God of Tricksters

Chapter 964 Grand Plaza’s Martial Art Summit

Chapter 964 Grand Plaza’s Martial Art Summit

Chapter 964 Grand Plaza's Martial Art Summit

After returning to the other side and taking some rest, Theo finally went to the Star Group to discuss some matters with Bernard personally. This was one of the benefits that an S Rank Talent received.

It was also the reason why Bernard and Mark seemed to be very friendly.

Surprisingly, Mark also came with him because this matter involved both of them.

"I believe you already know the reason I call you here?" Bernard asked.

"Yes." Mark nodded with a grim expression. "Grand Plaza's Martial Art Summit. The event is held once a year to make the top 100 people in the Asda's Younger Generation List meet each other."

Theo maintained his silence before squinting his eyes, reminding Bernard of something.

"I know, I know. You don't mind if we settle the bill later, right? The price can be the same as Maya's. And you don't need to exchange twenty percent of the loots for the rest of the year. How's that?"

"Fair enough." Theo nodded, knowing Bernard had already made his decision before calling them here. He just wanted to get confirmation from him, which shouldn't be much of a problem.

"Anyway, I won't do much regarding this event. You can do anything you want… Just know that if you choose to fight, you're responsible for your own injury. Whether it's fortunate or unfortunate, there's a rule stating 'we can't give an ever-lasting injury like cutting one's limb or killing them.' If not, I would have made them know it's better to stay away from my company." Bernard let out a sigh.

When they heard this rule, Mark glanced to the side, wondering if trauma could be considered an ever-lasting injury.

"I'm not interested in this event personally." Theo sighed.

"Even though you challenged Winston?"

"That's the only reason why I chose to participate." Theo shrugged.

Bernard pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling trouble was coming. In fact, he felt he had been frowning more often after Theo came here.

"Anyway, the Star Group will be behind you. If you can snatch that top position, I will do my best to protect you." Bernard explained.

Theo nodded as if agreeing with his opinion. For Theo, taking the first spot was just a matter of time.

He had some plans when challenging him and Order wasn't included. Now that he had awakened his Order, he planned to test it for a bit.

Since there weren't many people who had Orders in this world, he believed there wouldn't be anyone recognizing his Order. After all, cameras couldn't capture the color of Magic Power like Supreme Rank Experts or above.

"By the way, is trauma considered a long-lasting injury?" Theo asked.

"Not really. It can be healed in a matter of time as long as they have a strong heart. If they don't, why should they continue living this way? They can just become ordinary people." Bernard shrugged.

"Understood." Theo nodded. There was a smile behind his mask, but no one saw his expression. "Also, will there be any strong experts supervising the sparring?"

"The place is on the White Mountain, Idaho. It won't be too close to the town, since the fight between Supreme Rank Experts is quite big. At the same time, it's easy to restore this area, so this place is often used to hold this event.

"Of course, because it's a bit far from the towns, there is a need for an expert to protect these young people. No one wants them to be the target of terrorists, you see…

"Hence, the agreement is that they will provide five Mythical Rank Experts, who will act neutral the whole time. And each influence can bring one Mythical Rank Expert for extra protection. If we take advantage of this situation, we will be exempted from future events, so no one dares to act rashly.

"Also, the expert's level can't exceed 800, so there won't be anyone extremely powerful. You don't need to worry much. Even if we're attacked, we still have enough people to overwhelm the terrorist.

"The event itself has been going on for decades and it's pretty safe." Bernard explained while adding, 'Well, if the terrorist knows Theodore Griffith will participate, they will come there no matter what. Luckily, this guy is hiding his identity.'

Mark thought for a moment and asked, "So, who will accompany us?"

"Patrick," Bernard answered without hesitation. "As for the Starry Group, it will be my wife. With two Mythical Rank Experts, the five of you will surely be safe."

"Five?" Theo only knew two of them and asked, "Who are the rest?"

"They are ranked 37th and 75th respectively: Emily and Tasha. Emily is from the Star Group and Tasha is from the Starry Group."

"So, do we need to take care of them?"

"Come on. They're like a family." Bernard waved his hand with a nonchalant expression.

"Alright. We'll do our best to protect them when necessary." Mark was the one who assured Bernard, fully knowing Theo's character.

"Well, that's the least I can do." Theo nodded with a serious expression. "Anyway, what will we do in the event?"

"Banquet, sparring, exchanging, and talking. You can get some food to eat and dance with other people at the banquet. You can hit people in the sparring session. You can strike a deal or cooperation during the exchanging part. Or you can just get a room and do your business for the night."

"…" Theo's eyebrows twitched when he heard the last one. "One-night stand?"

'Now that I think about it, Thersland is in Western Asia… A different culture.' Bernard thought and explained himself. "Well, just think of it that way. Drinking alcohol and stuff happens for young people."

Theo nodded with a calm expression, not thinking about it.

"That's all. You will go to Idaho three days from now, and the event will be held for two days. If you have any questions, just ask Patrick. He'd participated in that event three times when he was a Supreme Rank Expert."

"Got it." Mark politely thanked Bernard for the explanation and rose from his seat. josei

Bernard waved his hand to Mark while saying to Theo. "We'll deal with the contract now."

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