God of Tricksters

Chapter 907 – Ardous Journey

Chapter 907 – Ardous Journey

Chapter 907 - Ardous Journey

Because he was alone now, Theo rushed toward the Great Arsin Forest. He only needed to consider his stamina instead of everyone's stamina, speed, and other stuff. Hence, he managed to reach the Great Arsin Forest in four days from the expected six days.

The mission he got from the Star Group would require him to travel for another three days in the same direction, which was one of the reasons why he chose this mission instead of any other.

The Great Arsin Forest was incomparably vast. It was hard to find a temple that was shorter than the trees in the area. On the contrary, the people who entered were greeted by numerous monsters.

Some monsters were poisonous that forced the people to dodge. Some monsters who nimbly moved around the trees restrained their movements.

"This is truly a dense forest…" Theo muttered while having difficulty in seeing the gaps between the trees. Behind him were five monsters at Supreme Rank Monster. One of them even opened its wisdom and became a Rare Class Monster.

"Roar!" The monster gave an instruction out loud. The two fastest monsters sped up and caught up to Theo, surrounding him left and right.

The excitement rushed in. Theo turned his ring into a blue sword. Because he was going to use this sword for a few years, he took this chance to increase his sword mastery.

The bluish light covering his sword flew to the right with a single wave of the sword, hitting the monster on his right.

"Karcha!" The monster seemed to be talking in its language while waving his hand, forming the same crescent-shaped light as Theo's.

The two lights clashed and produced a shock wave that shook the nearby area.




The intense roars filled the silent forest as pairs of blood-red eyes lit up in their surroundings.

"So, that's how it is." Theo's expression became grim.

The monsters would call upon other monsters if he didn't solve them immediately. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, their clash indeed brought upon all these monsters.

Still, Supreme Rank Monsters were much harder to deal with because of their ability to sense the Magic Power. The moment he made a move, they would counter it.

Usually, his teammates would create an opportunity and he would deliver the last blow and vice versa. But without anyone to help him, Theo needed to be more creative.

His clone made his appearance and headed straight to the monster on the left, stopping its attack and allowing the real Theo to focus on the other monster.

His sword started charging the Magic Power.

When he was about to slash upward, three monsters from behind him released their breaths to kill him. Even the monster in front of him stopped, knowing the plan.

Unfortunately for them, Theo had seen this coming long ago. The clone used his Blink to send him and the clone to the breath, frying the monster alive.

Clone Theo then delivered the killing blow before disappearing due to the scorching fire.

When Theo saw the shock in the monster's eyes that soon turned into anger, he released the Magic Power in his sword.

Instead of a crescent sword wave, he sent forth a beam of light.

Right before hitting the monster, the light split into eight and surrounded him from all directions.

"!!!" The monster panicked and couldn't avoid these attacks.

The eight lights mercilessly pierced through the monster's body and even turned around and created another hole, ultimately killing the monster.

With two monsters dying in his hand, the other eight monsters couldn't contain their anger anymore. They used all their powers to catch up with Theo while attacking him from afar.

Instead of attacking back like he usually did, Theo chose to defend.

The blue sword changed its form to a small shield in a second. The small shield released a blue translucent screen around the metal, expanding the area of protection.




Naturally, the shield made by a dwarf was among the best. Even after several attacks that resulted in explosions hitting the shield, it had no scratch on its surface.

At the same time, Theo used the explosions to boost his speed as he jumped into the air and utilized that force to send him flying.

Without using his Telekinesis, Theo turned around and extended his hand. The shield changed its form again into that of a sniper rifle.

Although Theo's aim was great, what he wanted from this sniper rifle was the concentrated Magic Power.

His Magic Bullets might be able to accurately hit their targets, but the sniper rifle could concentrate the Magic Power into the muzzle before releasing all of them in one go. That beam of Magic Power would have a powerful blast as well as penetration.

While he was levitating in the air, he pulled the trigger, releasing the first shot.



The leader gave another instruction, and all the monsters that chased after him spread around to avoid his attack.

As if he had predicted their movements, the beam of Magic Power split again into eight, each following a monster. josei

The leader panicked for a second and tried to stop this attack, but right before the Magic Power struck the monster's skin, they curved and changed their targets.

Surprisingly, the bullet aimed only at one monster, the leader himself.

Because he thought the bullets would hit his subordinate, he didn't see this coming. All the other seven beams pierced through his body before exploding.


The explosion called upon the monsters in the surroundings. Even Theo didn't dare to challenge all these monsters alone because Rare Class Monsters would appear more frequently within Supreme Rank Monsters. If he was surrounded by a hundred monsters with at least ten Rare Class Monsters, he would be dead.

So, the moment he killed the Rare Class Monster, Theo checked his surroundings and barely saw the incoming monsters in the gaps between trees.

"Well, time to get away," said Theo as he started flying with his Telekinesis and left the remaining seven monsters in the dust.

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