God of Tricksters

Chapter 856 – Doubt

Chapter 856 – Doubt

Chapter 856 - Doubt

Hearing all those noises disgusted Valerie. She completely knew that what Eric was trying to portray was her son, Owen. But it was useless as she had come to terms with her feelings.

Suddenly, she felt a presence coming from behind. Without hesitation, she swung her spear and slashed this incoming presence.


A crumbling concrete echoed in her ears as she turned around and saw the concrete pillar, cracked in half.

'Concrete? No, normal concrete can't stop my spear…' Valerie's expression turned grim. As she expected, the presence she felt earlier was Eric and the reason why she couldn't destroy a single concrete pillar was due to his reinforcement.

The moment her spear stuck on the concrete pillar, Eric emerged from behind the concrete and waved his hand.

Valerie raised her left hand and left foot as she took the full brunt of Eric's Magic Saint Fist Style, Burst.

Her body was blown away, crashing to several pillars of concrete. But the moment she hit the last one, she felt the realm Eric created crack.

Eric might hit her too hard as her body seemed to have just crushed the outer wall, allowing her to see the abandoned building from the outside. She even watched how the rubbles from the shattered pillars fell to the ground.

With just a look at her back, she saw many buildings like the one she saw earlier before confronting Eric.

This meant she had escaped Eric's illusion.

She took this chance to step on the building behind her to gain some footing to strike Eric back, but the moment her feet touched the building's wall, it collapsed.

'The wall is so brittle? No, this must be Eric's illusion.' Valerie gritted her teeth as she started losing her mind. She didn't know which one was actually the reality and which one was the illusion.

Clicking her tongue, she waved her spear and released a beam of light toward the ceiling, trying to destroy everything in the process. She hoped the realm that Eric created would crumble into pieces the moment she hit the edge of it.

As if answering her prayer, the beam of light hit the dome-shaped ceiling.

The light released all its energy to shatter this invisible ceiling while the latter tried to stop this attack.

Unfortunately, Eric Griffith appeared right next to the beam and disintegrated it. After that, he looked down, staring at Valerie. "You're nothing but an ant to me."

"Is that so?" Valerie smirked as she waved her hand down.

The ceiling suddenly shattered into pieces as a giant white-colored spear emerged from the outside.

"God Killing Spear?!" Eric raised his head and extended his left hand forward, releasing all the energy to push back this God Killing Spear.

This was the perfect chance to kill Eric Griffith, so Valerie immediately jumped up and reached him. Without hesitation, she thrust her spear from below, forcing Eric to stop both her attack and the God Killing Spear.

Eric extended his other hand toward Valerie and released the 'Burst' to push her back, but Valerie's spear pierced through this pressure and reached him.

The spear stabbed Eric in the knee and forced the latter to move back.

Valerie didn't hold back anymore. This was the moment she had been waiting for. She poured more Magic Power into her God Killing Spear.

"What? You're going to explode it?" Eric widened his eyes, staring at her in shock. However, there was nothing he could do.

The God Killing Spear exploded and engulfed both of them while shattering the realm he created to trap her.

The pieces fell like glasses, beautiful but dangerous. josei

Unfortunately, Eric Griffith wasn't someone this easy to defeat either. The moment she crashed to the ground due to the blast from the explosion, the floor shattered into pieces as the building turned into another realm that was enveloped by darkness. Unlike the previous one, this realm made her sense Eric from all directions. She perfectly knew they were fake, but she couldn't ignore that one of them might be the real one.

She clasped her hand as white light shone beneath her feet. Then, the moment she swung her spear, the white light expanded in all directions, illuminating the darkness.

The light seemed to be able to locate the real Eric, so Valerie immediately thrust her spear toward him, shooting a beam of light.

The beam destroyed a few concrete pillars before reaching Eric, but the latter disintegrated it easily. Not done with her attack, Valerie snapped her fingers and summoned three white lights from earlier.

The lights released three spears. Unlike the previous attack, the spears didn't bounce on the ground. Instead, it followed the beam's trajectory, preventing them from striking another thing in the area.

Even Eric needed to avoid them this time. He jumped to the right and waved his hands.

Valerie felt a few incoming objects. She took a deep breath and summoned another spear on her left hand.

She waved downward, spun her body, thrust her left spear forward, and made a round kick, knocking half of the incoming objects.

After that, she jumped one foot above the ground as two sharp objects almost cut her knees. Then, both her spears went sideways and blew away the last two objects.

Without a doubt, she had been handling Eric pretty well. However, there was a feeling that everything she did was nothing but fake. This was Eric Griffith's illusion power and the reason why he had been one of the strongest people in the Griffith Family.

His power could make someone doubt reality as they couldn't differentiate the illusion and reality anymore.

"Hu…" Valerie let out a breath as she calmed her mind down. Without Ray supporting her, she knew her winning chance was very slim. So, she didn't expect to defeat him.

That was why she finally asked for her parent's help in order to exact her revenge.

'There's no need to panic. I should be able to handle this for a bit more…' Valerie took a deep breath as she began to scan the area, preparing to launch another attack against Eric Griffith.

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