God of Tricksters

Chapter 878 – Meeting

Chapter 878 – Meeting

Chapter 878 - Meeting

"You thought I was weak?"

"!!!" The remaining two people who were still alive widened their eyes in shock. Everything ended all of a sudden.

Even though they were already a Mythical Rank Expert, they realized there was another existence that could kill them easily. It was none other than a King Class Monster.

"You… Why would Theodore Griffith know a King Class Monster?" One of them asked while leaping back to gain some distance.

"You don't need to know the reason." The Thunder King harrumphed and disappeared before a thunderclap shook the area.

Both Mythical Rank Experts could barely follow his movement as they hurriedly turned their bodies around. The Thunder King appeared where they had expected, but he was too fast.

He extended his hands, trying to grasp their shoulders. However, the two experts managed to reach those two hands first and stopped them from attacking them.

When they were about to draw their weapons, the Thunder King released his attack again. The thunderous sound produced a shock wave and made their hands start shaking.

The two experts had cladded their hands with Magic Power, so the effect wasn't as strong as the guy whose head exploded.

Since they couldn't fight against this power, they released their hands and leaped back to regain some distance.

In the face of death, they forgot there was another monster that attacked them. The lightning struck forth and turned into a dragon head with its mouth wide open.

The two experts raised their hands and released their Magic Power to deflect a portion of the lightning but to no avail.

The dispersed lightning was sucked back to its body.

"NO!" The Mythical Rank Experts shouted in fear as they had realized that the lightning was actually stronger than the King Class Monster.

"World Class Monster…"

At the last moment, they realized the real identity of the lightning cloud. Unfortunately, it was too late for them. The dragon's head had swallowed them and fell to the ground, causing a huge explosion.

The shock wave from the lightning pushed away from the poison mist, and the lightning residue reduced the poison mist into nothing upon contact.

Four Mythical Rank Experts who were invincible for Theo died so easily. This was the real strength of a King Class and a World Class Monster.

Even Leonardo had difficulty deflecting the dragon's lightning, let alone these people who weren't as strong as Leonardo.

Since the threat had been eliminated, the Thunder King looked up and jumped to the cloud, leaving another thunderclap.

"Your Excellency. May I know the reason for you killing them? I'm sure that there was no plan like that…"

The dark cloud soon dispersed, revealing the dragon's body. He looked at the Thunder King and smiled, "I've changed my mind. It's better to eliminate these guys. As for the reason… Let's say I desire something from them."

"…" The Thunder King frowned, not knowing what kind of item Theo possessed that could pique the Lightning Authority's interest.

While they were chatting, another figure approached them. The man had long green hair and long pointed ears.

His long robe made of leaves kept releasing a black-colored gas, looking similar to that of the poison mist.

He stopped a bit farther from the dragon before bowing his head. "May I have the pleasure to know the reason for Your Excellency's visit?"

"I'm searching for a King, a human, and a Half-King." The dragon answered with a smile.

"Eh?" The green-haired man was taken aback by what he said. "There is a King inside my territory? Or is it me?"

"There's another one. His is still unknown, but I have several guesses. For now, I want you to call them here because they've been hiding inside the swamp."

"I apologize, Your Excellency. I've been sleeping this whole time, so I don't know where to find them."

"Don't worry about that. This one King hasn't learned how to hide his power. If you go around for a bit, you should find him. After you find them, bring them to me without any harm."

The man nodded with a serious expression. "I understand. I will do my best." josei

After that, the green-haired man disappeared.

Meanwhile, Theo, Ava, and Agata had been waiting for their time to arrive. Since this was the promised day, they had been waiting for the sound of thunder in the sky. That was a signal that could be heard deep inside the cave.

And their answer soon came into their ears.


Thunder started roaring one after another, so Theo immediately rose from his position. "That…"

"Yeah. There's no rain, so it should be him." Agata confirmed.

"It's in the sky indeed." Ava agreed while checking everything with her ears.

"Since they've arrived, it's time for us to go." Theo smiled and started moving toward the exit.

Of course, since there was no use for the corpses to block the entrance anymore, Theo turned the majority of them into cards, leaving only monsters that were killed by Ava behind.

Surprisingly, the moment they stepped out of the cave, they found a green-haired man appearing out of thin air.

"So, this is where you are. A King, a Half-King, and a human… Indeed." The green-haired man nodded with a serious expression, assessing their identity.

He simply didn't think Theo was a human anymore because of the Order. And Ava only needed one more Star to condense her Order, so she was considered one step away from becoming a King.

"You are…" Theo frowned and stepped forward.

"I am known as the Poison King… Now that I feel your aura, I believe you have plucked my fruit…" The Poison King frowned.

"Eh?" Theo's body shook as he realized the latter's identity. "You're the Poison Tree located in the middle of this swamp?"

The Poison King nodded, confirming his identity.

Theo and Agata sucked a cold breath as they realized the reason why the fruit could actually expel thousands of poisons. It was literally the fruit grown from the Poison King himself. In other words, a part of his body.

"I apologize." Theo hurriedly apologized since he didn't know about it.

However, the Poison King simply waved his hand while observing the barrier that could repel his poison. "There's no need to apologize. Even if you don't harvest the fruit, it will fall to the ground sooner or later and be eaten by others that pass by… Anyway, I'm here to bring you to His Excellency, the Lightning Authority."

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