God of Tricksters

Chapter 826 – End Of The Auction

Chapter 826 – End Of The Auction

Chapter 826 - End Of The Auction

"Haha." Maya laughed while looking down on others.

The people were terrified at this point, realizing Maya might have grown even more devilish.

Because of this accident, no one dared to bid against Maya anymore. And she even retrieved two items with the lowest price since many stopped bidding to avoid getting fooled by Maya again.

While the auction continued for the last few items, the Mythical Rank Expert came to her and asked, "Miss. What should we do with that guy?"

"That guy?" Maya thought for a moment and said, "Tell his parents about this incident. Also, call Sarah… The company is bound to experience some problems with the money he spent here.

"It's not enough for us to absorb the company, but it should be enough to make a bit of profit. So, let's go with pattern D for the time being. I'll take care of the rest later."

"Understood." The Mythical Rank Expert stepped aside and called Sarah, the maid Maya had previously brought to Thersland.

While waiting, Maya looked at Theo with a cheeky smile.

"Congratulations." Theo sighed. He couldn't help but admit he was not Maya's match when it's related to money. Even though she said a bit of profit, this one move should be enough to get a significant amount of share of that company.

In other words, Maya has actually turned the situation where she needs to buy him three skills into a chance to profit at least ten billion Zils.

He realized why Maya was considered one of the geniuses in the business world.

"I guess you have the right to be arrogant." Theo chuckled.

"Hoh? That's a compliment…" She widened her eyes, never expecting to hear those words from Theo. "Well, we can chat later in the car."

"Sure." Theo nodded with a calm expression.

The auction wrapped soon with the last item to be the modified Cubicar that seemed to be from the Star Group. The end price for this Cubicar was 7 billion.

"The open auction this year has officially ended. Thank you for coming."

Maya looked at the Supreme Rank Expert bodyguard and said, "Settle the bill for me."

"Understood." The Supreme Rank Expert nodded and immediately walked away.

Meanwhile, the one next to her, Lexie, couldn't contain herself anymore. She hurriedly came to her and said, "Maya. You literally destroyed that guy. As expected of my woman."

"Shut up. I'm straight." Maya snorted. "If you are trying to block my path, then don't blame me for destroying you."

"Do you think you can?" Lexie smirked. "I know that you have become a Supreme Rank Expert, but I think you're underestimating me a bit." josei

"You can try." Maya didn't back down for a challenge.

"Hmm…" Lexie's expression turned serious before sighing. "I'll let you go today since there seems to be something interesting going on here…"

Suddenly, her head turned around to Theo, and she winked playfully. "Bye, little guy."

She seemed to suspect Theo's identity and chose to back down.

On the other hand, Theo looked away, not caring about her actions. He couldn't help but say, "So, there's someone that can annoy you like that."

"Don't talk about it." Maya clenched her fists as her face was distorted.

"Fine, fine." Theo shrugged.

"Let's go back to the car first. I will need to tell you something."


As soon as Theo agreed, they walked back to the car with the bodyguards. Just like earlier, Maya was in one car with Theo while the other bodyguards stayed in the other car.

After the car started moving, Maya began to explain her situation. "Alright. According to my father, I should send you to the Star Group Training Facility today. It seems Agata has gone there."


"Yeah. Since the auction doesn't last that long, we can drop by. Should I personally give you a tour? Thanks to you, I can get ten billion within a few hours. Hehe." Maya chuckled.

"You sure?"

"Yep. I am looking forward to you coming to the US and joining my company. I wonder what kind of battlefield I can experience when you support me."

"I'm not going to help your business, though."

"What if I add some incentive?"

"That can be discussed later." Theo nodded with a calm expression. This was simply a consultation, and the War God Family had always been open for consultation. "Still, do you trust me? Learning about your business structure means I can strike your back, you know."

"If you fight me in business, I don't really mind since I have my own confidence in dealing with you. But if you trick me in anything else, I'll probably be dead." Maya shrugged.

"So honest."

"I don't lie to my business partner. It's true that I don't give everything out, but I won't be lying. After all, everything is built on trust." Maya smiled, acting as if it wasn't a big deal. "Though, there's something that I need to say… If you choose to betray me, I don't mind becoming your enemy. Whatever you're going to do, I'll stop it. Unless you kill me… No, even if you kill me, I'll be sure to become your nightmare. I'm a vengeful person, you know."

"Haha." Theo laughed. "That's the first time I heard that. Even in Italy, they just want to work together with me…"

"They don't dare doesn't mean I'm scared too. Though, I prefer not to be your enemy… I wonder if that is possible."

"To be honest, I don't really want to be your enemy unless necessary. If you're kind to me, I'll do the same."

"Hehe. Now that I think about it, this is the first time we have a chat other than business or idle talks."

"How about the expedition?"

"That one is considered idle talk. We're talking about a serious matter here… about you becoming my enemy or my friend." Maya shrugged.

"That's true I guess."

"By the way, are you going to the US later? I don't think you've made any preparations to go to another country…"

"Or I might make you think like that and pull another scheme…"

"Whatever. If you're coming, just inform me two weeks prior. I need to prepare the contract and other stuff, you see."

"Sure thing."

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