God of Tricksters

Chapter 727

Chapter 727: Meeting

Chapter 727: Meeting

The next day.

They headed straight to the Empress Palace.

Because of the formality, he needed to meet the Empress for this kind of sparring to show their sincerity.

Normally, the current head of the Czar would be the one accompanying them, but they had a guest, Theo, so the Wind Emperor personally handled this matter.

On the way, Lyovkin and Levina were not aware of what was going on outside. Only Theo and the Wind Emperor knew that they were in a dire situation.

He kept secretly releasing his power to alarm the people outside.

After that, he looked at Theo with a nod, signaling him that he sensed them.

Theo thought for a moment and nodded back, knowing what he could do in this situation.

Meanwhile, the people outside who were tailing them were sweating profusely. josei

One of them said, “The Wind Emperor is inside the car.”

“Should we attack?” Another one asked while looking at the car.

All of them were Mythical Rank Experts as they prepared to fight multiple Mythical Rank Experts from Russia in order to kill Theo.

“Wait for a bit. According to the schedule, they’re going to return as soon as the sparring is done. Let the Empress Palace exhaust them a bit. After all, Theodore Griffith has a spatial skill.”

“So, we’re going to attack them on the way home?”


“I believe the Wind Emperor has sensed us too.”

“That doesn’t matter. Although he’s strong, he’s already that old. It’s impossible for him to protect Theo alone.”

“Understood. What’s the plan then?”

“Team A will cause a commotion in place A, grab the police attention, and hinder them there. Team B will hold back the Wind Emperor along with the experts from the Czar if there’s any. Team C will kill Theodore Griffith and any hidden experts. As soon as we kill him, we will retreat.”


The attack plan came to a halt for the time being, allowing Theo to arrive in the Empress Palace safely.

When he looked through the window, he was amazed by the Empress Palace.

‘Although I have heard about this, the palace is truly a freaking castle…’ Theo shook his head helplessly.

The castle was made of gray-colored bricks to appear ancient, increasing the artistic value. Unfortunately, the castle’s outer wall wasn’t actually brick walls or he would have seen watchtowers on the corners.

The castle was protected by metallic fences that seemed to have been reinforced by powerful material.

And in front of the entrance, four people were standing, awaiting their arrival.

It was the Empress, Ana, Alea, and another talented person from her palace.

She had long black hair tied into a ponytail. Her age didn’t seem to be that much younger than Alea.

Considering this was the first time he saw the Empress, Theo squinted his eyes, observing her appearance.

Despite being so old, she still looked like a middle-aged woman that was currently transitioning to the elderly’s appearance.

Her white hair rested on her back as she stared at the car with her sharp light blue eyes.

The first one to come out was Lyovkin, preparing the wheelchair for the Wind Emperor.

After that, the Wind Emperor came out with the help of his wind and Levina.

As they were about to push the wheelchair to greet the Empress, the last guy from the Czar shocked all of them.

It was Theo.

“!!!” The Empress frowned, not thinking that the Wind Emperor would actually bring Theodore Griffith to this spar. This event was a tradition where they sent their most talented younger generations to compete with each other. It wasn’t the time for an outsider like him to participate.

And since the Wind Emperor dared to break that tradition, the Empress needed to proceed with extra caution.

Meanwhile, Ana and Alea were staring at Theo, realizing they would compete with him. Even they didn’t have the confidence to beat Theo in a fight because Theo’s battlefield manipulation was top-notch.

Theo simply walked behind Levina and Lyovkin with a calm expression, not caring about their opinion.

“Well, it’s been a while.” The Wind Emperor smiled.

“I’m speechless. To think that you’re going to bring an outsider here…” The Empress narrowed her eyes.

“Don’t say such a thing. We will only have friendly matches today. Besides, this guy needs to take responsibility for kicking out one of the participants.” The Wind Emperor suddenly smirked. “Besides, isn’t it beneficial for you to see him with your own eyes?”

There was talk of a joint operation between her and the Wind Emperor to allow their younger generation to form a party to explore the other world. This was proposed so that Alea and Ana had the chance to go with Theo.

Hence, seeing his ability firsthand would come in handy because she would know Theo’s real strength as Ana or Alea should be able to draw all his potential in a fight.

The Empress fell silent for a moment before shaking her head. “Fine by me.”

“Hehe.” The Wind Emperor chuckled. “Of course, in order to repay you for allowing this to happen, let’s change the rule for the competition.”

“Hoh? What do you want to suggest?”

“We will send our participants and let them fight until one of them is defeated.”

“Just like the usual rule.” The Empress nodded in agreement.

“This is the twist. The winner will continue fighting until he or she is defeated.” The Wind Emperor smirked.

“!!!” The Empress was amused. She thought, ‘This old demon. Is he plotting something? I am confident that my people can defeat both Levina and Lyovkin, resulting in Theo fighting multiple times. This way, I can truly draw out all his potential.’

“What are you planning…” The Empress asked with a cold expression.

“Nothing. I just want to give the young man a chance. I want you to fight him since I don’t think your people are enough for him.” The Wind Emperor smirked.

“…” The Empress’ expression darkened. “That’s a big word for you to say. Fine by me, if your side wins, I will face Theodore Griffith himself to show the gap between us. If you lose, he will need to join my Palace on a mission.”

The Wind Emperor glanced at Theo, who later nodded.

“Sure thing.”

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