God of Tricksters

Chapter 1090 Hard Decision

Chapter 1090 Hard Decision


Chapter 1090 Hard Decision

"I don't have a name and might not use it again, but try this one, Dragon." Theo panted while waving his hand, moving the sword.

'How in the world…' Isaac widened his eyes when he saw the flow of the Magic Power. His Skill allowed him to see where the Magic Power concentrated. However, he never expected Theo could gather that amount of Magic Power remotely, especially around the tip.

Although Theo used a few seconds to gather all that Magic Power, it wasn't at the level of a Supreme Rank Expert.

'I have never seen someone gathering this much energy in one single point. It feels like I'm looking at a super Mythical Rank veteran. No, wait. There is one possibility… But are you serious? A Supreme Rank Expert could achieve this feat?' Isaac sucked a cold breath.

Meanwhile, Maya was worried about another thing. Theo's attack was extremely powerful, but this kind of attack could only be effective against someone that couldn't move. At the same time, this attack resembled the God Killing Spear.

Although his mother usually gathered the cloud to hide the creation of the God Killing Spear, it was still similar to what Theo used earlier.

'No. Mark and Isaac will think of it as the personification of Theo's sword instead of anything. It should be fine for the time being, I guess.' Maya thought before looking down, finding Mark struggling.

"Help me pin this dragon down! We need to buy some time so that the sword can pierce through the dragon!" Mark shouted while gathering all his power around his fists. It seemed injury was unavoidable this time.

Without hesitation, Mark hit the dragon's body with all that wind.

The wind created a massive tornado as if trying to drill the body. However, Mark spread his power so that every part of the dragon was pushed down to the ground.

Although its penetrating power wasn't strong enough, the gale managed to make the dragon stop its movement as the ground beneath it started to crack.

"Haaa!" Mark raised his fighting spirit with a shout, doing his best to connect Theo's attack.

At the same time, Maya threw several grenades at the monster's knees.




The extra explosions weakened his knees, causing him to fall to the ground.

On the other hand, Isaac used all his skills to enhance Theo's sword in the sky.

However, Mark seemed to have miscalculated his power.

The ground that cracked actually led to a small secondary vent that was near the surface.

And because of that crack, the magma suddenly burst out of the gap.

"!!!" Mark widened his eyes in shock as he saw the lava flowing toward the dragon.

Seeing the dragon aiming for the same thing, Mark directed a portion of his wind toward the lava, redirecting it to the side.

But the dragon noticed the pressure decrease and immediately rose from the ground.


The dragon flapped its wings once again and neutralized a portion of Mark's power before head-butting Mark with its head.

"Fuck!" Mark cursed as he raised both arms to protect him.


In an instant, Mark crashed to the ground. He was gnashing his teeth as he felt the pain coming from his right arm.

"Kh…" Mark glanced at the arm that had turned red. He managed to cover it with his wind, so it didn't get a direct impact, but the intense heat still almost burned it into crisp.

And the worst had yet to come. Now that Mark was blown away, no one stopped the dragon anymore.

The dragon would never let go of this opportunity. It dipped its feet in the lava before starting to shine.

The dragon's power gradually recovered, and if it continued, its original power would start rising, turning the dragon into a full-fledged Mythical Rank Monster.

After getting the lava, the dragon turned its head around and flapped his wings again before gathering all of them on top of him, trying to block the sword with all his wings.

"Die!" Theo shouted as the sword had finally reached the dragon. It was two seconds late, but he had some confidence in this sword.


The dragon let out another scream as the swords cracked the wings.

"It's working!" Mark smirked, feeling his effort was paid off. His only hope was to have the dragon die from this almighty sword.

Unfortunately for them, the dragon's wings were tougher than they thought. The pressure from the sword pushed the dragon to the ground, resulting in the crack becoming even bigger. The magma flowing to the dragon's feet became even more intense, resulting in the dragon's energy being replenished at a fast rate.

"Not good! This way, the dragon can restore all his energy in thirty seconds. We need to move him away!" Isaac shouted.

"!!!" Even Theo gritted his teeth this time. On the one hand, he was sure that the sword would pierce the dragon in his current condition. On the other hand, the dragon might be able to withstand it until it recovers all its power. His sword couldn't harm the dragon anymore at that time.

Even though Theo had worked that hard to summon a sword like this, he was forced to make a hard decision.

This needed to be done if they still wanted to win.

"Mark! Come here and hit the dragon's belly. I'll match your movement!" Theo shouted. It was such a waste of Magic Power to abandon the sword, but it was needed for the victory.

Without hesitation, Mark followed Theo's instruction and approached the dragon. At the same time, the monkey also moved together with him, gathering his Magic Power in his fists.

Even the Death Avatar made the same motion. With this, four people would use all their power to attack the dragon. Surely, it would be enough to knock the dragon away.

Wind Blast.

Mark created the second eruption in both hands and struck the dragon's belly. The monkey came from the left and used its Telekinesis, Thunderclap Fist, and Magic Power Expansion to strike the same spot. Theo took the right side while the Death Avatar aimed at the top part.

"Haaa!" Mark shouted, releasing the second eruption.


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