God-tier Farm

Chapter 2349 - 2349 Departure (2)

Chapter 2349 - 2349 Departure (2)

2349 Departure (2) josei

As long as everyone was within the circle of rules, they could live in peace. However, once someone tried to break the rules, everyone in the circle would gang up on them.

“Alright!” Old man Liu nodded. Qunfeng, the discussion just now was limited to you and me, so don’t spread it out. ”

“Okay, dad!” Liu Qunfeng said.

“Also, during this time, put more effort into your work!” Old master Liu said,”now that my condition has entered a stable period and Xia ruofei’s medicine is very effective, I’ll be fine as long as I take the medicine on time every day. So, you don’t have to come to my place every day. Also ... Don’t arrange the physical examinations so closely. It’s enough to just do a full body examination once a month. There’s no need to go through so much trouble. ”

“I know, dad!” Liu Qunfeng said,”then have a good rest! I’ll go back to the office now. ”

Old man Liu slowly closed his eyes and nodded slightly.

Liu Qunfeng saw that elder Liu had closed his eyes and was resting, so he didn’t say anything more. He just bowed slightly to elder Liu and quietly left the room.


After Xia ruofei returned to the courtyard in liuhai Lane, he went to the song family’s old house for the next two days. When he visited elder song, he reported song Qiming’s treatment to him.

Song Qiming’s “accident” was not a real traffic accident. It was a deliberate attack planned by someone behind the scenes. This kind of thing could not be hidden from elder song. After he saw Xia ruofei, he naturally asked about the situation.

Xia ruofei had already taken care of Bao Guijun’s assassination team. The crisis on song Qiming’s side had been temporarily resolved. Next, he would go to arulei, a small African country where the modr organization was located, and destroy the organization. At the same time, he would find the mastermind behind this incident and completely eliminate the danger to song Qiming.

This arrangement was naturally not convenient for elder song to know, so he did not disclose this information to elder song.

He only said that the southeast province had already been placed under control. Although there were no clues for the time being, the safety of song Qiming’s family was not a problem.

Elder song didn’t doubt it. Although he was a little disappointed, he knew that Xia ruofei couldn’t do everything. After all, the enemy was hiding in the dark. In order to find them, he needed both strength and luck.

Other than visiting elder Song, Xia ruofei also took the time to visit the Paradise gathering.

Firstly, he wanted to check on the progress of the construction, and secondly, he wanted to visit the set of the life I yearn for.

The recording of the program had been in progress, with a few days of rest in between.

Although it would take some time to finish the season’s recording, xiangnan TV had already increased their publicity efforts. The first episode of this season, which was the one that Xia ruofei had participated in, would be shown to the audience soon.

Xia ruofei chatted with He Jiong, Huang Lei, and the others for a while during the filming. The director even came over to express his gratitude to Xia ruofei.

He was mainly grateful to Xia ruofei for cooperating with the publicity program. Xia ruofei’s popularity on the internet was even comparable to some popular young male idols. If he posted a Weibo post to promote the program, the effect might be better than the program team promoting it ten times through other channels.

As for the director’s gratitude, Xia ruofei just laughed it off. To be honest, he didn’t do anything. That Weibo account was maintained by Qin Yanan and his team most of the time. Even for the show’s publicity, it was also communicated between Qin Yanan and the production team. Whatever content to be released was discussed by both sides. Xia ruofei didn’t participate in it.

After returning to the liuhai Lane courtyard house from the Taoyuan Association, Xia ruofei stayed at home for another day. Then, he received a call from Zhao Yongjun telling him that he had arranged for a reliable subordinate to help Xia ruofei guard the warehouse in the suburbs of Beijing. Now that the supplies Xia ruofei ordered had arrived, he called to inform Xia ruofei.

Xia ruofei was overjoyed. He personally drove the Land Rover to the warehouse that Zhao Yongjun had rented for him.

The subordinate that Zhao Yongjun had arranged for help was called Xie Wei. He was truly loyal to Zhao Yongjun. These few days, he had moved his bedding and lived in the warehouse, not leaving for a single moment. When all the supplies had arrived, he reported to Zhao Yongjun immediately.

Xia ruofei expressed his gratitude to Xie Wei and even prepared a red packet with ten thousand Yuan.

Xie Wei kept rejecting Xia ruofei’s Red packet.

After much persuasion, Xia ruofei finally forced the red packet into Xie Wei’s hands with a straight face. Xie Wei thanked him profusely and accepted the red packet, feeling flattered.

After Xia ruofei had finished counting the supplies, Xie Wei handed the key to Xia ruofei and left.

Xia ruofei waited for Xie Wei’s car to drive away before he locked the warehouse door from the inside.

As for the windows, Xia ruofei had already asked someone to paste matte stickers on them when they rented the room.

After locking the warehouse door, Xia ruofei carefully released his spiritual power to check the entire warehouse, including the ordered supplies, to prevent anyone from installing pinhole cameras or other monitoring equipment.

Even though he trusted Zhao Yongjun, he wasn’t close to Xie Wei. The spirit map space was his most important secret, and Xia ruofei couldn’t allow any risk of it being leaked.

He didn’t find anything wrong with it after checking it with his spiritual power.

Only then did Xia ruofei put all the supplies into the spirit map space with relief.

This time, he had ordered a large number of materials. He had bought 30 mobile houses. Some of the other resources were also very heavy, such as some small construction machinery.

Hence, Xia ruofei could only collect them in batches. He spent about ten minutes to put everything into the medium.

The warehouse suddenly became much more spacious.

Xia ruofei used telepathy to order Xia Qing to bring Bao Guijun and the others to store the supplies separately.

As for the 30 mobile houses, Xia ruofei asked Bao Guijun and the others to do the preliminary assembly first. When it was time to hoist them, he would enter the space and use the invisible force of space to cooperate.

After arranging everything, Xia ruofei took out a big lock that he had prepared earlier from the space. Then, he opened the warehouse door a crack and walked out in a flash.

He took off the original lock from the door and threw it into the warehouse, then locked the warehouse door with his new lock.

Naturally, this was to prevent Xie Wei from duplicating the warehouse keys.

If Xie Wei took advantage of Xia ruofei’s absence to come back and steal some things from the warehouse, he would be suspicious when he opened the door and found that the warehouse was empty.

As long as there was the slightest possibility of revealing the secret of the spirit map space, Xia ruofei would be very careful to eliminate this possibility.

He drove back to the courtyard in liuhai Lane, returned to his room, and tidied up a little. Then, he called Wu Qiang over.

“Wu Qiang, I’m going to a friend’s place these few days, so I won’t be coming back to stay.” Xia ruofei said,”I might go back to the three mountains directly. You don’t have to worry about me. If I come back, I’ll let you know in advance.”

“Okay, boss!” Wu Qiang said,”I’ll go and prepare the car.”

Xia ruofei waved his hand and said,”you don’t have to send me off. I don’t plan to drive. I still have something to do later.” Alright, you don’t have to worry about me, go and do your work!”

Wu Qiang didn’t dare to ask any further. He nodded and said,”Okay, boss!”

Xia ruofei carried a small backpack and walked out of the front door of the siheyuan. After passing through liuhai Lane, he stopped a taxi and arrived at a commercial plaza nearby.

Xia ruofei walked straight to the washroom of the department store. When he came out again, he had changed his clothes. His backpack had been replaced with a boarding device. At the same time, his appearance had changed.

If Zhao Yongjun or Monica were here, they would be able to tell that Jian Jia and Xia ruofei were the same as Xia Tian, the fake identity he had used before.

After Xia ruofei had changed her appearance, she walked out of the shopping mall and waved for a taxi. She went straight to the Capital International Airport ...

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