God of Tricksters

Chapter 768 – Creating Reality?

Chapter 768 – Creating Reality?

Chapter 768 - Creating Reality?

"Who are you?!" The magma monster widened his eyes. He could see the fluctuation in Theo's Magic Power, making him believe Theo was possessed by someone.

"Who I am is not important. All you need to know is that I'll kick your ass." Theo smiled and flew forward.

The magma monster hurriedly took the arrow on his back, not bothering to channel more of his power into it anymore. After all, he felt Theo was somewhat different, so he wanted to check the level of power first.

Seeing that arrow, the possessed Theo raised his spear as if planning to meet the arrow head-on.

He utilized his Magic Power Expansion and channeled it into his blue spear.

"You're arrogant. Who do you think you are!" The magma monster shouted and released the arrow.

Theo smiled and used his Blink to teleport to the side, avoiding the arrow.

Because the Cubicar continued moving, the arrow missed the Cubicar. Theo had even positioned himself a bit to the left, so the arrow had a higher chance of missing the Cubicar.

Without giving him an opportunity, Theo reached the magma monster.

He looked at the monster with his glowing white eyes, saying, "It seems that you have taken a liking in using your bow. How about I destroy it for you?!"

Theo waved his spear to the side and sent a powerful shock wave toward the bow.

"!!!" The magma monster was bewildered. Theo wasn't this bold previously, so he thought he still had the upper hand.

Just like before, he tried to burn Theo with his fire tornado.

He raised his hand to call his fire tornado from the fire below, but Theo didn't give him that chance.

"Yeah, yeah. I know your hand." Theo smiled and waved his spear once again.

This was the time something no one could ever expect happened.


The hand was suddenly split right at the shoulder.

"What?!" The monster was shocked to see Theo wielding this much power.

Theo raised his hand and controlled the hand with his Telekinesis, so it kept floating right next to his body. "Hmm. Your hand is now useless."

Because of the loss of the feeling of his hand, the magma bow disappeared as there was no more Magic Power running into it.

"You… Who are you?" The monster was taken aback because Theo wasn't supposed to have this power. Even with a split personality, it shouldn't be at this level.

"What's wrong? You were so proud earlier, so I thought you were good. But I seemed to have misjudged you." Theo snorted and raised his spear.

He then waved it down and cut the magma body from the right shoulder to the fire tornado that became the monster's bottom half.

"What?!" Maya dropped her jaw to the ground. Even Agata couldn't comprehend what had happened. "How does he become so strong? The way he talks has changed too! Is this Theo's second personality? Or is this the power of his God? Does his God possess him to fight this monster?"

Agata also had the same question. Even though she couldn't hear them, she knew Theo wasn't supposed to have this kind of power.

"So, this is Theo's blessing. Can you even control my body?" Agata muttered in a low voice, asking Aphrodite about this.

[No. That boy turns out to be more amazing than I imagine. He is turning his illusion into a reality… No, should I say he's creating his own reality?] josei

"What do you mean by…" Agata shivered. "…he's creating his own reality?"

[Your illusion level is too low for this. All I can say, this is the peak power of an illusion. The skill I gave you previously has this potential, but I don't know if you can reach this level.]

Agata was shocked as she had never thought an illusion could do something like this.

Ava shared the same confusion. She had witnessed Theo's growth this whole time. If the spear he created in order to stop the arrow was something within her imagination, this power far surpassed anything she had imagined.

Theo wasn't supposed to be able to wield this level of power. At the very least, not yet.

But there was no doubt in Theo's voice as if he actually had hidden this kind of power. And everything was due to his second personality.

Meanwhile, Theo smirked and asked, "You acted like someone important even though I wanted to spare you. But since you didn't give me an escape route, you left me no choice other than to use this power. Embarrassing."

"What are you talking about?!"

On the other hand, the magma monster was confused about what was happening. His hand was severed and his body was cut.

He couldn't feel anything from them anymore because of it.

Suddenly, Theo stopped for a moment and looked at the magma monster. "How do you like it? How about you beg for your life now?"

"You won't be able to defeat me without paying any price. I'll drag you down with me!" The monster gritted his teeth as his body started glowing.

In that instant, Theo turned around and threw his spear as hard as he could to the one on top of the Cubicar.

"What?!" The magma monster was perplexed by his action.

And his answer came right after as Theo raised his middle finger and stuck out his tongue. "Bye, motherfucker."

In that instant, Theo disappeared. If this was all, then it wouldn't be that surprising.

What stunned the magma monster was how he suddenly felt his hand and body again as if the previous feeling never existed.

In other words, what he felt earlier was just an illusion. And Theo had bought enough time for the Cubicar to gain enough distance from the volcano.

As for how Theo could trick him, the magma monster would never know. After all, even Theo's friends had no knowledge about this. But there was one thing he certainly knew, Theo had fooled him.


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