God of Tricksters

Chapter 940 – Zombie

Chapter 940 – Zombie

Chapter 940 - Zombie

After deciding what to do, Theo finally looked up, observing his surroundings. Although he had noticed this, the fog was truly thick.

Just a few feet around him already made his vision blurry. And with his clone testing the actual range, he knew the vision range was around fifteen feet.

"It should be enough for me to react to anything, but it's surely annoying to not be able to see those around me. Luckily, my clone is not affected by this. I can even launch a sneak attack by using my clone." Theo came up with a great idea and smiled.

Then, he spread his Awareness to be his second 'eye,' but as he expected, the mist stopped him from spreading his Awareness. Even the snow underneath his feet prevented it from entering the ground.

"This will be quite hard," Theo muttered while scratching the back of his head.

As soon as he had an idea of what happened, he finally walked forward, crossing this snowy plain.

Because there were many people entering at once, Theo only found numerous footsteps on the ground, nothing else.

However, it didn't stop him from advancing for a few hundred feet, wondering if he could find something.

He also maintained his Awareness because he was afraid something that couldn't be seen attacked him. Luckily, he didn't meet them for the time being.

After Theo walked for a quarter-mile, a roar resounded across the area, moving closer to Theo.

Theo clenched the sword in his hand and prepared his Magic Bullets. Although he could roughly guess where he came from, the mist was so thick that it wasn't a good idea to attack them blindly. There was a chance it would hit friendlies after all.

As soon as the monster's shadow appeared in the fog, Theo charged forward without hesitation, waving his sword.

But he was stunned by the monster's appearance. The monster looked like a human but with pale skin. His body was covered with blood and his eyes were gone, making the blood continuously flow through the eyes.

There were many holes on its body and even half of his ribs were exposed. Maggots also crawled around his body.

This monster let out an eerie feeling that could make people shudder.

He didn't know if it was due to its sudden appearance like that in a horror movie or his disgust for this grotesque appearance, but he certainly felt uncomfortable when the monster came at him.

"Is this a zombie?" Theo's eyebrows twitched. "It's more disturbing than bugs… I don't know why."

Theo clicked his tongue and slashed the zombie's hand, planning to cut it in a single slash.

However, the zombie raised both hands. The left hand caught Theo's sword while the other approached Theo's neck.


A clicking sound between metals echoed in his ears as Theo widened his eyes, thinking, 'What? The skin is like metal… and it's strong enough to withstand my weapon?'

Theo hurriedly leaped back as he realized the monster was stronger than he expected, avoiding the other hand.

After that, he punched forward, sending his Telekinesis to push the zombie away.

To his surprise, the zombie raised both hands and withstood the pressure without getting pushed back.

'This is the first time I see a monster this strong… Now that I think about it, the zombie might be level 600 or above. I shouldn't underestimate it.' Theo took a deep breath and became even more serious. josei

He waved his sword and shot out a single beam of light that split into five rays, looping around the zombie.

The zombie stopped for a moment and his head turned around as if following the movement of the lights.

Theo took this chance to hit the zombie from behind before the rest followed from different directions. Sadly, the zombie skillfully hit the beams in rapid succession as if he could see the beams.




The zombie knocked all the beams down and let them explode before turning back to Theo, smiling. The smile was so creepy that Theo felt goosebumps.

After handling the attack, the zombie marched forward and spread his hands to grab Theo.

But the latter skillfully used his Magic Augmentation and Magic Power Expansion to strike the zombie's hand, planning to destroy it.


The zombie caught the sword again, but this time, the pressure from the sword was enough to knock the zombie away.

It landed a few feet from him.

"…" Theo lowered his vision and saw the zombie's right hand bending in a weird way. "I guess his wrist can't take that. But the skin is surely strong enough to withstand the sharpness of my weapon. In that case, I should smash its body… Maybe I should try smashing the head?"

Theo observed the zombie's movement, never expecting the zombie on the edge of the area was this strong. There were many people coming into this area, so if all the zombies were this strong, he didn't believe the fatality rate was only ten percent.

Hence, he believed this zombie was just an anomaly, and he was simply unlucky enough to encounter it. And the Skylink couldn't discern its true identity, so he didn't know the level of this monster.

"Whatever… I just need to kill it." Theo smirked and waved his sword a few times, releasing seven lights in rapid succession. Each light then split into five.

The zombie stopped for a moment as if feeling the numerous lights. The zombie turned its head again to all the lights.

'Hmm? The zombie doesn't have eyes, right? And without eyes, it should be sensing the Magic Power… Why does it need to look around?' Theo muttered inwardly, not understanding the zombie's weird behavior.

And he was stunned once again when the zombie suddenly leaped around and dodged all the incoming lights as if he knew the lights were coming.

Even when Theo bent the attacks once more to match the zombie's movement, the latter could easily follow them and avoid each light.

'For real? How about this?' Theo waved his finger, and all the lights curved around, surrounding the zombie in all directions.

The zombie fell silent for a moment before it suddenly leaped into the air. Its hands caught several lights and destroyed it. Even when the attacks exploded, the zombie suffered no damage.

After that, he disappeared inside the mist as if he had never existed.

"Huh?" Theo widened his eyes because he couldn't feel its presence anymore when he lost sight of the zombie.

But everything soon changed when he felt something staring at him from behind.

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