God-tier Farm

Chapter 2226 - 2226 Back to the capital (1)

Chapter 2226 - 2226 Back to the capital (1)

2226 Back to the capital (1)

Surrounded by the flight crew, Xia ruofei was the first to board the plane, followed by Qin Yanan and the rest.

The luxurious facilities in the cabin naturally made Qin Yanan and he Yu secretly speechless. However, they were more professional and did not look around after boarding the plane. Instead, they each found a seat behind Xia ruofei and sat down.

After the flight crew boarded the plane, Captain Zheng Daming, who was the co – Pilot, went straight to the cockpit to prepare for the flight. The flight attendants also carried out their duties, while Captain Liu An came to Xia ruofei.

He smiled and said,”director Xia, let me report to you. Today’s flight will be about two hours. The current weather conditions and traffic at the destination, Beijing airport, are within the normal range. We’re expected to land before 11 O’ clock. The overall weather on the route is good. There may be slight bumps during the take – off and landing, but it will not cause discomfort. ”

Xia ruofei nodded and said,”okay, thank you for your hard work!” You can have a good rest for a few days after we arrive in the capital. ”

“You’re too kind, director Xia. If there are no other instructions, I’ll go to the cockpit to prepare.” Liu An said,”we expect to be granted permission to take off in ten minutes.”

“Alright!” Xia ruofei said.

Xia ruofei and the others fastened their seat belts. A few minutes later, the Gulfstream business plane was allowed to be pushed out. After inspection and confirmation, the plane slowly began to glide.

After a Sichuan Airlines Airbus landed, the Gulfstream G650 bus that Xia ruofei and the others were in was allowed to enter the runway.

The plane made a 90 – degree turn at the end of the runway. After adjusting the body of the plane, it stopped for a short while and began to taxied at high speed on the runway.

Just as he experienced the obvious feeling of being pushed back, the plane quickly leaped into the sky.

After a series of pulling and turning operations, the Gulfstream business jet gradually entered the cruising altitude.

As soon as the seat belt indicator light went off, the flight attendant came over to serve them with a smile.

Although it wasn’t mealtime during the flight, the private plane still had a variety of drinks, fine wine, and exquisite meals prepared.

Xia ruofei unbuckled his seat belt and waved his hand.””I’m going to take a nap at the back. You can see what Yanan and the others need to eat!”

“Yes, President Xia!” The flight attendant smiled and nodded.

Xia ruofei strode towards the private bedroom in the back cabin. After two steps, he stopped and turned back to Qin Yanan with a smile.”Yanan, do you want to take a look at the cockpit? That’ll be a unique experience!”

“Can I?” Qin Yanan’s eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

Even though she was used to flying, she had never been to the mysterious cockpit. Xia ruofei’s suggestion naturally piqued her curiosity.

Xia ruofei smiled and said to the flight attendant,””Go and ask Captain Liu! I’m sure he’ll be happy to fulfill the wishes of the two beautiful ladies as long as it doesn’t affect the safety of the flight. ”

“Alright!” The flight attendant smiled and nodded before walking toward the cockpit.

Xia ruofei smiled and said,”enjoy your journey!” I’m going to sleep for a while, you can ask the flight attendant to wake me up when the plane is about to land. ”

“Okay, thank you, President Xia!” Qin Yanan said.

Xia ruofei walked straight to the private bedroom in the back cabin and lay on the bed to take a nap.

Since Xia ruofei had personally spoken, Liu An naturally would not reject Qin Yanan and he Yu’s visit to the cockpit. The two of them entered the cockpit with a trace of excitement under the guidance of the flight attendant.

The cockpit was known as the world’s most beautiful office. The view of the sky from the cockpit was naturally completely different from the view through the porthole in the passenger cabin. This was indeed a very fresh and special experience for Qin Yanan and he Yu.

While they were looking around the cockpit, Xia ruofei had already closed his eyes and fallen asleep. It was only after more than an hour when the plane started to descend that the flight attendant knocked on the door to wake him up.

Half an hour later, the Gulfstream G650 plane landed smoothly on the runway of Beijing airport.

Xia ruofei brought Qin Yanan and he Yu out through the special passageway.

As soon as he stepped out of the door, Xia ruofei saw Wu Qiang who had been waiting for him.

After getting into the land Rover that Wu Qiang drove, Xia ruofei said to Qin Yanan,””Yanan, let’s go to my house in Beijing for dinner first. Then, if you want to stay in a hotel, you can go to a hotel. It’s not a problem to stay at my house. There are many rooms there.”

Qin Yanan pursed her lips and smiled,”President Xia, let’s save some travel expenses for the company!” We’ll just stay at your place, it’ll be more convenient for us to work!”

This time, she was going to Beijing with Xia ruofei because she had a lot of work to do. In the afternoon, she had to meet with xiangnan satellite TV. According to the arrangement, the film crew would arrive at Xia ruofei’s courtyard house the day after tomorrow and begin the preliminary filming, followed by the recording of the show.

Although Qin Yanan and he Yu would definitely not appear on camera, they would definitely accompany Xia ruofei to the recording.

Xia ruofei smiled and nodded,”I’ll do whatever is convenient!” The company doesn’t lack the money for travel expenses. If you’re not used to staying here, you can find a hotel to stay in. ”

They chatted along the way, and the car soon arrived at Desheng Gate Street and turned into liuhai Lane.

Although they already knew that Xia ruofei’s house in the capital was a courtyard house, Qin Yanan and he Yu were still shocked when they saw the magnificent three – door courtyard.

Their impression of siheyuan was mostly from movies and TV shows. It was the kind of so – called siheyuan with many families living together and randomly built. More accurately, it should be called a large courtyard. josei

Xia ruofei’s courtyard house, which was located in the center of the capital and had more than ten rooms, had completely overturned their stereotypes.

In such a large territory and in such a prime location, the value of this siheyuan could be imagined.

What’s more, the two owners of this siheyuan had carried out quite a professional antique restoration of the courtyard. On the basis of ensuring the comfort of life, they restored the original appearance of the Beile mansion of the former Qing Dynasty to the greatest extent, which naturally looked quite magnificent.

Qin Yanan couldn’t help but say,”President Xia, this place is great!” Even if you chase us away, we won’t leave! What hotel can be better than this!”

Xia ruofei laughed and said,”sure!” If you like it, you can stay here. There are many guest rooms here, you can choose whatever you want!”

Naturally, Qin Yanan and he Yu were too embarrassed to stay in the courtyard in the middle with Xia ruofei. In the end, they chose two adjacent guest rooms in the front courtyard.

During this period of time, Wu Qiang had recruited two old comrades according to Xia ruofei’s request. They were in charge of the security of the entire siheyuan and they lived in the front courtyard. Qin Yanan and he Yu lived in the front, so they weren’t afraid of the house being too big and there weren’t many people.

Wu Qiang, his sister – in – Law, Wu Xiujuan, and Xia Xiaolan, who had already become his girlfriend, still lived in the backyard.

The few of them had cleaned up Xia ruofei’s courtyard house.

After putting down his luggage, Xia ruofei rested for a while before calling Qin Yanan and he Yu to the dining room in the backyard for dinner.

There were more staff members in the courtyard house now. Although Xia ruofei had a mild temperament and never put on any airs, Wu Qiang felt that it was not appropriate for them to eat with Xia ruofei. Therefore, he specially cleaned a small dining room next to the kitchen for the staff to eat.

The original restaurant was reserved for Xia ruofei and his customers.

In this way, only Xia ruofei and the other two were eating in the main dining hall.

Wu Xiujuan knew that Xia ruofei was going back to the capital yesterday and had made full preparations early. She had made a sumptuous lunch for them.

Xia ruofei did not think much of Wu Qiang’s arrangement for the staff to eat in a small restaurant. However, since it had already been arranged, he did not say anything. However, he still pulled Wu Qiang over to have a meal with him and asked about the situation here.

Because Qin Yanan and he Yu still had work to do, they didn’t drink at noon, and they finished their lunch very quickly.

Xia ruofei asked Wu Qiang to drive Qin Yanan to the hotel where the film crew was staying while he went back to the master’s yard to rest.

When he saw Wu Qiang and the other two leaving the siheyuan in the Land Rover, he was slightly moved.”This car was certainly very convenient for home use, and it had good mobility, but if it was for business activities, it seemed a little inappropriate. For example, in today’s situation, it could only be regarded as a temporary measure.

The courtyard house was very spacious. There were several garages and parking spaces in the front yard.

Hence, Xia ruofei wanted to buy another car. It would be best if it was a seven – seater business car to meet the needs of different situations.

Xia ruofei didn’t know much about cars. He had also specifically told Wu Qiang not to reveal his whereabouts so that his friends in the capital wouldn’t pick him up again. Hence, Zhao Yongjun and the others didn’t know that he had come to the capital. Now that he had returned home, it was reasonable for him to contact them and ask about buying a car.

Xia ruofei took out his phone and dialed song Rui’s number.

He felt that song Rui should be more experienced in buying a car.

The call went through very quickly.

“Hey! RUO Fei!” Song Rui said casually,”why did you suddenly think of calling me? Could it be that he found his conscience? Do you feel bad that we’re working so hard in Beijing while you’re enjoying life in the three mountains?”

“Go to hell!” Xia ruofei laughed and scolded,”I’ve worked hard for our club too, okay?”

“Has your conscience been eaten by a dog? How could he even say such words? Don’t you feel red?” Song Rui said.

“Stop joking! I don’t want to argue with you today!” Xia ruofei smiled and said,”didn’t you say that I don’t care about the club? You’ve really wronged me. Aren’t you here today?”

“What? You’re in the capital?” Song Rui was stunned for a moment and said,”why didn’t I know? When did you get here?”

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