God-tier Farm

Chapter 2395 - 2395 A thousand - mile long - distance raid (1)

Chapter 2395 - 2395 A thousand - mile long - distance raid (1)

2395 A thousand – mile long – distance raid (1)

Xia ruofei sat in the Ford SUV that was leaking air. He took out a bottle of spirit pool water and a bag of biscuits from his storage space and had a simple meal.

In fact, as long as Xia ruofei continued to cultivate, it would not affect him even if he did not eat for a few days. This was mainly due to the habit he had developed. He always felt that his stomach would not feel right if he did not eat at least once in a while.

After dinner, Xia ruofei took out his handheld GPS and started to plan his next course of action.

From here to the poeta region, they still needed to pass through three clear war zones, so they had to be very careful when driving at night.

In addition, the poeta region was very large, and since the modr mercenary group had participated in the war, it was certainly impossible for them to be stationed in one place all the time. Where exactly this hundred – man mercenary group was located was also a problem.

Xia ruofei had been listening to the local English radio station while they were on the road today. He had a general understanding of the current situation in vadila.

At present, the government forces and anti – Government armed forces were mainly active in poeta and the surrounding areas, and the situation on the battlefield was at a stalemate. The anti – Government armed forces were in actual control of the large area Northwest of the poeta region, while the government forces were in control of the East of the poeta region.

Of course, the anti – Government armed forces also strengthened their activities in the government – controlled area. The suicide attack in Deca town this morning might increase in the future.

The poeta region was the main battlefield for the two sides. It was also the most dangerous area in the entire vadira nation. If one searched in this area without a purpose, on the one hand, it would be very inefficient, and on the other hand, there would be unknown dangers.

Xia ruofei muttered to himself for a while. He reached out and touched the spirit map scroll that he had kept in his pocket for the entire day. He then sent a telepathic message to manchila, who was lying in the portable room in the space cage and recuperating.

“Manchila, do you have any Emergency communication channel with the modr mercenary group?” Xia ruofei asked,”I need to know their current location.”

The mountain and sea realm in the spirit map space.

Manchila was lying under a bed in the first mobile house. Xia Qing had assigned him to the first group that Bao Guijun was in charge of.

Under Xia ruofei’s threats and kindness, manchila did not dare to have any other thoughts. He had no doubt that as long as he circulated his cultivation technique, the cold manager Xia would definitely notice the fluctuation of spiritual energy at the first moment. So, he had been well – behaved for the past two days and had been lying down to recuperate in boredom.

When Xia ruofei’s voice rang in his ears, he could not help but shiver.

Xia ruofei was going to make a move on the mercenary group!

First, it was the training camp, and then the shadow Squad would probably be annihilated. Now, it was the mercenary group’s turn?

The mord organization was manchila’s life’s work. Thinking that this “famous” underground organization in all of Africa was going to be destroyed, manchila could not help but feel sad.

However, he didn’t dare to disobey Xia ruofei’s question. He quickly and respectfully replied,”Master, I can contact Douglas through the radio in an emergency.”

“A radio station?” Xia ruofei could not help but raise his eyebrows.

He had thought that he would establish an emergency contact through the internet or a maritime satellite phone, but he did not expect it to be a radio station.

However, it made sense. In a complex battlefield environment, radio communication was indeed much more convenient than internet communication. After all, the location of the troops was uncertain, and it was impossible to guarantee that they could connect to the internet at all times.

As for maritime satellite phones, their privacy was far less than that of radio stations. After all, satellite phones were also transmitted through satellites, and the satellites were not in their own hands, so there was definitely the possibility of being monitored.

As for the radio, although everyone could receive radio waves in theory, as long as the password was complicated enough, the security could be guaranteed.

After all, cracking the password was a difficult problem even in the world’s military world.

Xia ruofei asked,”where’s your radio station?” Where’s the codebook?”

Xia ruofei was a little regretful now. When they were in the arulei temple, he did not ask about the details of contacting the modr mercenary group. He only knew that there was no radio in the secret chamber of manchila. Otherwise, he would have been able to find it with his spiritual power.

“Master,” manjeeb replied,”I rarely contact Douglas, and it’s not easy to install an antenna in the secret chamber, so I put the radio in one of my villas in arulei.”

“F * ck!” Xia ruofei couldn’t help but curse in his heart.

However, this was also one of the drawbacks of mental force hypnosis. The hypnotized person would answer all the questions raised by the hypnotist, and he would not hold back. However, if the hypnotist did not ask any questions in this regard, the hypnotist would not take the initiative to speak.

Xia ruofei had focused all his energy on the dark shadow Squad and had not made up his mind to wipe out the entire mercenary group. Moreover, he did not have a clear understanding of the environment of the mercenary group, so he did not ask about this.

Now that they were a few hundred kilometers deep into the vadira Kingdom, were they going to go back and find the radio station?

Wait a minute! The radio station ...

As Xia ruofei thought about this, he suddenly remembered that he had plundered an entire warehouse in the barsoco training camp. There seemed to be a whole set of radio equipment in it. josei

The training camp was originally meant to train Reserve members for mercenary groups and shadow teams, and the focus of the training was different. Since the mercenary group was equipped with a radio station, they naturally needed communication soldiers, so the training camp also arranged for some students to receive training in broadcasting.

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