God of Tricksters

Chapter 880 – Conditions

Chapter 880 – Conditions

Chapter 880 - Conditions

"Fine. But I have one condition!"

When someone presented a condition to the Lightning Authority, they would be killed not by the Lightning Authority himself but all the King Class Monsters under him.

After all, his words were absolute in their eyes, and he was loved by his people.

However, Ava's condition wasn't that excessive, considering the latter wanted her to be his student. josei

This 'student' status required a huge resolve.

Once she became his student, it was clear that she would succeed his Authority. In other words, Ava could no longer follow Theo and needed to stay in this place for the rest of her life. She would even have a hard time just visiting him or her mother.

That was why giving a few conditions was normal for Ava. She knew what was to come, so she wanted to make use of it.

The Lightning Authority obviously understood her and smiled, not offended by asking these conditions. "Sure. Tell me."

"First. I won't be tied to this place unless I've got the Authority."

"That's the plan." The Lightning Authority agreed without hesitation. The moment she attained the Authority, he would most likely be dead. Before that, he would still have time to control this area.

"Second, after getting my Order, I'm going to do whatever I want."

"It's something that can be discussed. I know that you'll go to this guy after getting your Order. However, there's a set of training that follows. As long as you finish this set of training, I don't mind you leaving to experience the world."

Ava furrowed her eyebrows and fell into deep thought. "You're not going to trap me with a hundred years of training, right?"

"No. From my perspective, you can finish the training in 5-10 years. However, you have been influenced by this guy, so I think you can do it faster. The sooner you can finish the training, the faster you can leave. At the very least, I can still hold out for two or three decades."

Ava thought for a moment and nodded. "Fine. I agree. Third Condition, I want permission to bring my mother here."

"When you reach the Authority Level, you can do that with a single word from you. Thunder King will also help you in governing this area."

"Fourth and my last condition… You're going to help Theo in the future."

"You should know what kind of price I need to pay if I help him, right? This is not simply bringing you to another place. Helping him means I need to break a bit of my rule."

"I know. Just one time is fine."

"Well, you have your own rule, so when you reach the Authority Level, you don't even need my help as everything is in your command…"

"I still need this one! I want you to help Theo even once! This is my last and most important condition. You need to agree to this one… After all, becoming your student is a lifelong resolve."

The dragon thought for a moment and finally agreed. "Fine. I shall help him once in the future no matter the condition."

Ava closed her eyes for a moment and felt relieved.

On the other hand, Theo heard Ava mentioning lifelong resolve. His heart skipped a beat as he might have underestimated this situation. "Wait a minute. What do you mean by lifelong resolve?"

"When she gets my Authority, she's bound to this land and can't leave anymore. That's the price of becoming my student." The dragon explained with a calm expression.

"What?!" Theo stood up as if he couldn't accept this condition.

However, Ava hurriedly said, "Theo. This is what I've agreed to! You told me to choose it myself."

"But that's because I think becoming his student is—"

Before he finished, Ava shook her head and said, "Do you think I haven't considered it? Even though I don't want to admit it, the Earth you live in is not my home. This place is my home. Both sides are planet Earth, but I feel at ease here.

"Besides, the monsters here have a longer lifespan than that of a human. When you pass away, I'll be alone too. That's why I need to start building my own home in this place. And becoming his student is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Also, staying here will allow me to get absolute power. In this world where the strong prey upon the weak, I need this power. In the future, I can help you too with this strength."

Theo's heart was shaken by her words. On the one hand, what she said would happen sooner or later. On the other hand, he felt his words became a catalyst that forced her to take action today.

Theo bit his lips and finally sat down.

Ava then turned to the dragon's head and said, "Is it possible for me to get my Order before we're separated?"

"For what reason?"

"I want to give him my Life Seal."

"You serious?"


Hearing their conversation, Theo couldn't help but interject. "Life Seal?"

"When you get your Order, there are four seals that can be manifested from your Order. They are Life Seal, Friend Seal, Covenant Seal, and Death Seal.

"Death Seal is a mark that can be placed on others you deem as your enemies. You can feel your enemy's location if they're within your territory."

"Territory? I know the term territory, but I think it only applies here, right?"

"No. When you get the Order, you have the ability to place your Covenant Seal in a certain place. The energy in that place will gradually develop according to your own Order. Remember the Dark Poison Swamp?"

"Ah!" Theo nodded with a serious expression.

"Even if you return to the other side, you can place this seal to mark your territory. When someone with a Death Seal enters your territory, you will feel something. I believe Leonardo has also got his territory… Or those who you suspect to have Orders…"

Theo's eyes widened as though he was enlightened… "The entire city… Now that I think about it, the War God Family headquarters feels a bit… I heard that Eric Griffith avoided confronting Grandfather in his own city and chose to hide somewhere in the plan. Is this the reason?"

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