God-tier Farm

Chapter 2389 - 2389 The destruction of the dark shadow (2)

Chapter 2389 - 2389 The destruction of the dark shadow (2)

2389 The destruction of the dark shadow (2)

This was a space that seemed to be in chaos. The surroundings were all gray, as if this area was surrounded by a thick fog.

In addition to them, there were more than 80 people in this not – so – wide area.

Among these people, they didn’t know some of them, and some of them had worked together during missions. They were all members of the dark shadow Squad.

“What happened?” Tina felt a little confused.

“Even Tina has been caught!” A woman wearing a black cat mask shook her head and sighed.”It seems that the dark shadow Squad has been completely annihilated this time!”

Tina looked at the man and quickly asked,””Cat girl, what’s going on? What is this place?”

This woman wearing a black cat mask had once carried out an assassination mission with Tina’s Combat Team, so they were quite familiar with each other.

The masked girl, nicknamed catgirl, shrugged and said,””We’re the same as you, we don’t know anything. ”

“Did you guys receive the signal and rush to Usuda’s warehouse assembly point?” the Catwoman asked.”Then, you were inexplicably captured here?”

Tina nodded and said,”that’s right!” Do you guys know what’s going on?”

The catgirl shook her head and said,”I don’t know what’s going on at all. I only know that this is a power we can’t resist!” Or rather, this isn’t a power that mortals can control!”

When the cat girl said this, her eyes were still full of fear.

After a few inquiries, Tina found out that everyone here was a member of the dark shadow Squad. They had the same experience as her many times, and they were caught and brought to this damn place without any resistance.

Some people didn’t even get to see the other party’s face before they felt dizzy and arrived here.

Moreover, all of their weapons had disappeared without exception.

A group of assassins was waiting for their fate in the space cage. Not far from them, more than a hundred people were working hard.

However, even though they were so close, the killers could not sense the group of people who were working hard. The five groups led by Bao Guijun didn’t notice the huge space cage not far away.

Although Xia ruofei’s spatial cage blocked all external senses, he did not lock everyone up separately. Instead, he set up a large cage and locked them together.

It was mainly because Xia ruofei had considered that he might not have the time to go into the medium to take in these people. If they were locked up separately, most of them would have gone crazy before he could take them in.

That kind of absolute loneliness was so terrifying that it was hard to imagine.

When Xia ruofei was a soldier, the thing that soldiers were most afraid of when they made mistakes was not being punished to run 10 kilometers of an armed cross – country run or something. Instead, they were quite afraid of the detention room of the brigade.

In that kind of narrow and claustrophobic space, the walls were also added with soft soundproof materials. When people were locked inside, it was completely silent, and even their own heartbeats could be heard very clearly. It was difficult to turn around inside, as if they were completely isolated from the world.

No matter how strong a person’s mental fortitude was, if they were locked up in such a confinement room for more than a day, they would feel like going crazy. If it was more than three days, basically any normal person would go crazy.

In the abandoned warehouse.

Xia ruofei put Tina and the others into the cage and took out a few barrels of gasoline. He poured a large amount of gasoline on Bason’s body and then poured it all over the warehouse. He even paid special attention to the electric boxes.

Xia ruofei had already observed the terrain. There were only abandoned factories nearby. The nearest residential area was a hundred meters away. Even if it were to burn, it would not hurt the innocent.

He had seized a large amount of gasoline in the secret training camp in the town of Basoko, so he would naturally not feel bad using a few barrels.

After pouring out all the gasoline, Xia ruofei carefully kept the gasoline barrel back into the medium. He did not want to leave any clues. For example, if the gasoline barrel was taken from the fuel depot at the training camp in Basoko town, they might be able to find out the connection between the two events.

After setting everything up, Xia ruofei walked out of the warehouse and threw a lighter into the warehouse.

The lighter landed accurately on Bason’s body and immediately burst into flames.

There was gasoline everywhere in the warehouse, so the fire naturally became more intense. By then, Xia ruofei had already disappeared into the night.

In the suburbs Usuda, Xia ruofei heard the sirens of a fire truck behind him. He used his spiritual power to check the surroundings. After confirming that it was safe, he took out the pickup truck with the removed license plate from his space.

Xia ruofei quickly drove the pickup truck into the night.

After successfully crossing the border between arulei and Ethiopia Xia ruofei took out the pickup truck that he had just kept in his space. He put on the disguised car plate again, then got into the car and left.

As Xia ruofei drove, he pondered over the two choices he was facing. One was to leave arulei as Xia Tian and return to his country through Ethiopia. The second was to continue causing trouble for the modr mercenary group.

Currently, the modr mercenary group was in vadira, arulei’s neighboring country. The local armed forces and government forces were in an intense battle there. This mercenary group was also hired by a local anti – Government armed force and participated in the war.

Other than the two warring parties, the United Nations peacekeeping force was also in action in vadira. The situation was very complicated. Although Xia ruofei was confident that he could deal with the modr mercenary group quickly, a small force of 100 people would not be able to change the situation.

However, it was always better to be safe.

Moreover, a mercenary group was different from the training camp and the shadow team. The mercenaries in a mercenary group had all seen real blood, and unlike killers, these people were used to military combat. They were much more integrated. If there was a mistake in the process of arrest, it could cause a big problem.

Hence, there were two voices in Xia ruofei’s heart that were fighting with each other.

This was indeed a good opportunity. If he missed it, although this mercenary group was unlikely to pose a threat to him, there was a high probability that he would set up a new branch. It would be more difficult to get specific information about the mercenary group in the future.

Moreover, leaving this mercenary group behind was indeed a hidden danger.

Although the mercenary group and the dark team had very distinct roles and Xia ruofei had been extremely cautious in this operation, nothing was absolute. If he left a trace and it was traced back to him, even if it was just suspicion, it would be a lot of trouble.

Although he was not worried about revenge, he still had his own company and many friends. No matter how capable he was, he could not protect everyone.

Just like what happened to song Qiming last time, from Xia ruofei’s perspective, if something like this happened again, he would not be able to stop it.

One could be a thief for a thousand days, but one could not guard against a thief for a thousand days.

Therefore, from this perspective, it was necessary to cut the weeds and eliminate the roots. josei

Xia ruofei drove as he weighed the pros and cons.

Finally, he smacked the steering wheel and muttered to himself,””Let’s do it! If I don’t even dare to take this little risk, what’s the point of cultivating?”

After making up his mind, Xia ruofei immediately stopped the car by the side of the road and started to study the route and plan.

Between wadila and Ethiopia was the country of Aruray.

Ethiopia was to the East of arulei, and wadira was to the West.

Soon, Xia ruofei had planned an East – West route across arulei on the GPS.

Although it was said to cross a country from east to west, the land of arulei was actually very long and narrow. The distance between East and West was not too long.

According to the information he got from Manzilla, the modr mercenary group was located in the poeta region in the middle of vadira a few days ago. Since he wanted to deal with this mercenary group, Xia ruofei had to get to the poeta region as soon as possible.

Wadira was not a small country like arulei. The size of Sudan’s territory was one of the top few in Africa. After crossing the border between wadira and arulei, the journey to the poeta region was about 700 to 800 kilometers. They would also pass through many war zones. The planned route might not be smooth, so they had to prepare a few more plans.

Xia ruofei quickly made a mark on the navigation system, then started the car and drove West.

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