God of Tricksters

Chapter 742 – Mission

Chapter 742 – Mission

Chapter 742 - Mission

In the car, Theo asked, "So, I'm assuming that you already have a plan, right?"

"My plan might not be as good as yours, but it's still good." Maya harrumphed and tossed a Skylink to him.

Agata moved closer to Theo as she wanted to see the plan too.

"We have three destinations because of your extraordinary requests. According to the data you gave me, I have separated the mission into three parts. The first place will be the Arkahan Volcano.

"The volcano often erupts, but this makes the soil fertile. So, the monsters like this place. I am sure that you can at least reach level 460 in this place.

"Of course, I am planning to get something from there too. Seeing that you have Clone and Teleportation abilities, I'm planning to use that to make you dive into the volcano to get a certain plant in the crack near the magma.

"I have a cooling suit for you to stay there for one minute. So, I want you to grab the flower and leave.

"As for the second part, there is a big structure in the Moniac Plain. We call this Moniac Dungeon because it contains so many monsters inside. It's like a natural nest, but its size is enormous and spread underground.

"So, we're going to venture there and search around. It has been classified as public property, so anyone can go there. Of course, there won't be anyone else besides us in the group.

"Our goal is to visit this place and find any kinds of treasures hidden inside. Well, the Dungeon is known with another title after all. Treasure Dungeon. The items themselves are not that good, so Supreme Rank and Mythical Rank Experts aren't that interested.

"However, for a weapon company like mine, it's a good opportunity to learn the weapon from this place.

"Of course, there are many monsters in this place as well, so you shouldn't worry about not being able to level up.

"As for the last destination, we call this Demise Forest. There are demon-like creatures surrounding this forest. On the outer area, the demons are barely Supreme Rank Monsters, so it shouldn't be a problem with our levels at that time.

"We're not aware of this place's secret as a few Mythical Rank Experts often visit this place to find something good. However, not many things can be found, so we should just focus on the killing until you become a Supreme Rank Expert.

"That's the plan. Although it's true that I'm planning to support you with this mission, we also need to get something worth the effort, okay? You're not expecting me to work with you for free, right?" Maya squinted his eyes.

"Well, you're the employer." Theo shrugged. "I don't see any problem with the mission. I will use you to become a Supreme Rank Expert, you will use me to get something. That's just business."

"Of course. I'm planning to reach Supreme Rank Expert in this mission too, so I will be relying on you to protect me during that time," said Maya before adding inwardly, 'Well, there's a suspicion that your blessing is related to Death, so this Demise Forest should be able to test whether you actually have this blessing or not.'

Theo thought for a moment and asked, "When do we leave?"

"We have made some preparations, but we need to make a final check and some finishing. So, in two to three days."

"Are we going to use a Cubicar?" Theo asked.

"Yes. I know that you like speed, but it's better to have Cubicar because we're planning to visit so many places for various reasons. And it's good to sleep inside a Cubicar. Besides, a toilet is a must! Even if it's you, I'm not going to hold back on this one." Maya glared at him.

"Well, whatever." Theo sighed. "As long as I can finish my goal here, it's good."

"Anyway, you should know my company, right? The Cubicar made by my company is faster. We even have modified it with shield material… I mean, the same material as your Ring of Honor. So, if we use the defensive mode, I can create various shields around the Cubicar.

"Supreme Rank Monsters will have it hard if they want to break this one. Of course, since we'll enter a dungeon for the second destination, we will hide it somewhere around there. Luckily, there's a facility of the Star Group in that area, so we can use that place to park the car.

"All in all, I have planned everything. So, you should read the entire plan to the very details. If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears.

"Also, if you can, don't disturb me too much during the preparation. I need to take care of the work for the next three months." She sighed.

"I can understand that." Theo nodded.

"Alright. Let's move on to the last part, the reward. The base reward will be one billion Zils and one A Rank Skill of your choice. And you can ask me for something else." Maya explained. josei

"Hmm, sounds good to me. Your Father didn't coerce you anymore?" Theo smirked.

"Are you teasing me or actually liking it?" Maya squinted his eyes.

"I was kidding." Theo sighed. It was clear that she was stressed from her expression alone. He didn't know whether it was caused by his parents, him, or work, but he knew he shouldn't tease her anymore.

"Anyway, what do you want for the last reward? We have several Mythical Rank Experts to tutor you if you want."

"Actually, I am planning to experience something special." Theo smirked.

"Let me guess, Simulation Room?" Maya nonchalantly guessed.

Theo admitted it without hesitation.

"Right. The new technology… Simulation Room. This room can replicate a certain environment to allow you to train in a more ridiculous way. Well, the training speed will be increased exponentially too."

"For both of us." Theo pointed at Agata.

"I know. However, you need to talk with my father about this room. We've got a few rooms, but the original creator of this room is the Star Group, not the Starry Group."

"I understand. I will talk to him then…" Theo nodded.

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