God-tier Farm

Chapter 2284 - 2284 Magical hands (2)

Chapter 2284 - 2284 Magical hands (2)

2284 Magical hands (2)

“Alright!” Old man Liu said.

Xia ruofei stood up and opened the first aid kit. He took out a needle bag with silver needles and spread it out on the bedside table.

After carefully disinfecting the silver needle, Xia ruofei helped old man Liu take off his shirt and helped him turn over so that he could lie on the bed.

Old man Liu had been tortured by the illness to the point where he was only skin and bones. The ribs on both sides were very obvious, and there was basically no more meat left. It was a shocking sight.

Xia ruofei said calmly,”old master, you don’t have to be nervous. Acupuncture won’t hurt. At most, when the silver needle goes under the skin, you’ll feel like you’ve been bitten by a mosquito. Then, you’ll only feel sore.”

Old master Liu was lying on the bed. He tilted his head and smiled at Xia ruofei. “We’ve already survived a hail of bullets, what’s so scary about acupuncture? Besides, I’ve been hurting all over during this period of time, so what’s wrong with being pricked by a few needles?” josei

Xia ruofei smiled and nodded.”That’s good. Please maintain this position and don’t move. I’m going to start the acupuncture.”

“Alright!” Old man Liu replied readily.

Xia ruofei reached out and picked up a silver needle. Without any hesitation, he quickly pierced it down and accurately found the acupuncture point.

Xia ruofei injected a small wisp of vital energy into the silver needle, allowing the thin and soft silver needle to pierce through easily. It quickly passed through the subcutaneous tissue and reached the acupuncture point.

After inserting the first silver needle, Xia ruofei did not stop. He quickly picked up another silver needle and quickly inserted it.

He moved his fingers as if they were flying, and in just a few seconds, he had inserted ten needles in a row. Each needle accurately found the acupuncture points without the slightest deviation.

As for old man Liu, he did not feel any pain at all. Just like what Xia ruofei had said, he felt like he had been bitten by a mosquito.

After he was done inserting the silver needles, Xia ruofei quickly followed the specific order and began to gently twist the ends of the ten silver needles. At the same time, he transferred wisps of essential Qi through the silver needles into old master Liu’s meridians.

Old man Liu immediately felt a warm feeling from the acupuncture point. Every acupuncture point began to feel sore and swollen. This experience was indescribably comfortable, making him feel drowsy.

Wisps of true Qi flowed through old man Liu’s meridians and rapidly repaired his damaged bodily functions.

Of course, Xia ruofei did not attack the cancer cells. He was only repairing the damaged functions of his body. This was definitely a temporary solution.

He did this because, firstly, if he were to directly use his true Qi to eliminate the cancer cells under the guidance of his mental power, it would consume a lot of his true Qi, so there was no need for that. Secondly, he didn’t want to cure elder Liu in one go. The acupuncture was only a supplement. The real effect was the pill he had made yesterday.

The pills had been mixed with the petals of the spirit Heart Flower. Although there were very few of them, to old man Liu, it was like rain suddenly falling on dry and cracked land.

The warm feeling from his meridians made old man Liu fall asleep involuntarily, and he even let out a light snore.

As Xia ruofei twisted and flicked, each silver needle vibrated at a different frequency.

The acupuncture process lasted for about half an hour.

Xia ruofei let out a soft sigh of relief. Then, with a wave of his hand, he pulled out all 10 silver needles.

When he retracted the needle, it also passed through the subcutaneous tissue, and the feeling of a mosquito bite woke old man Liu up from his sleep.

He rubbed his eyes and turned his head to see Xia ruofei inserting the silver needles into the needle pouch in an orderly manner.

“Are you done with the acupuncture?” old man Liu couldn’t help but ask.

Xia ruofei rolled up the needle bag seriously and nodded. At the same time, he smiled and asked,””Elder Liu, how do you feel?”

Old man Liu shook his head and said with a smile,””I feel much more comfortable and stronger. It’s the first time I don’t feel pain in my body after so many days. The effect is very obvious,” said Wang Yao.

“Acupuncture is only a supplement. The more important thing is to continue taking the Chinese medicine pills I made.” Xia ruofei put the needle bag into the medicine box and said,”the first treatment will last for half a month. Take one pill every morning and night.”

As he spoke, he took out the porcelain bottle he had prepared earlier from the medicine box and said,””There are 30 pills in here. After you take all of them, the effect of the treatment will be more obvious.”

Old man Liu was now in full admiration of Xia ruofei’s medical skills. He naturally did not doubt Xia ruofei’s medical advice and nodded repeatedly to show that he understood.

Xia ruofei poured half a glass of water and opened a bottle of mineral water. She poured half of the water into the glass and mixed it with warm water.

Then, Xia ruofei took out a Chinese medicine pill from the porcelain bottle and placed it in elder Liu’s hand.

Xia ruofei said,”elder Liu, take the first Chinese medicine pill now. You must remember to take it after breakfast and dinner every day.”

With Xia ruofei’s help, old man Liu had turned over. He leaned on the bed and took the Chinese medicine pill from Xia ruofei. His other hand picked up the cup of warm water.

The pill looked black and unremarkable. However, old man Liu had absolute trust in Xia ruofei’s medical skills. He stuffed the pill into his mouth without a second word, then took a big gulp of warm water and swallowed the pill.

Xia ruofei sat at the head of the bed and observed for a while. He also chatted with elder Liu for a while.

After a while, Xia ruofei checked old master Liu’s pulse again.

In fact, the result was almost the same as before. After all, old man Liu had only taken one pill. Furthermore, Xia ruofei had deliberately reduced the amount of petals of the spirit Heart Flower, so the effect was not too obvious.

However, Xia ruofei’s sharp senses still noticed that elder Liu’s body functions had been nourished by the flower petals. At the same time, the cancer cells, which were about to win, were much less active.

Although it didn’t eliminate the cancer cells directly, the pill had completely stabilized elder Liu’s condition.

This was all thanks to the spirit Heart Flower petals.

Xia ruofei nodded.”It’s almost as effective as I expected. Old man, I’m more confident in my treatment now.”

“That’s great ...” Old man Liu said with some excitement.

Due to the recovery of his body’s functions, old man Liu’s voice was full of energy, and his face was no longer as pale as paper.

Xia ruofei thought for a while and said,””Elder Liu, in order to cooperate with the treatment, I hope you can do the following: First, don’t go for any checkups without my permission. I’ll inform you when I need to do it. Second, don’t take these drip that only has painkiller effects from today on. Besides the pill I gave you, you can’t take any other medicine, or else there may be a conflict ...”

Old master Liu couldn’t help but interrupt Xia ruofei. He asked worriedly,””Mr. Xia, you know my illness very well. Once it flares up, the pain is unbearable. If I really can’t bear it, can I take some painkillers?”

“Naturally, I’m confident in my ability to do so,” Xia ruofei smiled and said,”don’t worry. That unbearable pain will not appear again for a period of time. Even if it hurts a little, I promise that it will be within a normal person’s tolerance.”

Xia ruofei said this with strong confidence. After all, he had just checked and found that the cancer cell activity in elder Liu’s body had dropped sharply. His body function had recovered quite well. Under such circumstances, the possibility of the unbearable pain appearing again was very low.

“I understand ...” Old man Liu said with some uncertainty.

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