God of Tricksters

Chapter 901 – Theo Vs Mark

Chapter 901 – Theo Vs Mark

Chapter 901 - Theo Vs Mark

"What?!" Emma dropped her jaw to the ground. Theo turned out to be a summoner and his summoned creature was an ant. Not only was it hard to be found, but it also had extraordinary power.

"We can easily sense its Magic Power, but that size really makes one doubt its presence." Kain nodded in agreement, observing Theo's ant.

Soon, Theo dropped the ant to the ground and rushed forward, not letting Mark have any time to recover.

Seeing the incoming Theo, the wind pushed Mark's body to the side, barely avoiding Theo's sword.

After that, Mark kicked Theo from the side, only to be blocked by his blade. Since his attack wasn't effective against him, Mark leaped away to gain some distance.

His eyes locked Theo to make sure he didn't chase after him again. As soon as he got the chance, he took a deep breath and changed the plan in his mind.

'He's far more monstrous than anyone I've ever seen. I need to use all my power if I want to win against him.' Mark thought and started jumping a few inches above the ground.

'His movements start to change.' Theo noticed that Mark planned to do something different. He put his sword forward and calmed his heart down.

Suddenly, he sensed multiple Magic Power fluctuations appearing around him. And everything was caused by the small jumps Mark did.

If he let Mark build everything up, he would be in a disadvantageous situation soon. Hence, Theo covered his sword with his Magic Power. Instead of skills or something similar, Theo utilized his pure power.

'This is how you create a sword wave, I guess…' Theo thought while waving his sword down. The blade released the blue Magic Power forward.

Instead of Magic Bullets, Theo chose to create a crescent-shaped sword wave. It was similar to his previous strike but with a different shape.

A smile appeared on Mark's face the moment he saw the sword wave. When it was about to reach him, he disappeared, leaving the sword wave to hit empty air.

"!!!" Theo sucked a cold breath as his eyes barely followed his movement. Mark turned out to be increasing his speed even further.

However, Theo still had his Prediction Eyes. His Awareness saw everything from the third person's perspective. It was as if he was looking at the battle from the sky.

As soon as he located Mark, the sword wave split into two and went to both sides. The right one curved and flew straight to Mark while the other one looped around, barely avoiding the barrier.

"W—!" Mark widened his eyes and saw the incoming sword waves. "How can he control his Magic Power like that?"

The two incoming sword waves forced him to take another leap to the side to buy some time. After that, he waved both hands forward.

The wind around him started to swirl violently. But the air current gradually gathered in front of him, protecting Mark from the incoming sword waves.

Theo's sword waves flew toward him and surrounded him from the two sides. However, when they were about to reach him, Mark did the unthinkable.

Instead of protecting himself, he released that violent air current toward Theo.

"!!!" The latter widened his eyes and saw Mark keeping up with the air current, hiding behind it.

Theo controlled his sword waves to make another curve and chase after Mark.

At the same time, he gathered his Magic Power in his left hand and pulled it back. Then, he took a deep breath and punched forward.

The Magic Power clashed around his arm, and another wave of Magic Power flushed everything forward, leaving and carrying the powerful sound wave.


The thunderclap echoed in everyone's ears as a powerful shock wave struck Mark's violent wind.

"What?!" Mark dropped his jaw to the ground when he saw the shock wave neutralizing his wind. This was a B Rank Skill called Violent Gale, yet, it couldn't do anything in front of Theo's shock wave. How could he not be shocked?

Little did he know, this technique was the ability Theo learned from the Thunder King, the Thunderclap Fist. There was no way an ability from a King Class Monster was trash.

Theo didn't stop there. He even utilized his Telekinesis to disperse the wind even faster. Instead of standing still, he leaped forward and waved his sword while covering his sword with Magic Augmentation and Magic Power Expansion.

"Ha!" Mark let out a roar and pushed both hands forward, reaching Theo's sword. Because of Theo's two skills, Mark's hands couldn't handle the blade. But if he retreated right now, he would be injured by the sword waves.

Not being able to take this situation smoothly, Mark stopped holding back and shouted while releasing a powerful wind from his body.

"Wind Armor!"

The violent wind wrapped his entire body, leaving only his eyes exposed.

Theo's blade was struck by the violent current and made Theo feel as if his blade was hit multiple times from all directions. If this continued, he might even lose his sword. josei

At the same time, the sword waves snapped into a few pieces before getting engulfed by the wind.

"…" Theo frowned and leaped back to get some time to think about his next moves.

Not letting Theo get the time he needed, Mark chased Theo while pushing his hand forward.

Surprisingly, the wind was transferred together with that motion and formed a huge tornado that expanded horizontally, trying to swallow Theo.

Theo furrowed his eyebrows and realized why Mark was classified as S Rank Talent.

Skill: Wind Armor (A)

Effect: The user can release air/wind to wrap the body. The wind armor will become the focus of the control over the violent wind.

Theo lifted his finger, and the ground rose. They formed a slope in front of Theo, directing the wind tornado upward.

After that, a monkey appeared behind Mark with a big smile on his face. From others' perspectives, this monkey was Theo's summoned creature. However, the truth was Ant Theo changed its form into a monkey with the Metamorphosis.

The monkey waved his hand downward while utilizing the Telekinesis to pin Mark to the ground.

Mark hurriedly glanced back and sensed the Magic Power coming to crush him.


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