God of Tricksters

Chapter 913 – Escape

Chapter 913 – Escape

Chapter 913 - Escape

"That's mine!" An angry roar erupted from the leader of the Death Arrow Gang. In his perspective, this eagle was a monster that wanted to snatch his artifact.

Little did he know, the eagle was actually a human, and his group had been thoroughly used to create this chance.

Theo ignored him and clenched the grip of his talons. He flew forward, trying to escape from this place.

"Kararara!" The leader of the green monsters shouted while pointing at Theo, wanting all of them to chase after him.

The muscular man also had the same thought and said, "Archers, Mages! Take him down!"

Although he felt a bit bad for the humans, Theo's intention remained unchanged. In this world, there was no law. If he didn't use them, he would be used by that group.

After seeing the incoming attacks from the green monsters and the humans, another eagle soared to the sky.

It situated itself between Theo and the incoming attacks, prepared to protect Theo even if it needed to lay down his life.

Even the muscular man from the Death Arrow Gang was startled. Snatching a shield from a General Class Monster wasn't an easy task. So, this eagle wasn't normal, and killing it might become a challenge.

The eagle used the Illusion Construct to form a translucent giant body.

The translucent body flew forward and received the attacks from the humans. The body felt as though a real body, so when the attacks hit it, they exploded.

Meanwhile, Theo had gotten used to dodging the green monsters.

Instead of protecting himself from all these beams, he avoided them in succession.

Even the other eagle stayed behind to intercept the leader, stopping him from giving any other instruction.

The eagle used his Blink to appear in front of the General Class Monster and used his Magic Power Expansion as well as Magic Augmentation to strike the monster who had lost his shield.

The green monster also attacked him with all his might, but when their claws clashed, a huge crack appeared on the ground, turning the soil beneath the monster into a crater.

It showed the difference in their power.

With this kind of direct threat to their king, the green monsters around him stopped in their tracks and changed their targets.

The shield was irrelevant to them compared to their leader.

Since they were about to swarm him, Eagle Theo used his Blink to appear not far from the human group.

*Cry!* He let out a cry like an eagle and formed 125 Magic Bullets, raining them down with all these bullets.

Two magicians stepped forward and formed a shield to block the incoming bullets, but when they saw the Magic Bullets looped around to avoid the shield, they expanded their shield to a dome.

It managed to protect them, but they couldn't attack the eagle anymore, making their leader angry.

"What are you doing?! Attack the eagle! There's no need to be afraid of those puny balls!" The muscular man shouted, ordering his people.

Like the magician who handled the barrier, he couldn't accept what the leader said. "Can't you see how the eagle overpowered the Greenlin Leader? It's clear that the monster is stronger. If we underestimated this eagle, we would pay the price."

They were frustrated as well, but no one had ever seen an eagle like this in the Great Arsin Forest.

An unknown monster was the source of danger as they might exceed their imagination and kill them in a surprise.

Even the leader knew about this. He was just extremely frustrated seeing the artifact was taken away. No matter what, one artifact could be sold for a few billion. This kind of money was hard to come by.

On the contrary, Theo observed the dome and used this to his advantage. Because the green monsters around them still attacked the barrier, he utilized this chance to kill those monsters with all his Magic Bullets.

[Killed a Greenlin.] josei

[Killed a Greenlin.]

[Killed a Greenlin.]

His action confused the people from the Death Arrow Gang. Even the middle-aged man, who seemed to be the advisor of the group, couldn't help but say, "Why did the eagle kill these monsters? Is he trying to help us? Or is it pitying us after using us?"

No one could answer the question as the eagle said nothing to them.

They were unaware Theo was simply using them to create an opportunity for him to kill the monsters.

Theo continued his onslaught in the bird form while distracting a portion of the green monsters. He hoped the real Theo could escape soon.

*Cry!* After letting out another cry, the eagle flew forward and opened its mouth. Suddenly, a huge boulder appeared out of thin air as the eagle dropped them on top of the monsters who were about to attack the Death Arrow Gang.


The huge boulder became the target of the attacks, so it burst into hundreds of pieces.

After that, the monsters rained him down with all the beams, making sure he couldn't run away anymore. Since the situation had become like this, Theo chose to get shot down by all these beams and fell to the ground before exploding.


The explosion made both the monsters and the humans tremble. They never thought the eagle would still try to take them down when it was dying.

The eagle was also stronger than the Greenlin Leader. Meaning the one that could order such an eagle to use this merciless move was none other than a King Class Monster.

The humans sucked a cold breath when they came to a realization. This opponent wasn't something they could handle.

"Bro. I think it's time to leave or we will suffer great casualties. The Greenlins will unleash their wrath to us, so before that happens…" The middle-aged man suggested.

The muscular man gritted his teeth. Although he wanted to take down the eagle, he realized he might die before successfully doing so. Ultimately, he agreed to the decision, letting the eagle go.

Just like he said, the Greenlin Leader blamed the human for creating the chance for the eagles to steal his artifact. He ordered for a chase but to no avail.

Meanwhile, Theo had flown somewhere safe and finally turned back into his human form, reaping the greatest reward.

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