God of Tricksters

Chapter 751 – Turbo Mode

Chapter 751 – Turbo Mode

Chapter 751 - Turbo Mode

A few hours later.

It was the first night they ever camped on the other side with a Cubicar. Theo had indeed used the Cubicar back in Thersland when following Alea in a dragon subjugation.

However, it was with so many people, making him a bit uncomfortable.

This was the first time it felt like a picnic. They had a soft bed they could use in the Cubicar and didn't need to look after many people.

Theo just enjoyed the moment, thinking this would probably continue if he chose to join the Starry Group after dealing with all the matters left in Italy.

The next day.

They finally arrived at the cliff that split the forest into two.

The cliff stretched over twenty miles, so it was a good wall to use if they didn't want to be surrounded from all directions by monsters.

On the foot of the cliff, Theo furrowed his eyebrows. "Hmm. How do you lift this Cubicar up there?"

Theo could see the small path on the cliff where many people used to avoid the monsters. Normally, they would climb the cliff by hand, but they had a Cubicar this time, so a convenient way wouldn't be able to solve their problem.

"Tell Agata to hold on," Maya said. She never held back in calling Theo's assistant Agata, and Theo also never bothered to hide it again. Even Agata didn't use her Mimicry Skill to cover her appearance.

If Maya chose to exploit this opportunity, it just meant Theo wouldn't go to the Starry Group later. So, Theo had managed to silent her.

After listening to what she said, Clone Theo, who was standing on top of the Cubicar, relayed the message.

As soon as Theo gave an 'OK' sign, Maya immediately tapped the screen a few times.

"Turbo Mode on," Maya warned him as the screen began to change to the Cubicar's image. She tapped the two front wheels as well as two back wheels.

The Cubicar gradually rose to the sky.

"Hmm?" Theo frowned, wondering what happened.

"There are additional turbines below the Cubicar. Turbo Mode allows me to access them… Well, to put it simply, this Cubicar will become a helicopter for a period of time. Of course, it consumes more power than necessary, so we can't go like this for so long.

"Since the sun is up, we can go for three hours. That's with all the functions on. Since I'm not fighting, I will take care of our defense here and slow down the journey to five hours. Also, you don't mind if I watch you from the camera and the window, right?"

"Yes." Theo nodded.

"Great. In that case, you can go outside and start fighting all those monsters as soon as I reach the path." Maya waved her hand as if telling him to go.

"Alright." Theo walked toward the door and opened it before using his Telekinesis to reach the top of the Cubicar.

"How is it?" Agata asked.

"It's good. We can start." Theo gave a thumbs up as he began to look around the forest. He could spot some monsters, but most were hidden underneath the leaves.

"Alright. Do you want to do it or should I?"

"I will do it." josei

Theo and his clone stood next to each other as they summoned the Magic Bullets with the skill as well as his Control.

Now that he had reached Grandmaster Level Control, he could make more Magic Bullets. The real body alone ended up forming a total of a hundred Magic Bullets.

With the addition of another one hundred Magic Bullets from his clone, Theo was ready to rain the forest with his Magic Bullets.

"I'm going to kill a few monsters. Get ready for an attack."

"Roger." Agata also released her pink smoke, preparing to unleash a shield if a monster prepared to attack them.

Before she could do that, the Cubicar had finally reached the path next to the cliff.

They heard Maya laughing before shouting, "Shield on!"

Suddenly, the Cubicar side's wall began to glow before forming three huge yellow-colored shields whose sole purpose was to protect the Cubicar from any attack.

"Well…" Agata raised her eyebrows and felt she didn't need to do anything.

"Alright. Ava and Agata will follow me to the ground while my clone will keep standing by here." Theo commanded.



Theo then released all his Magic Bullets to the forest.

The sight of it was magnificent. When Agata looked outside, the sky turned blue for a few seconds because Magic Bullet's trail covered her vision.

She whistled, impressed.

When the bullets fell to the ground, it caused multiple explosions that alarmed all sorts of monsters near them.




Because Theo concentrated his bullets on five monsters, who were never expecting an attack from above, they died without being able to protect themselves.

But the forest soon filled with roars as if they had finally considered Theo's presence as an enemy in this place.




Maya let out a hollow laugh as she noticed the roars didn't come only from the side. There were other monsters coming from the front and behind.

"Well, it's going to be a hard fight. I wonder if you can truly do it… There should be hundreds of monsters there. Show me your power." Maya smirked.

Ava pointed at their front first before turning to the left and right. She turned around to see the cliff wall but ended up shaking her head as if knowing the monsters behind the cliff wouldn't bother to show up.

"Alright. We'll deal with the monsters according to Ava's instruction." Theo smiled.

"There's no need to hold back."



The trio finally jumped off the cliff as their Awareness and ears picked up several monsters running toward them.

Theo softened their fall with his Telekinesis as Agata bent her knees down in the air. The moment they landed on the ground, her smoke spread through the ground and turned into big spikes that pierced the monsters from below.

"Let's go."

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