God of Tricksters

Chapter 927 – Grim Reaper

Chapter 927 – Grim Reaper

Chapter 927 - Grim Reaper

After that shout, the frog soon realized the pain in his arm had disappeared. Even his head couldn't help but turn around, finding his right arm to recover mysteriously.

"!!!" The frog's eyes widened in shock. 'I've been tricked?'

His body was shaking. Although his arms were still intact, that water snake dealt more damage than he originally thought.

The overwhelming pain on his arm was indeed gone, but the mild stabbing pain spread around his body.

He rose from the ground and glared at Theo while trying to move his body.

On the contrary, Theo and his clone raised their spears at the same time.

Theo's Death Avatar spread his arms as two blue swords appeared.

Before the frog could jump away, Theo had reached his position and thrust his spear.

The frog used his giant hands to wrap Theo's spear, holding it back. Suddenly, he let go of his spear and ducked down, slipping past the frog's defense.

"Ugh!" The frog's expression darkened as he couldn't stop Theo anymore.

Luckily, the two fastest monsters had reached his position and prepared to attack Theo, who wanted to harm a General Class Monster.

Clone Theo wielded his spear and struck both monsters, preventing them from joining the battle.

"You're not going anywhere." Clone Theo snorted.

Now that the monsters had started moving, Theo's only chance to deal with the frog king was before they came here.

'I'm not strong enough to kill a General Class Monster while dealing with hundreds of Supreme Rank Monsters…' Theo muttered in his mind and sent his palm forward.


The Thunderclap Fist produced a loud sound, and the shock wave knocked the frog away, giving him some more distance.

"Gueh." The frog spat some blood, but this was the situation he wanted. With this distance, he should be able to maintain it for thirty seconds. He swore to turn around the situation when the monsters under his command arrived.

However, Theo wasn't idle either.

"What's that?!" The frog suddenly saw a blue light on the hand Theo used to strike him.

"What do you think?" Theo smirked while staring at his chubby belly.

The frog looked down and saw a blue-colored mark on his stomach.

Without giving him any chance to react, Theo made a pulling motion as a translucent frog came out of his body.

"Wh-what's that?!" The frog was bewildered by his imitation.

"The answer is obvious… Now that the requirement is completed. It's time for the ritual." Theo smirked and snapped his finger.

Suddenly, the entire forest disappeared, replaced by the chilling darkness. The soil transformed into the blood that stuck to his feet.

No matter how far he saw, the frog could only see endless darkness and gloominess. Though, the one that grabbed his attention was the huge cross that chained his imitation.

He didn't know why but he felt something was clutching his chest. It had the same position as the chains that bound his so-called soul.

"It's time for you to die." Theo smirked as the Death Avatar cut both hands.

"Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!" The frog screamed in pain when his soul lost its hands.

"You thought that was an illusion?" Theo made an evil smirk.

'That' in Theo's mouth referred to the time his clone cut his hand. It was normal for him to think that memory was just an illusion. After all, everything returned to normal as soon as he got away.

But he started doubting himself again when Theo invited him into this world.

Sadly for Theo, he was restricted by his own rule, where he couldn't lie. Or else, he would continue with 'No. It's your soul.'

Even when Theo fought Mark, he rarely mentioned soul. He only pointed at the soul when explaining to Bernard.

That was why he always felt his trick never completed. But… he couldn't cry over spilled milk.

Since he already had an Order, he shouldn't break his rule until he truly knew what his Order was. After all, the situation would be extremely tricky if he suddenly lost his Order.

With this limitation, Theo managed to trick the frog into thinking what he had was an Order.

And obviously, most of it was due to this illusion realm. The blood scent, the chilliness of the gentle gale, and the eeriness of the darkness forced the frog to accept.

"Release me!" The frog shouted as the pain stopped him from moving. No matter how experienced he was with pain, it was beyond his imagination.

Only Theo, who had been tortured in this place for months, could withstand pain at this level.

Theo ignored him and waved his hand as the Death Avatar cut his legs.

"Aaahhhh! Bastard!" The frog continued screaming. Due to the pain, his consciousness gradually became fuzzy.

For him who intermittently went into a deep slumber, thirty seconds should feel like a breeze. However, this constant pain made the last thirty seconds of his life felt like forever.

'Hurry up. I want to get away.' The frog gritted his teeth and tried to release his Magic Power but to no avail.

On the contrary, the Magic Power suddenly erupted from his soul. josei

That instance made him completely believe that was his soul. He was unaware that his body truly excreted Magic Power.

Theo simply removed the feeling of releasing his Magic Power. With Theo's Control, it was easy for him to know what kind of feeling he would have.

"Now… it's time for you to die…" Theo smirked as the Death Avatar finally stabbed the soul on the stomach.

"Gah." The frog felt it again, unaware his real body actually got the same stab in reality, but from Theo's spear created from Magic Power.

With another stab, the frog lost control over his body, which was when Theo delivered the killing blow.

Theo slashed the frog's head as Clone Theo did the same.

At the last moment, the frog finally felt the faint presence that came toward him. Unfortunately, it was too late.

Even turning his head couldn't help him as the blade had already cut his head.

[Killed a Flying Frog King.]

As soon as he received the acknowledgment, the illusion disappeared, revealing the real situation outside where more and more monsters had arrived.

"Well… my job is over now." Theo looked at the monsters that encircled him… "It's time to escape."

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