God-tier Farm

Chapter 2363 - 2403 Chs

Chapter 2363 - 2403 Chs

2403 Chs


2363 A bountiful harvest (2)

The strategy that he had formulated was indeed correct. He would start from the training camp and capture the Golden Fox directly. Then, he would get a lot of useful information from him. Next, he would just have to follow the clues and completely wipe out the modr organization. It should not be a problem.

From Metatron’s confession, Xia ruofei knew a lot of the modr organization’s secrets.

The upper echelons of the modr mercenary group were made up of five people, and they were called the five – Member council.

In this leadership team, the leader of the modr organization, the chairman of the five – man Council, Satan, had absolute authority.

The founder of the modr organization, who used Satan as his code name, was also quite mysterious. Even Metatron didn’t know his real name or his whereabouts.

However, other than meyrando, the information of the other three so – called councilmen was revealed by meyrando without any reservations.

The three councilmen were respectively, the Ethiopia named Boak with the code name Viper, the Thai named Bason with the code name Wizard, and the American named Douglas with the code name Boulder.

Among them, Boak the Viper was the confidant of Satan, the leader of the modr organization. Many of Satan’s orders were passed down through boack. He believed that as long as he caught boack, he would be able to find out Satan’s true identity and hiding place.

Apart from the training camp in Basoko town, mord also had a mercenary group of about 200 men.

In the war – torn continent of Africa, this mercenary group was like a fish in water. As long as the price was enough, the mercenary group could provide armed support. These mercenary organizations were all believers of money. As long as the money was paid, they would definitely send troops to solve the employer’s problems.

This mercenary group was led by Douglas.

Douglas, codenamed Boulder, had served in the United States Marine Corps and participated in many actual battles. He was an out – and – out master of special combat.

In addition to the training camp and the mercenary group, mord also raised a team of assassins called the dark shadow team.

The size of this team wasn’t very large, and all the members added up to about a hundred people.

The dark shadow Squad was mainly used to carry out various assassination missions. They usually acted in small groups, and each group had at least four or five people. The most would not exceed ten people. They were the small but elite kind.

The person in charge of the shadow Squad was Bason, codenamed wizard.

Bao Guijun, Qian guiyou, and the others were part of one of the assassin groups in the dark shadow Squad.

Whether it was working for an employer on the battlefield or carrying out an assassination mission in the underworld, the risk factor was quite high, and the casualty rate was also very high.

That was why the modr organization needed to set up such a training camp to continuously provide new blood for the mercenary groups and the shadow Squad.

Therefore, the importance of the training camp in the modr organization was self – evident. As a member of the Council of Five, Golden Fox Metatron was personally in charge of the training camp.

Merendo was in charge of the training camp, Douglas was in charge of the mercenary group, and Bason was in charge of the shadow team. Only boack, the Ethiopia with the codename Viper, was not in charge of any specific tasks.

However, Boak was the second – in – command in the organization, and his authority in the organization was second only to the mysterious Satan.

Besides, Boak had a very close relationship with Satan. He was basically Satan’s spokesperson because Satan rarely showed up. Most of his orders were passed on through boack.

After Xia ruofei understood the situation of the Morde organization, his eyes glinted and he asked coldly,””Some time ago, the modr organization received a mission to assassinate song Qiming, a high – ranking official in the southeast province of Huaxia. Who issued this mission? I need his specific information!” josei

The Golden Fox Metatron showed a blank expression and said,””I don’t know. The dark shadow Squad is usually in charge of assassination missions. We each have our own duties and rarely ask about other people’s business. ”

Xia ruofei couldn’t help but frown.

Xia ruofei’s main goal was to find out who the mastermind behind song Qiming’s assassination was. As for taking in some free labor, it was just a side goal.

Although the modr organization had failed this time, the hidden danger would continue to exist if they could not find the mastermind behind the scenes.

In the underworld, mord was not the only organization that could carry out assassination missions.

After the other party knew that they could not count on the Morde organization, it was hard to guarantee that they would not find other assassin organizations through some channels to complete this task.

Song Qiming was Song Wei’s father. Xia ruofei could not let anything happen to him.

It seemed that he had to deal with the cunning Viper first! Xia ruofei said to himself.

At this point, Xia ruofei had basically asked all his questions. Most of the things he wanted to know had been answered by Metatron.

Just as Xia ruofei was about to keep Metatron in the spirit map, he suddenly had an idea and asked,””Merendo, tell me how to open the secret compartment in the secret room!”

In fact, when Xia ruofei used his spiritual power to investigate, he had already discovered the secret compartment. But at the same time, he also found that there was a self – destruct device installed in the secret compartment. If he broke it down violently, it would instantly destroy the things inside the secret compartment.

Xia ruofei didn’t want to waste time on this self – destruct device, so he asked Metatron directly.

Under the influence of deep hypnosis, Metatron would never keep any secrets. After hearing Xia ruofei’s words, he immediately pointed to the corner and said,”The third floor from over there. Press both hands on both ends of the floor and press down hard at the same time. This will reveal the password board. After you enter the password, the secret compartment will open. The password is ...”

Xia ruofei followed the method that melondo had told him and walked over to the third floor. He placed both hands on the two ends of the floor and pressed down slightly.

Sure enough, after a soft click, the floor slowly sank, and at the same time, an exquisite password disk slowly floated up.

Xia ruofei entered the password that Metatron had provided. As expected, after a soft creaking sound, a secret compartment was revealed on the floor.

Xia ruofei walked over and took out all the items in the secret compartment with interest.

Other than a few stacks of US dollars, there were two boxes, one big and one small.

There was only about 100000 dollars in cash. Xia ruofei naturally didn’t care about it and kept it in the medium.

All the money he had spent on this trip abroad was now completely covered by merendo.

Xia ruofei then opened the heavy box. It was filled with glistening gold bars. Xia ruofei weighed them in his hand. Each gold bar should be the standard 500 grams. There were 40 bars here, which meant that they weighed 20 kilograms.

“Africa is indeed rich in gold!” Xia ruofei couldn’t help but Mutter to himself.

These gold bars were all cast from high – purity gold. Ten kilograms of them were worth about 800000 to 900000 dollars. Actually, with Xia ruofei’s current net worth, this was not a lot.

It was just that the number of 800000 to 900000 dollars and the dozens of shiny gold bars, although the value was similar, gave people a very different feeling.

With so many gold bars stacked together, it was quite a visual impact.

Xia ruofei admired them for a while before putting them back into the big box and storing them in the spirit map space.

Finally, Xia ruofei reached out and opened the smaller box.

When he saw what was in the box, Xia ruofei could not help but whistle. It was a box full of diamonds.

The smaller diamonds were fine. What really attracted Xia ruofei’s attention was the big pink diamond on the top.

The diamond had not been cut, so it had an irregular shape. However, this did not affect its beauty at all. The entire diamond was a mesmerizing pink color and was extremely transparent. There were no impurities inside. Even someone like Xia ruofei, who knew little about diamonds, could tell that this diamond was of a very high grade!

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