply smiled as he raised his left hand.

Before Lyovkin could reach him, the Telekinesis had made an impact, stopping him as if he hit a wall.

Then, Theo spun his body and kicked him from above. The pressure smashed his body and knocked him to the ground. josei

Lyovkin obviously wanted to roll to the side, but Theo actually pushed his palm toward him, releasing the technique he had comprehended when the Wind Emperor visited him a few months ago.


The pressure locked Lyovkin in that state as Theo landed on top of him. He shaped his Magic Power into a spear and pointed it at Lyovkin’s neck.

“This is the end.”

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