God-tier Farm

Chapter 2021

Chapter 2021

2021 Sniping_1

The doctors of the Gelman family hurriedly woke old Gelman up.

The first thing he said when he woke up was,convey my orders. No one is to return to the manor. Immediately organize your own men and counterattack! We must defeat the Chinese!

Yes! A subordinate quickly went to convey old Gelman’s latest order.

Wait! Old Gelman stopped him and said,this must be the Chinese’s doing! The biggest threat was that mysterious killer! Immediately give the order to not let everyone’s hands go out! Hide a few of the best marksmen near the important figures of our family, and then distribute the killer’s appearance. As long as you find his whereabouts, immediately kill him from a distance!

Yes! The subordinate hurriedly went to convey the instructions.

Xia ruofei’s series of assassinations had indeed thrown old ghelman into confusion. However, he was an old fox, after all, and he quickly grasped the key to the problem.

It was obvious that the killer hiding in the dark, who specialized in killing the core members of the Gelman family, was the biggest threat.

Every time Xia ruofei made a move, he would only target a few pre – determined targets. He did not kill the innocent people around his targets, so old Geerman was able to obtain a lot of information.

His first judgment was that the killer only killed the most important people of the Gehrman family. In addition, the killer’s skills were simply unfathomable. Even under the protection of layers of bodyguards, the killer could still enter no man’s land. The tactic of using a sea of people alone could not do anything to him. Only long – distance sniping could work.

Old ghelman did not believe that even a large – caliber sniper rifle bullet could not kill this killer.

As long as he could get rid of this despicable assassin, even though the trouble caused by the Hong sect was not small, he could still deal with it. If it really couldn’t be dealt with, he could still ask the glory society for help.

After old Gelman gave his orders, he said to the Butler who had been serving him,Find the information on the Hong sect’s power distribution in Turin! I’m going to study it!

Mr. Gelman, the family doctor quickly said,your blood pressure is very high right now, and your physical condition is not very ...

Get lost! Old Gelman said rudely.

The family doctor kept quiet out of fear and quickly left. He knew that if he said one more word, the brutal old Gehrman would kill him.

The Butler followed old Gelman’s instructions and quickly went to find the information.


Turin was destined to be a chaotic night.

There were conflicts between gangs in several places at the same time, and the harsh police sirens sounded in many places in the city.

Lui hai drove the ordinary Hutton back to the city with Xia ruofei.

As soon as they crossed the bridge, lui hai received Lu zhengfeng’s message. One of the assassination targets, Sean Gehrman, who was in charge of the construction business, had brought a large group of people to reinforce the construction site.

Xia ruofei replied without hesitation,ah hai! I’ll rush over immediately!

Yes! Mr. Xia! Lui hai answered with excitement.

He had followed his father across the ocean since he was a child and had lived a life of fighting and killing for so many years. Compared to the average person, he could be considered to have experienced many storms and waves. However, all those experiences added up were not as exciting as tonight.

Lui hai felt that it was so cool to settle the scores with Xia ruofei!

The Horton car drove through the night, and the rain seemed to be getting heavier and heavier. The raindrops hit the car window and made pitter – patter sounds.

Hopefully, the rain would wash away the blood tonight ... Xia ruofei slowly leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes to rest.

Duling city wasn’t very big, plus it was a rainy day and there were gunshots from gangs, so there were barely any pedestrians or cars on the road. Lui hai drove smoothly and soon arrived at the construction site.

Xia ruofei glanced at the GPS and said,Hai, let’s find a more secluded place to Park!

Mr. Xia, lui hai said,it’s quite far from the construction site. We can get closer ...

No need! Xia ruofei said,I have a bad feeling about this. For safety’s sake! Stay away!

Alright! Lui hai just gave a suggestion. Since Xia ruofei had made a decision, he would follow it unconditionally.

The car stopped by the side of the road, then reversed into a small alley and stopped at the entrance of the alley.

Xia ruofei opened the car door and said,Ah hai, just stay in the car. Turn off the engine and don’t turn on the lights. In addition, pay attention to remain vigilant at all times and load the bullets! If anything happens, just shoot. I’ll rush over as soon as I hear the gunshot!

Lui hai felt warm, nodding,I know! Mr. Xia, you don’t have to worry about me, just be careful!

Xia ruofei nodded, patted lui Hai’s shoulder, and then pushed the door open to get out of the car.

Through the rear mirror, lui hai saw Xia ruofei’s figure sneaked into the back alley and soon disappeared into the night.

Xia ruofei was like a cat as he walked through the dark night, heading towards the construction site.

In the brightly lit construction site, two groups of people were fighting to the death.

An Italy man in a black trench coat stood in the rain, and a man in a black suit was holding an umbrella for him. Neither of them said a word as they silently watched the situation at the construction site.

The man in the black trench coat was Sean Gelman.

He looked very calm, but his legs were already trembling.

Sean was old Gelman’s nephew. He was well aware of his uncle’s latest order. He was basically a bait. His goal was to lure out the terrifying killer and then let the sniper hiding nearby kill him.

Sean had already received detailed information about what had happened that night. The elusive assassin who specialized in assassinating the core members of the Gelman family was like a nightmare.

In addition to the arms and drug business, the Gelman family also had a lot of businesses on the surface. Among them, the highly profitable construction industry was also the core investment of the Gelman family. They usually used some underworld means to make their opponents not dare to compete with them, so that they could continuously obtain all kinds of projects, and the profits were also amazing.

Old Gehrman had entrusted Sean with the important task of being fully in charge of the construction industry, so Sean was naturally one of the core members of the family.

He was very clear that he was most likely the target of that killer.

Although there were many bodyguards around him, and there were several snipers hidden in different directions not far away, Sean still did not feel safe. The killer’s means were too terrifying. Sean had no confidence that the snipers and bodyguards could get rid of this trouble before the killer killed him.

However, he didn’t dare to disobey old Gehrman’s orders. Otherwise, he would be in a worse state than being killed by an assassin. Old Gehrman would not recognize anyone and would definitely torture them to the point that they wouldn’t die for a while.

Sean looked into the distance, praying in his heart.

There were a few other people who were acting as bait like him. He hoped that he was not that unlucky fellow ...

Xia ruofei reached the wall of the construction site in no time.

He was not careless just because he was strong. On the contrary, he was as cautious as ever.

Xia ruofei lightly stepped on the ground, and his body suddenly rose up. He lightly flew over the wall of the construction site, and then rolled into a dark shadow.

Then, he carefully peeked at the brightly lit area.

Xiao en, who was wearing a black windbreaker, stood at the side. His target was quite obvious. Xia ruofei could see Xiao en’s face clearly at a glance and was sure that Lu zhengfeng’s information was correct. The person standing there was indeed old Gelman’s nephew, Xiao en.

Xia ruofei’s eyes glinted. He immediately leaped up and flew in Xiao en’s direction.

One second, two seconds, three seconds ... He was getting closer and closer to Sean.

Suddenly, Xia ruofei felt a strong sense of danger.

He didn’t have time to think at all, almost subconsciously doing a standard roll to avoid the attack.

Almost at the same time, a sniper bullet hit the spot where he had just been, and a few sparks splashed on the concrete ground.

Xia ruofei didn’t stop. Instead, he rolled forward and then rolled to the side. In a short time, he had made several dodging movements.

Every time, the bullet would arrive right after he left. The sniper bullet seemed to be chasing after his butt. josei

As Xia ruofei dodged, his brain was working quickly. He quickly determined the situation based on the initial analysis of the trajectory. It was obvious that he was in the range of several sniper rifles.

He could even roughly determine the positions of a few snipers.

Xia ruofei kept dodging without any pattern. He was being chased by the sniper bullets and looked a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, after his training, Xia ruofei’s reaction speed had far exceeded his level when he was in the lone wolf assault team. It also exceeded the reaction time of the snipers, so he could always avoid the attacks.

After more than ten consecutive evasive maneuvers, Xia ruofei finally found a blind spot beside a thick concrete wall.

He leaned against the concrete wall and panted slightly. He was still a little scared.

If it wasn’t for his keen sense of danger and his high concentration, he might have been dead at the construction site.

The bullet fired from a large – caliber long – range sniper rifle could exceed the speed of sound.

In other words, when he heard the gunshot, the bullet had already entered his body.

No matter how powerful a cultivator was, with his Qi refining stage cultivation, it was impossible for his body to resist a sniper bullet. Even if he was a high and mighty cultivator, if his heart was shattered, he would also die.

The other party had adjusted their strategy so quickly that Xia ruofei was not afraid. On the contrary, a strong fighting spirit was born in him. At the same time, his killing intent towards the Gehrman family grew even stronger. The more dangerous the enemy was, the faster he had to get rid of him. He absolutely couldn’t give him a chance to revive, or he would be irresponsible to himself.

Xia ruofei quickly caught his breath. At this moment, Xiao en was being escorted out by a large group of bodyguards.

Obviously, Xia ruofei’s sudden appearance and rapid approach had scared him out of his wits.

Xia ruofei did not rush out to deal with Sean. He quickly analyzed the bullet’s trajectory in his mind again, and a route became clearer in his mind.

He cast his gaze on an unfinished building about 800 meters away ...

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