God-tier Farm

Chapter 2357 - 2357 Sneaky_2

Chapter 2357 - 2357 Sneaky_2

2357 Sneaky_According to Bao Guijun and the others, the secret training camp in Basoko town had very tight security. It was almost impossible for ordinary people to infiltrate.

After all, the modr mercenary group was a group of valiant and battle – hardened. Their combat power was much stronger than that of arulei’s government army. This secret training camp was also a camp that provided a steady stream of effective strength for the mercenary group. It had experienced instructors and very good students, so naturally, the defense was very professional and tight.

Xia ruofei made a few plans according to Bao Guijun’s description.

Of course, as he had never seen it in person and had only heard about it from Bao Guijun and uncle Xu, Xia ruofei did not have a direct understanding of the training camp’s terrain and military deployment. Thus, these plans were relatively rough.

At around Teno’ clock in the evening, the navigation system showed that they had arrived at the outskirts of Basoko town.

Xia ruofei drove the car into the forest that he had chosen to hide.

According to Bao Guijun’s description, the training camp would set up mobile sentries outside the town at night. If they got too close to Basoko town, it would be easy to arouse the other party’s suspicion.

After Xia ruofei parked the car, he changed into black clothes and dashed to the edge of the forest. Then, he released his spiritual power to investigate.

It had to be said that a high level of mental power cultivation was quite useful in this situation, especially when facing ordinary people. It was equivalent to having a high – precision early warning radar that could be turned on at any time.

With the help of his mental strength, Xia ruofei was fully aware of the situation around him. Under the cover of the night, he advanced towards Basoko town at a moderate pace.

In the small town ahead, the lights could be vaguely seen.

When Xia ruofei reached the edge of the town, he suddenly stopped and hid in the grass by the side of the road. He used his psychic power to sense that there were two people with guns patrolling in the twelveo’ clock direction.

Even if he did not train, Xia ruofei was still outstanding in individual combat. After he discovered the enemy’s mobile Sentry, he immediately used the cover of the night to grope his way forward in the grass, slowly approaching the two sentries.

At the same time, he also continuously released his spiritual power to investigate the situation around the mobile Sentry to prevent other hidden sentries that crossed each other to cover him.

Perhaps it was because this was only the outskirts of the town, so the defense was not as tight as expected. Within a 200 – meter radius, the other party had only set up these two mobile sentries.

Moreover, these two mobile sentries were obviously not very alert. They casually carried their guns on their backs with the muzzles tilted down and chatted in low voices as they strolled.

The manager of the training camp probably didn’t expect that someone would dare to attack the training camp of the modr organization in the country of arulei.

The scope of activity of the two mobile sentries was not large, and they patrolled back and forth in the area at the northern entrance of the town.

The clouds were thicker that night and even the moon was blocked. The visibility was also very low. In addition, with Xia ruofei’s current skills, the two sentries did not notice him at all and he had already sneaked up behind them.

They were two black men, chatting as they walked forward. Just as they stopped and were about to turn back to patrol, a black shadow suddenly leaped out of the grass and pounced on them.

The two of them only felt a gust of wind behind them. Before they could turn around, Xia ruofei had already cleanly and accurately cut their carotid arteries with two hand knives.

The two sentries didn’t even have time to make a sound before their bodies went limp.

Xia ruofei was already prepared. He held them up with one hand each and dragged them to the grass nearby.

Xia ruofei had controlled his strength well. The two of them had only fainted, but their lives were not in danger.

He skillfully tied the two black men up like dumplings, and then directly checked them with his mental power to confirm that they did not carry any poisonous drugs on them.

It seemed that only the mercenaries who were sent out for missions would be prepared for the worst. These people were still not qualified mercenaries, and they were only students.

Xia ruofei gently hit one of them with his palm. The man groaned and opened his eyes.

Xia ruofei didn’t waste any time and immediately enveloped him with his huge spiritual force. He was already very familiar with the technique of using spiritual force to hypnotize. This black mercenary student didn’t even have time to show fear in his eyes before he fell into a state of confusion.

Xia ruofei asked in English,””Tell me your name!”

To Xia ruofei’s surprise, the black mercenary looked confused and did not answer his question.

Xia ruofei could not help but raise his eyebrows. Could it be that the hypnosis did not succeed?

He quickly denied his own guess, because this black mercenary student’s state was clearly already in a state of confusion, and he could only instinctively answer questions. And if the hypnosis had failed, the black mercenary would have been crying for help. josei

Xia ruofei thought about it carefully and could not help but smile bitterly. He had roughly guessed the reason why Yingying, the black mercenary, did not understand English.

If he didn’t understand what you were asking, he naturally wouldn’t be able to answer.

Xia ruofei muttered to himself and increased the pressure of his spiritual power. The black mercenary student immediately fainted.

Then, he woke up the other person and used his spiritual power to hypnotize him.

“Do you understand English?”


The black mercenary student was also dumbfounded.

Xia ruofei was dumbfounded. This was an unexpected situation.

He couldn’t put the two men into his space. On one hand, he had to ask about the town’s defense situation, and more importantly, he didn’t know when the sentries would change shifts. If he left and the new sentries couldn’t find the two men from the previous shift, the entire training camp would be on alert.

By then, it would be impossible for Xia ruofei to sneak in without anyone knowing.

Xia ruofei would not attack unless he had no other choice.

Xia ruofei thought for a while and came up with an idea.


In the spirit map space, Bao Guijun and the others had finished their day’s hard work and were resting in their beds.

At this moment, a voice rang in everyone’s ears.

“Which one of you knows arulei’s dialect?”

No matter if they were chatting on the bed or in Dreamland, they all sat up when they heard the voice because they could tell it was Xia ruofei.

Bao Guijun and the others looked around.

At this moment, Xia ruofei’s voice rang out again.””Stop looking, you can’t see me. Answer my question!”

“Master, I’ve lived in arulei for two years. Although I’m not very proficient in the local language, I have no problem communicating with it!” Bao Guijun quickly said.

Huang rujue also quickly raised his hand and said,””Reporting to master, I also know a bit of arulei’s language!”

“Very good!” Xia ruofei’s voice was heard.”I need a translator. If you complete the task well, you will be rewarded with a pack of cigarettes!”

“Master, I’ll go!”

“I can, master, let me go!”

Bao Guijun and Huang rujue fought to be the first to speak. As for Qian guiyou and the others who didn’t know the arulei dialect, they looked at the two with envy.

All of them were quite addicted to smoking, but in the spirit map space, cigarettes were considered a luxury. According to their current situation, they might only be able to exchange their points for a pack of cigarettes after working for several days. Before their survival problems were solved, it was impossible to use their precious points to exchange for cigarettes.

Now, as long as they did some translation work, they could get a pack of cigarettes. Where else could they find such a good deal?

Actually, Xia ruofei was just giving it a try as he did not know if the two black men were local to arulei. It would be best if they were, as he could get first – hand information. If not, he wouldn’t suffer any losses. At most, he would just wait for the new guards to come and deal with them.

Xia ruofei was very patient.

“No need to argue, Bao Guijun first!” He said after some thought.

Then, he moved Bao Guijun out of the spirit map space ...

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