God of Tricksters

Chapter 736

Chapter 736: Three Moves

Chapter 736: Three Moves

The Empress suddenly appeared in front of Theo.

Obviously, with her speed, Theo couldn’t follow her movement. The next thing he realized, she was already before him.

Theo gritted his teeth and waved his spear to cut her down.

However, the Empress jumped upward and landed on top of his spear. She looked down on Theo and said, “First of all, the Ascension Step is not an easy ability to master. When you reach the Supreme Rank, you should focus on incorporating the Ascension Step into your own footwork first. josei

“Take a look at me. If I step on your spear while using the Ascension Step… What do you think will happen?”

“I know. It will knock my spear down and the rest of the wind will pressure me from above, resulting in a two-directional attack.” Theo tried to lift his spear.

“Also, since you have learned the Ascension Step, you need to watch out for your enemies because they will be targeting your legs. This is how dangerous a Divine Ability is. So, make sure you keep this in mind.”

“I understand. I won’t be using it in front of other people anymore… I mean, they won’t be alive to tell the tale.”

“My point exactly… And this is the first move.” The Empress sighed and said, “The second move…”

Theo pushed her upward to launch her into the air, but his body suddenly stuck, not able to move anymore.

“Eh?” Theo widened his eyes, wondering why he couldn’t move.

“You have been using something similar to me. Launching your ability in succession while incorporating them into your movement… I certainly know what’s in your mind. However, there is one thing that you forget about this ability. What do you think is the end goal of this ability?” The Empress landed on the ground and looked Theo in the eyes.

“!!!” Theo widened his eyes, realizing the answer.

The Empress smiled. “It’s to make the enemy not realize that the attack is already in motion. In other words, the goal of having this type of ability is to launch an attack without the enemy’s awareness.

“And to do that… you need to mix your own talking skill and whatever it is to cause a distraction to your enemy. At the same time, you also need a certain degree of control to make it possible.

“But still… The biggest factor is none other than Breathing. There are different types of Breathing. For example, assassins usually have a Breathing technique that can’t be traced and doesn’t release any sound even when you’re panting.

“If you incorporate it with your own ability, it can mask your technique, making people focus on your action instead of the movement of Magic Power. Just like this… without you realizing it, your entire body has been frozen.” The Empress explained.

The Wind Emperor obviously knew about this too. After all, the only reason he could knock down Zhilov’s father, a Mythical Rank Expert, was due to his Breathing. Without him even realizing it, the Wind Emperor had brought him down.

“I can see that you’re focusing on Control and Awareness. With your talent, you shouldn’t have a problem in mastering Breathing, so I think this should be your current target.” The Empress said with a calm expression. “After all, it can also improve the overall illusion.

“When you reach the Supreme Rank, your ability in sensing Magic Power will improve by leaps and bounds. It will allow you to sense the Magic Power in your body and see whether your opponent is real or not.

“That’s why many illusionists often change their jobs after becoming a Supreme Rank. They simply can’t find something special that makes their illusion effective against their opponents.

“Hence, those who continue after that point will either become too good or too bad. Those, who couldn’t even incorporate their illusion, will become trash among illusionists, while those, who can, will be someone special.

“If you want to be a good illusionist, I suggest you master Awareness, Control, and Breathing. Your Awareness allows you to understand your own illusion better and let you know what should be improved to fool your enemy.

“Your Control gives you the opportunity to do anything you want with your illusion as it can basically become anything.

“Lastly, by mastering your Breathing, you can mask the illusion, making your enemy wonder whether the opponent they face now is an illusion or a real person. These three are the most important things as an illusionist.”

Theo was staring at the Empress intensely as he understood what she was teaching. She told him so many things about the illusion, allowing him to make an even better illusion.

So, he thought he would improve the rest of his senses first before training his Breathing.

“Do you understand, Brat?” The Empress snorted.

Theo wanted to reply but to no avail. He lowered his eyes and found his body being covered with frostbite.

“As for the last move…” The Empress raised his hand and said, “You just need to beat the sh*t of your enemy. In other words, absolute power.”

“Now that you have shown what your clone is capable of, they will take you more seriously. You have gone past the level where you can leisurely learn many things. Soon, those who don’t want an enemy like you will chase you down just for the sake of eliminating you.

“I’m sure you have been building your connection with this thought in mind, right? In that case, you should continue doing so. With this… I have completed my promise.” The Empress touched Theo’s forehead with her finger.

In that instant, the ice spread all over his body and trapped him inside. Then, they shattered into pieces as if she had just killed Theo.

However, the ice and Theo’s body gradually disappeared, showing that the one they had faced this whole time was a mere clone.

“This is why I hate and love a smart man. They’re making me sick.” The Empress shook her head helplessly before looking at the Wind Emperor. “Old Bastard. Let’s talk.”

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